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FrankenPHP and Caddy: Double performance, claims Caddy creator but only some apps benefit

FrankenPHP, a PHP App server written in Go and built on the Caddy web server, has the potential […]

Next.js 15 Release Candidate supports React 19, disables caching by default after developer feedback

Vercel has released Next.js 15 RC (release candidate), including not only support but a requirement for React 19, […]

Customers protest as JetBrains ends Space collaboration platform, intros SpaceCode as partial alternative

Citing weak adoption, JetBrains will discontinue its Space product – an all-in-one solution for code collaboration – in […]

Angular 18 released, including the ‘same library used by Google Search’ thanks to Wiz merger

The Angular team has released version 18 of this Google-sponsored TypeScript framework, including a core library also used […]

Windows development revamped with Copilot Runtime, native PyTorch – and the surprising comeback of WPF

There was news for Windows desktop developers at Microsoft’s Build event, under way in Seattle, including a Copilot […]

Microsoft releases .NET Aspire as an ‘opinionated stack’ for cloud applications, including telemetry and a monitoring dashboard

At its Build event under way in Seattle, Microsoft has released the first production build of .NET Aspire, […]

Interview: Developers spend too much time ‘not coding’ says Harness CEO

Harness CEO and co-founder Jyoti Bansal told DevClass that “developers spend 60 to 70 percent of their time not […]

At Google I/O, Flutter and Dart updates overshadowed by official support for Kotlin Multiplatform

Among Google’s news at its I/O 2024 event this week was the release of Flutter 3.22 and Dart […]

Google Project IDX remote development environment now in open beta – but without iOS simulator

Google has opened its Project IDX browser-based remote development environment to public beta, as well as adding integration […]

GitHub research reports high Copilot satisfaction from enterprise devs… but others doubt productivity gains

 A GitHub report on research conducted with developers at global technology services company Accenture attempted to quantify the […]