Visual Studio Blog

The official source of product insight from the Visual Studio Engineering Team

Azure IoT Tools November Update: standalone simulator for Azure IoT Edge development and more!

Welcome to the November update of Azure IoT Tools! In this November release, you will see the new standalone simulator for Azure IoT Edge development, the support of Vcpkg for IoT Plug and Play development and more new features. Deploy Event Grid module on Azure IoT Edge Event Grid on IoT Edge brings the power and flexibility of Azure ...

Azure IoT Tools October Update: new experience of sending device-to-cloud messages and more!

Welcome to the October update of Azure IoT Tools! In this October release, you will see the totally new experience of sending device-to-cloud messages and Azure IoT Device Provisioning Service support in Visual Studio Code. New experience of sending device-to-cloud messages Z, a software engineer, developed an application about a ...

Azure IoT Tools August Update: IoT Plug and Play tooling public preview and more!

Welcome to the August update of Azure IoT Tools!  In this release of August, we have made several feature and improvements!  IoT Plug and Play tooling public preview  On August 22, 2019, we released a preview of IoT Plug and Play. IoT solution developers can start using Azure IoT Central or Azure IoT Hub to ...

Introducing Time Travel Debugging for Visual Studio Enterprise 2019

The Time Travel Debugging (TTD) preview in Visual Studio Enterprise 2019 provides the ability to record a Web app running on a Azure Virtual Machine (VM) and then accurately reconstruct and replay the execution path. TTD integrates with our Snapshot Debugger offering and allows you to rewind and replay each line of code however many times you want, helping you isolate and identify problems that might only occur in production environments.