Petr Semkin

Software Engineer, F# Compiler & Tooling

Hey, I'm Petr - a .NET developer based in Prague, currently working in the F# compiler & tooling team. Apart from functional programming, I'm also into artificial intelligence and software testing of all sorts.

Post by this author

F# developer stories: how we’ve finally fixed a 9-year-old performance issue

Some bugs carry exciting narratives — attempting to resolve them lets you trace the history of the repository and the community.

Overhauled F# code fixes in Visual Studio

F# code fixes are now more performant, correct, and testable.

Simplifying F# computations with the new ‘while!’ keyword

F# introduces `while!` keyword, streamlining loops in computation expressions.

Improved F# hints in Visual Studio

We're introducing new F# hints and enhancing existing ones.

Get ready for fsharpConf 2023!

Join us on June 26, 2023, for the live stream of the fourth annual fsharpConf. This free virtual event, supported by the F# Software Foundation, will showcase world-class F# experts from across the globe.

Introducing F# Inline Type & Parameter Name Hints in Visual Studio

We're happy to announce a preview feature in the Visual Studio 2022 – F# Hints both type and parameter name!