Primary logo
DNSRF Corporate Logo - words and line shorter version
{item._type | case 'page' 'Web page' 'blog/blog' publication 'adnewsfeed/news' 'News' 'docs/article' 'Docs'}{item.section.title} / {item.chapter.title} / {item.topic.title}  | {category.title}
{item.publishDate | date 'DD MMM YYYY' | append ': '}

Internet research, data & standards

Making sense of the internet's domain name system and other unique identifiers


Popular Projects

Who we work with

Anti-Phishing Working Group

Feed provider

Internet Society Foundation

Grant funding


Grant funding

Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford

Academic Research Partner

Global Anti-Scam Alliance
Events, and ScamAdvisor feed
Co-Event organiser, anti-spam feed
Meta Inc.

Partner, Advisory Committee

Global Cyber Alliance
American Registry for Internet Numbers

Grant funding

American University

Academic Partner

Latin American and Caribbean Internet Address Registry

Grant funding


Project funding

Motion Picture Association


Public Interest Registry


IP Metro


.au Domain Administration



Project funding

ICANN Business Constituency

Project funding

ICANN Intellectual Property Constituency

Project funding

Department for Science, Innovation and Technology

Project funding

Journal of Cyber Policy

Collaboration on Special Issue

Media item

Internet Industry League Tables

Celebrating the best suppliers in the internet industry, those with the fewest abuse and threat reports

View the tables

DNSRF Indices.

Key metrics from our DAP.LIVE Open Data platform providing data and insights into the DNS.

Domain Names In DAP.LIVE

Growth last day
% Change last day
New gTLDs

Domain Name Growth

Overall growth of active domain names currently being processed by DAP.LIVE tracked over the last 6 months
Feed sources:
ICANN Centralised Zone Data Service (CZDS), .UK, .EE, .NU, .SE CCTLD Zone Files
Last 7 Days
{state.metricijzclw | member 'difference' | commaseparatedthousands}
{state.metricijzclw | member 'percentageChange'}%

Top 100 Popular Domains

Top 100 Popular domains as of today ranked by Tranco and compared with the highest Bucketed Rank supplied by Google CrUX for that domain
Feed sources:
Tranco, Google CrUX
Domain Name Tranco Rank CrUX Rank

Malware Reports by URL

Total number of Malware Reports as recorded by URLHaus over the last 6 months
Feed sources:
Last 7 Days
{state.metricimnbpk | member 'lastSevenDays' | commaseparatedthousands}
{state.metricimnbpk | member 'percentageChange'}%

Top 50 TLDs

The top 50 TLDs by active domain names as observed using the set of active domain names currently available to DAP.LIVE
Feed sources:
Centralised Zone Data Service, .UK, .EE, .NU, .SE CCTLD Zone Files
TLD Totals 7 day change
{item | member 'latestTotal' | commaseparatedthousands } {item | member 'percentageChange' }%

Phishing Reports by URL

Total number of Phishing Reports as recorded by OpenPhish over the last 6 months
Feed sources:
Last 7 Days
{state.metriciprpyn | member 'lastSevenDays' | commaseparatedthousands}
{state.metriciprpyn | member 'percentageChange'}%

Top 50 Phishing Root Domains

Top observed phishing root domains over the last 24 hours based upon all URLs processed from OpenPhish
Feed sources:
Root Domain Last 1 Day 7 Day Change
{item | member 'change' }
Media item

Exploring DAP

A blog series showing the use of DAP.LIVE spanning a diverse array of use cases by DNS expert Alex Deacon. Alex demonstrates how to create different dashboards combining data from DAP live data feeds, building analytical queries for future use, and outputing for live updates.

Explore more of Alex's work

Our mission

To advance the understanding of the Domain Name System's impact on cybersecurity, policy and technical standards.

Achieving our mission

The DNS Research Federation achieves its mission through:

  • Education and research
  • Improving access to data
  • Engagement in technical standards

About the DNS Research Federation

The DNS Research Federation is a not-for-profit organisation that sits at the intersection of policy and technology. We fund research, engage in technical standards, and bring technical tools and objective data relating to the internet's unique identifier systems ⎻ especially the DNS ⎻ to researchers, public safety and industry stakeholders.

Exploring the linkages between traditional internet governance, the strategic importance of technical standards, and contemporary policy challenges, the DNS Research Federation connects up islands of scholarship and communities of expertise.

Media item

Our Distinguished Advisors

Our panel of internationally recognised experts in cybersecurity, internet governance, data, research and education, offering generous advice on all aspects of our work.

More about our panel

Our stakeholders

We provide services that are tailored to the needs of three stakeholder groups

For Education & Research

  • Research grants
  • Access to data
  • Mentoring & support

For Public Safety

  • Industry intelligence
  • Custom solutions
  • Access to industry expertise

For Industry

  • Objective information
  • Technical standards hub
  • Open source analytics tools 

Open data platform: DAP.LIVE

Our DNS Analytics Platform - an online data, feeds, and analytics service hosted at DAP.LIVE offering FREE data, dashboards, a developer API, notifications, and more ..

{datafeeds.response | toJSON | length}

data feeds

Build, explore, and visualise data from our curated and de-duplicated data feeds, refined for easy analysis.

{datafeeds.response | toJSON | memberValues 'categories' | mergeValues | memberValues 'key' | distinct | length}

data feed categories

Explore data from different categories, including Phishing, Malware, SEO, Blockchain domains, and more.

{dashboards.response | toJSON | length}

quick start dashboards

Easily kick off your project with pre-configured dashboards built as starter kits for your use.

Frequently asked questions



View all questions