Difficulty LevelSequence (Algorithms)DebuggingRepeatRepeat Until - WhileFor LoopsEventsVariablesFunctionsFunctions w/ParamsConditionals
1a) Add a single instruction at the end of a program
b) Remove a block from a existing instructions
c) Modify text, numbers, or other parameters in existing instructions
a) Decide whether or not there is a bug in a program when prompted
b) Without prompting, identify when there is a bug in a sequential program upon running
c) Fix a bug that has been pointed out via instructions
a) Move existing code into a loop with prompting
b) Construct simple (1-instruction) loop with prompting
c) Identify areas of a program that repeat exactly
d) Modify or delete a single loop instruction with prompting
e) Change loop run parameter
a) Use 'repeat until' with a single command as prompted
b) Change 'while' run parameter
Use a 'for loop' as a simple repeat loop (from 1 to n by 1) with pre-written code inside.Use a program containing events to affect a pre-determined sequence.a) With prompting, provide a value to a pre-existing variable
b) Add a variable with a pre-existing value to one place in a program, prompted or unprompted
With prompting, call a predefined functiona) With prompting, call a predefined function with prefilled parameter
b) Change a parameter for a predefined function that is being called
With prompting, change an instruction inside of the "if" to indicate understanding of how the program will run if the condition is true.
2a) Add a single instruction anywhere but the end of a program
b) Add multiple consecutive instructions at end of program
c) Remove multiple blocks from a program
a) Identify when there is going to be a bug in a sequential program before running
b) Identify and fix single bug in a sequential program through running
a) Construct a simple (1 or 2 instruction) loop without prompting
b) Construct simple 3+ instruction loop with prompting
c) Move existing code into a loop without prompting
d) Modify or delete a single loop instruction without prompting
a) Use 'repeat until/while/forever' with a single command unprompted
b) Use 'repeat until/while/forever' with multiple pre-written commands as prompted
a) Use a 'for loop' as a repeat loop, but with a starting value other than 1, with pre-written code inside.
b) Use a 'for loop' as a repeat loop, but with an increment other than 1, with pre-written code inside.
c) Create a simple (increment of 1) 'for loop' with a single instruction inside, prompted.
Place a single command beneath an event handler with promptinga) Provide a value to a pre-existing variable, unprompted
b) Add a variable with a pre-existing value to multiple places in a program, prompted
Call a predefined function without promptinga) Call a predefined, prefilled function without prompting
b) Fill a blank parameter for a predefined function that is being called
With prompting, add instructions to a conditional in order to get a desired result
3a) Construct a simple linear program from beginning
b) Add multiple consecutive instructions anywhere but end of program
c) Add instructions to loops (consecutive or otherwise)
d) Move or rearrange a small number of lines of code with or without additions
a) Identify and fix single bug in a sequential program before running
b) Identify and fix two program bugs through running
a) Construct or modify simple loop with 3 or more instructions without prompting
b) Use two or more loops in a series with prompting
a) Create a program with one 'repeat until/while/forever' containing 2 commands prompted or unprompted.
b) Use 'repeat until' with multiple pre-written commands unprompted.
c) Identify code that can be further simplified using a 'repeat until'.
a) Create a simple (increment of 1) 'for loop' with 1 instruction inside, unprompted.
b) Create a simple (increment of 1) 'for loop' with 2 or more instructions inside, prompted.
c) Create a 'for loop' with an increment other than 1, prompted.
d) Edit program inside loop to use counter
a) Place a single command beneath an event handler without prompting
b) Place single commands beneath multiple event handlers with prompting.
c) Place 2 commands beneath a single event handler with prompting.
d) Create a program using an appropriate event handler with prompting.
a) Add a variable with a pre-existing value to one place in a program, unprompted
b) Assign values to multiple pre-defined variables, prompted or unprompted
c) Use multiple pre-defined variables inside a program, prompted
a) Edit a predefined function to work for its call in an existing program
b) Edit a predefined function and call it appropriately
c) Edit an existing program to work when a predefined function is called
a) Edit a predefined function to require a parameter with prompting
b) Edit an existing program to work when a predefined function with parameter is called with prompting
c) Call a predefined function with a single parameter, prompted or unprompted
a) Without prompting, add instructions to one or more conditionals in order to get a desired result.
