Visual Studio Blog

The official source of product insight from the Visual Studio Engineering Team

Try Visual Studio 2022 v17.6 Preview 1

The first Preview for Visual Studio 2022 17.6 is now available! This release expands on the recently released 17.5 version of Visual Studio and aims at enhancing your productivity whether you’re a .NET developer, a game developer, and/or a C++ developer. Why should you try the latest preview? Because it’s like living in the future – ...

Debugging Encoded Text

Validating encoded strings is a basic but important part of our debugging workflow these days. I cannot count the number of times I have found myself looking at a URL-encoded string only to be suddenly unsure how percentage signs are supposed to be represented? I have been a web developer for years, but I can never remember what the URL-...

Gain +10 Debugging for Unity with Visual Studio

If you’re like me, you’ve probably searched through Debug.Log messages in the Unity console to find or fix a bug. Have you also asked if there was a better way? Follow along with our new video series and by the end we think you’ll be surprised at how a few simple debugging tools in Visual Studio can transform your workflow with Unity.

Java on Visual Studio Code October Update

Welcome to the October update of Java on Visual Studio Code! This month, we're bringing some new features for code navigation, code actions and refactoring, code snippet along with Java 13 support. There's also improvements in debugger, maven, checkstyle and Test Runner.

Java on Visual Studio Code June Update

Welcome to the June update of Java on Visual Studio Code! Earlier this month, we shared our new Java Installer for Visual Studio Code, which aims to help new Java developers to get their environment ready and start coding in just a few clicks. In this update, we’d like to share a couple new features and enhancements delivered during last ...