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How do you make those darn code monkeys do what you want? Just give ’em a little nudge

Nudge theory – brainchild of Richard Thaler, a professor of behavioural science and economics at the University of […]

Netflix could pwn 2020s IT security – they need only reach out and take

The container is doomed, killed by serverless. Containers are killing Virtual Machines (VM). Nobody uses bare metal servers. […]

Great, we’re going to get DevOps-ed. So, 15 years of planning processes – for the bin?

In large organisations, the question is rarely “what are these newfangled practices and technologies,” but more “how could […]

Ethics? Yeah, that’s great, but do they scale?

This March I’ll be co-running the first ethics track for the tech conference QCon London. We’ve had so […]

Software shortcuts: Pay down your tech debt. It’s time to fix a price

Technical debt: we probably create it every day. It happens when you do things that might get you […]

The many-faced god of operational excellence, DevOps and now ‘site reliability engineering’

Someone’s been kicking up the “NoOps” ant pile again. There it was, sitting there finally rebuilt after the […]

‘Do the DevOps?’ No thanks! Not until a ‘blameless post-mortem’ really is one

What drives organisations to change their ways? What’s the match that lights the powder keg of actually doing […]