
Secret Diskfor Windows


Effortlessly create a secret disk on your hard drive

Do you have sensitive files or data you want to keep away from prying eyes? Secret Disk, developed by Yuri Saprykin, is a Windows application that allows you to create a hidden and password-protected disk on your hard drive. This secret disk is invisible to Windows explorer, providing an additional layer of security for your confidential information.

To set up Secret Disk, simply install the program and set a password. This will create a drive with a letter, such as Z, which can only be accessed by entering the correct password. Once inside the secret disk, you can store any files or data you want, as long as you have enough space on your hard drive. When you're done, you can close and lock the folder, causing it to disappear from Windows.

In addition to its ease of use, Secret Disk offers an excellent settings menu. You can choose to receive notifications if there are any failed attempts to access the hidden drive, providing an extra layer of security. However, it's important to note that while the hidden disk itself is not visible, the application itself is not hidden, so other users may notice its presence.

Overall, Secret Disk is a simple and effective solution for creating a private and secure folder on your PC. It allows you to keep your sensitive documents protected and away from prying eyes.

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Secret Diskfor Windows


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