4a) Add multiple non-consecutive instructions
b) Move or rearrange many lines of code with or without additions
c) Add instructions to branching elements (such as events, functions, or conditionals)
a) Identify and fix three or more bugs in a sequential program through running
b) Identify and fix a bug in terminating condition/bounds/increment/passed parameter for branched connection
c) Identify and fix a bug in a branched program though running
a) Use two or more loops in a series without prompting
b) Create a single nested loop layer with prompting
a) Create a program with one 'repeat until' of 3 or more instructions, prompted or unprompted.
b) Create a program using more than one 'repeat until' in sequence, prompted or unprompted.
c) Use a single nested 'repeat until' with prompting
d) Recognize when the situation created by the loop content will never satisfy the terminating condition (infinite loop)
a) Identify code that should be simplified using the parameters of a 'for loop' over a repeat loop.
b) Create a 'for loop' with an increment other than 1, unprompted.
c) Modify parameters on a pre-constructed set of nested 'for loops' to get desired result based on prompts.
d) Use multiple 'for loops' in sequence, correctly scoping the counter variable.
a) Place single commands beneath multiple event handlers without prompting.
b) Place 2 commands beneath a single event handler without prompting.
c) Place 2 or more commands beneath multiple event handlers with prompting.
d) Place 3 or more commands beneath a single event handler with prompting.
e) Create a program using an appropriate event handler without prompting.
a) Use multiple pre-defined variables inside a program, unprompted
b) Create a variable to be used in a pre-existing program, assign it a value, and use it one or more places in a program, prompted or unprompted
c) Create a program that defines a variable, assigns it a value, and uses it correctly (prompted or unprompted)
a) Define a function, then call it in a pre-existing program
b) Define a function, then write a program that calls it
a) Define a function with a single parameter, then call it in a pre-existing program with prompting
b) Define a function with a single parameter, then write a program that calls it with prompting
c) Call a predefined function with multiple parameters, prompted or unprompted
a) With prompting, add instructions to both 'if' and 'else' portions of one or more conditionals.
5a) Move or rearrange branching elements, or code within branching elements
b) Construct entire program including branching elements
a) Identify and fix multiple bugs in program before running
b) Identify and fix multiple bugs in a branched program though running
a) Use a single nested loop layer without prompting
b) Use multiple nested loops in sequence with or without prompting
c) Use nested loops more than one layer deep with prompting
a) Use a single nested 'repeat until' without prompting.
b) Use multiple 'repeat until' loops nested one layer deep with or without prompting.
c) Use a single nested 'repeat until' that is more than one layer deep with prompting.
a) Create a single-layer nested 'for loop' unprompted.
b) Create a multiple-layer nested 'for loop' with prompting.
c) When a solution calls for the nesting of a repeat loop and a for loop, determine which goes on the inside and the outside
a) Place 2 or more commands beneath multiple event handlers without prompting.
b) Place 3 or more commands beneath a single event handler without prompting.
c) Create a program using more than one appropriate event handler without prompting.
a) Create variables to be used in a pre-existing program, assigns them value, and uses one or more places, unprompted
b) Create a program that defines variables, assigns them value, and uses them correctly (prompted or unprompted)
a) Define a function that calls an existing function and call it in an existing program
b) Define a function that calls an existing function and write a program that calls it
c) Recognize when a function can be used to "clean-up" repeated code
a) Define a function with a single parameter, then call it in a pre-existing program without prompting
b) Define a function with a single parameter, then write a program that calls it without prompting
c) Define a function with two parameters, then call it in a pre-existing program with prompting
d) Define a function with a two parameters, then write a program that calls it with prompting
e) Identify when a parameter can be used to generalize a predefined function to make it work for multiple problems with promptings
a) Without prompting, add instructions to both 'if' and 'else' portions of one or more conditionals.
b) With or without prompting, add instructions to 'if', 'else if' and 'else' portions of one or more conditionals.
c) With or without prompting, add instructions to a single layer of nested conditionals.