From 0 to Seed in
16 Weeks

The fast-track for heart-centered Pioneers.

We helped
featured startups raise more than 10Million €

"We're the champions of your vision when nobody else believes in you, partnering with you as a seasoned team of experts. Acting as your multi-talented co-founder, we guide your journey towards successful fundraising, just 16 weeks into our program."

This is our Gameplan

The DreamDriven Venture Builder program is structured into four main steps:

Ideation and Research

Involves user surveys, smoke tests, and other methods to define the problem and understand customer needs.

MVP Development

Utilizes our in-house developers to build a Minimum Viable Product.


Assists in planning and executing market entry strategies


Prepares for and guides through the process of raising funds.

Additionally, DreamDriven offers two crucial support services:

Team Formation
We assist in building your initial core team, focusing on finding the right mix of skills and personalities to complement your startup's vision and goals.
Financial, Tax, and Legal Advisory
Our team provides comprehensive guidance on company formation, including advice on financial planning, tax optimization, and legal structuring to ensure a solid foundation for your venture.

The DreamTeam

Discover our passionate team, working hard to bring the Dreams to Life




All About Creativity, Marketing (and Spirituality)


Tech Tech Tech and Helping People


Problem Solution Hacker / Impact Monster


Venture Analyst

Our extended Team

Our Pioneers club with over 50 experts ready to work on the impact startup

Read our founder stories

Heart-Centered Pioneers we worked with before:

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Welcome to the DreamDriven House,

just like in the TV show 'Silicon Valley'. We have 8 single rooms, a big open office area, and a huge lounge for chilling out. At DreamDriven, our team and the entrepreneurs work together like one big family. This place is special – it's where amazing stories start. It's the perfect spot for big dreams to come to life."

Typically, our investment in each startup, at Stage 0, is approximately €50,000, provided through a range of services in a co-founder capacity.

In exchange for our commitment and resources, we acquire an equity stake ranging from 10% to 20%. Here is an illustrative example outlining this calculation.

Terms? At DreamDriven, we stand for full transparency.
Understanding where we stand is the key to unlocking our true potential and changing the game together.

Take a peek at your future termsheet here and see the clarity we bring right from the start.

Everyone going with us on an (ad)venture signes our Pioneers Pact:

DreamDriven envisions entrepreneurial success as more than just numbers and profits; it's about a journey marked by excellence, empathy, and mindfulness. This approach emphasizes innovation driven by a deep respect for nature and community connection, redefining success as a path walked with integrity and a heart-centered approach. DreamDriven aims to nurture entrepreneurs who blend ambition with compassion, leading to sustainable success and impactful change in industries.

Have a question? check these answers.

Nothing that can't be asked.

DreamDriven provides flexible compensation options tailored to each unique case. We can be compensated in shares, cash, or a combination of both through a hybrid model. We’re adaptable in our approach to ensure a mutually beneficial partnership. If you have specific compensation preferences or concerns, please reach out, and we’ll be happy to discuss a structure that best fits both parties.

You can anticipate a minimum of 4 hours of direct support weekly. Depending on the availability and capacities of the DreamDriven Team, there might be chances for more intensive assistance. The level of support can be tailored based on your startup’s unique requirements and stage of development. To delve deeper into how we can assist you, please click “apply now”, fill out the form, and schedule a call with us.

Yes, DreamDriven offers assistance with the incorporation process if your company isn’t already established. We believe in providing a comprehensive approach to support startups right from the inception phase.

Currently, DreamDriven focuses on investments in companies based in Europe. If your startup is based in Europe or plans to operate there, we are eager to explore potential collaboration and investment opportunities.

The equity taken by DreamDriven varies based on our evaluation of your current venture. We assess the value and stage of your startup, and then convert the value of our services, typically ranging between 15-50k, into equity. For instance, solopreneurs without an MVP are usually valued between 150k to 500k, and the exact equity percentage will depend on this evaluation and the founder’s credentials. It’s a flexible approach designed to ensure fairness and alignment with the growth potential of your venture.

At DreamDriven, we’ve honed a unique platform approach to acceleration. By leveraging technology and strategies from previous successful ventures, we can efficiently and effectively fast-track your startup’s growth. From go-to-market strategies, pitch training, business and financial planning, to fundraising, we utilize proven structures. But it’s not just about reusing successful tactics; we blend these with the tailored, performance-driven creativity that your individual venture demands. This combination of tried-and-true methods and fresh innovation ensures rapid progress in a short time frame.

Absolutely! DreamDriven boasts 7 rooms specifically reserved for our entrepreneurs and teams. Should you opt to work on-site, you’ll enjoy free accommodation. However, if you’d prefer a more flexible approach, our hybrid model allows for bi-weekly sprints with the team on-site. We truly believe in the transformative energy and commitment that comes from working together in one space. This is why we’re thrilled to provide flexible in-house accommodation options to best suit your working style and needs.

Our aim is to help you “fail fast” so that time isn’t wasted on non-viable paths. If a pivot is needed, we’re here to guide you to maximize chances of success. Within the 12 weeks, we work diligently to find a compelling solution for the identified problem. However, it’s essential to note that DreamDriven can opt out of the investment at any time if we feel the founder is not embodying an “All In” mentality. In such scenarios, the startup might be dissolved.

Should the startup be dissolved by mutual agreement, DreamDriven retains the right to use the IP. This arrangement is crucial to ensure that all involved parties, including you, can benefit from the learnings and technologies of other startups. Our endeavor is to create value by harnessing the knowledge and resources of the entire DreamDriven community.

Our collaboration follows a structured yet agile approach. Before we begin our cooperation, we conduct a thorough analysis to estimate the effort required and identify areas that demand significant resources. Based on this assessment:

  • Monthly Planning: At the start of each month, we chalk out a detailed plan outlining our goals and priorities for the coming weeks.

  • Weekly Sprints: We operate in weekly sprints, which allows us to adapt quickly to any changes and make real-time adjustments as required.

  • Project Management: For transparent task management and progress tracking, we use Trello. This ensures that all team members have a clear overview of ongoing tasks, deadlines, and responsibilities.

  • Communication: We believe in open and continuous communication. For this, we employ Discord as our primary communication tool, ensuring all team members can easily collaborate and discuss in real-time.

Our approach is designed to be both strategic and responsive, ensuring we remain aligned with our goals while being adaptable to the ever-evolving startup landscape.

Absolutely. However, the pivotal aspect here isn’t just about finding a co-founder but discerning the right time to do so. Bringing on a co-founder before having an MVP can be challenging. Not only is it hard to convince them, but it can also be costly in terms of equity, given that you’re primarily armed with just an idea, making the risk substantial.

DreamDriven provides consultation on the optimal timing for bringing a co-founder on board. We also help in team-building and can introduce potential co-founders from our extensive network. It’s essential to understand, though, that while we can make introductions, we cannot guarantee a perfect match. As anyone who has ventured down this path knows, chemistry is crucial. With statistics showing that around 65% of startups fail due to founder team misalignment, it’s clear that this decision should not be rushed. We emphasize the importance of patience and ensuring a harmonious fit for the long-term success of your venture.