I replaced the bulb in the oven with a new bulb and it won't light. Both the old bulb & new bulb work in a table lamp. The light stopped working after cleaning the oven. Any suggestions? Is there fuse some where?

  • Is it a self-cleaning oven? What's the oven's model number? You can use that to look up the manual on the internet, and that will tell you if there's a fuse that you can replace.
    – Niall C.
    Commented Jan 5, 2013 at 15:34
  • Or a lightbulb that you can replace. Commented Jan 5, 2013 at 16:12
  • I have the owners manual & installtion manual from the previous homeowner. Neither manual has schematic diagrams to indicate where a fuse may be. It is a self cleaning oven. Model # JGBP24GEN Serial # TD 20296 HP. The button switch that the door activates to turn on the light still moves in & out I checked that to make sure it was not stuck in. I followed the manuals procedure for changing the bulb.
    – user9917
    Commented Jan 5, 2013 at 19:54

2 Answers 2


The self cleaning cycle heats the oven up to 900-1000°F so if it worked before it may be that some damage was caused during the cycle either to the socket or to the switch. Try putting a multimeter on the socket to see if you have power, then click the switch and test again. If there is no power during either test then it is probably the switch.


The LED bulbs don’t seem to be compatible with the high heat of the cleaning cycle. Remove the bulb before engaging the cleaning cycle. In my experience, the light output from the LED bulb drops precipitately after experiencing the high heat. Your problem of complete failure is something besides the bulb.

  • Hi Peter, this site works differently.Each answer is expected to be add something new. Commented Apr 7 at 9:41

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