
Need help with Magnolia?

  • If you have a support contract with Magnolia, you can enter support requests into the SUPPORT project of Jira, our issue tracking system.

  • If you don’t have a support contract, you can still get very valuable help from the mailing lists and wiki.

Magnolia account

Due to security restrictions and certification requirements, we can’t create shared accounts or allow their use. However, we’re happy to create two or more accounts for you if needed.

DX Core clients can use their Magnolia account to access the Jira issue tracking system, Confluence wiki, Git version control, and Nexus repository.

If you don’t have a Magnolia support account yet, contact Magnolia Sales at and include the following information:

  • Name: Give your personal name.

  • Company

  • Client: This is needed if you are working for a client who already has a contract with Magnolia.

  • Email address: Please provide an individual email address at your company, not a generic account such as

  • Phone number

Don’t change your Magnolia password in the Jira support system or the Confluence wiki. You will not be able to log in again. Use the self-service password change form instead. If you forget your password, send a message to and ask for a password reset.

On reporting issues in general

Please provide lots of details when reporting a SUPPORT-related issue in Jira. This allows us to help you more effectively. Please report how to reproduce the problem, attach log files, screenshots and so on.

Ticket’s SLA is set depending on the reporter of the ticket. New tickets created in need of a customer with a higher SLA have to be reported by the customer and make it visible to the involved accounts following the instructions defined in section Making issues visible to teammates. Making it visible to the involved accounts will allow partners or teammates edit and comment on it.

Issue types

Select from the following issue types:

  • Support Request. The product license determines the available product support options. For more details about the options, contact us.

  • Magnolia Malfunction. Use to ask for help with any kind of problem related to a corrupted repository, missing documentation or malfunctioning Magnolia code. Covered by support agreement.

  • Installation and Migration. Use to request help with the initial installation of Magnolia or for help with migration of Magnolia to a newer version or different type of configuration. Covered by support agreement.

  • Development Support Request. Developer support is available for Magnolia Partners and Magnolia DX Core customers only. We use a range of online communication tools to ensure that support is provided by our experts to your developers.

Betas are not supported

Beta versions of Magnolia are not supported. They are not official production releases or intended for production use. Please do not file support tickets for betas. Report and discuss problems on the forum instead.

Exporting configuration

When reporting an issue, the more information you provide, the better we can address your issue. Here’s how to collect information from your system.

There are several ways to export content, data and configuration. The most common is exporting XML.

To export XML:

  1. Right-click a node to export the node and its children.

  2. Select Export. Accept any system requests to download files containing XML.

The resulting XML file contains the node hierarchy. File name matches the path in the repository. For example, when you export Configuration > /modules/adminInterface/controls the file name is config.modules.adminInterface.controls.xml. When Magnolia Support imports the file it will recreate your node hierarchy in their Magnolia instance.

Tracing errors

Error messages tell you which Java class produces the error. This is vital information for finding the root cause of an issue.

The first task in tracing errors is to identify the fully-qualified name of the Java class.

Example: Magnolia was unable to send mail. The fully-qualified name of the Java class where the error was raised is info.magnolia.module.form.processors.SendContactEMailProcessor.

ERROR info.magnolia.module.form.processors.SendContactEMailProcessor
   07.10.2011 16:08:17 -- Contact email
   Could not connect to SMTP host: localhost, port: 25;

The class name is not always available. For example, in Freemarker templating errors only a stack trace is displayed, no class name.

freemarker.core.NonBooleanException: Error on line 13, column 6 in templating-kit/paragraphs/content/textImage.ftl
Expecting a boolean (true/false) expression here
Expression content.subtitle does not evaluate to true/false
it is an instance of freemarker.template.SimpleScalar
   at freemarker.core.Expression.isTrue(
   at freemarker.core.ConditionalBlock.accept(
   at freemarker.core.Environment.visit(
   at freemarker.core.MixedContent.accept(

A stack trace is a sequence of nested functions called up to the point where the stack trace is generated. The error log displays the stack trace up to function where the failure occurred.

Errors are dealt with sequentially. Magnolia logs the error that first caused the failure. Rectifying the first error does not always solve the problem entirely but will help you to find the ultimate source. For example, if you try to send an email and there is both a templating error and an error in your SMTP configuration, you will first need to resolve the templating error before you can see that there is also an authentication issue.

Once you know class name, configure logging to get more details.

Reading the troubleshooting documentation

Read the troubleshooting documentation that includes solutions to common issues.

Reporting a security issue

If you find a security vulnerability in Magnolia, please always report it in the SUPPORT project:

Issues in the SUPPORT project are private to Magnolia and the issue reporter.

Magnolia Support team will investigate and take appropriate action. Our goal is to keep the vulnerability private. We take security seriously and aim to provide patches promptly. The best way to stay secure is to always keep your Magnolia instances up-to-date.

Stale issues

Issues where we have been waiting for feedback for a certain amount of time might get closed automatically. You’ll always have the possibility to Re-open issues, even if they have been closed this way.

Following up on your issues

At any time, you can see the status of your issues by browsing Jira.

Once a member of the Magnolia Support Team takes your request in charge, it will switch to the In Progress status. If we need more information from you, you will receive an email and the status will be Waiting for customer information. To reply to us, please use the Jira web interface, and the Reply to Magnolia Support action (in the left menu), so that it comes back to us in the proper status. Here too, your collaboration will help us follow up with your issue more effectively. Of course, you can always add comments or attachments when needed.

Once the issue is resolved for you, you can Close it immediately. A member of the Magnolia Support Team could also Resolve your issue, in which case you’ll have the possibility to Confirm the issue resolution or Reopen it if you think your issue isn’t entirely solved.

Reporting via the About app

To report an issue in Magnolia CMS:

  1. Open the About app.

  2. Go to the Report an Issue tab

  3. Log in with your Jira credentials.

  4. Select issue type.

  5. Enter details in the dialog.

  6. Submit.

Submit new report

After submission, find your issue on the list and go to Jira to add more information such as logs, configuration files and screenshots.

Reporting via Jira

Create a SUPPORT issue directly or click the Create button in the green bar at the top and then select the Support project.

If you do not see the Support project in Jira, you do not have a support account. Send us the details listed above. Support requests reported in other projects will be closed since they lack details about your configuration.

Moving an issue into the Support project

To move an issue entered into another project into the Support project:

  1. Open the issue in Jira.

  2. Click More actions > Move.

  3. Set New Project to Support - Magnolia.

  4. Set New Issue Type to Support Request.
    Move the issue

  5. Click Next and fill the environment details.

Making issues visible to teammates

By default, support issues are only visible to the reporter (you) and Magnolia Support staff. If you want to grant your teammates access to the issue, type their account names into the Visible to field. You need a DX Core support account in order to create and edit issues.

Make the issue visible to others


If you don’t have a Magnolia support contract and therefore no support account, you can still get some help from the community. Describe your issue on the forum, paste logs to a text storage service such as and link to them from your forum post. Don’t paste large amounts of text in the forum post itself.

There are several free pastebin services designed specifically to store and share text online. For images, try Tinypic, imgur or any other.

Mailing lists

See Forum and mailing lists for details.


Community-supported wiki has technical articles and tips.


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