Drake Magazine Back Issues 2016

Drake Magazine Back Issue Content: 2016

Spring – Flowing Ambition, BayWatch II, Dog Days of Spring, Return to Providence

Summer – Shadow Grab, I’ll Take a Half-Dozen Malpeques and a Cocktail. A Tribute to Jim Harrison, National Park of Flyfishing, Of Mice and Brown Trout

Fall – The Tugur Chum Eaters, The Dean, Mac-Daddy, & the Advocate, The Adirondack Experience

Winter – Into the Mystic, Skagit, v2.0, Brazilian Brawlers, Cold and Clear

The beauty of SaraBella goes beyond pretty colors

Rodmaking Rose

BEFORE APRIL ARCHER cofounded Denver-based SaraBella Fishing—makers of women-specific fly rods—she’d already noticed an influx of female flyfishers to the sport. But as an angler herself, fishing since she was a toddler and flyfishing for the past 16 years, she also recognized that there was a distinct lack of women-specific gear.

Son of Forks, Washington

Gray Struznik

IT’S NOT DIFFICULT to imagine the tiny community of Forks, Washington, on the Olympic Peninsula, kindling the kind of small-town restlessness that prompts its sons and daughters to move elsewhere. But Gray Struznik, born into this land of tall trees and deep puddles, was never struck by that desire to bounce. Instead, he stayed and…

Without our rivers, what is left?

Confessions of a One-Issue Voter

DEEP INSIDE MOST TROUT anglers lies an understanding that the existence of clean water and healthy public habitat are what get us out of bed in the morning, especially on weekends. Many have sacrificed lucrative careers, either by stalling out in the middle when the job-responsibility-to-annual-vacation-day ratio became optimal for fishing, or by running away…

One man’s battle to free the Klamath

Flowing Ambition

[The Obama administration and California officials are set to announce an agreement to remove four hydroelectric dams on the Klamath River, sidestepping Congress to restore its salmon and steelhead fisheries. The move would result in the largest river restoration in U.S. history. A news conference trumpeting the deal will take place today at the Yurok Reservation in…