Roland Shum

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Agility SDK 1.614.0: R9B9G9E5 support for Render Targets and UAVs

Today the DirectX team is excited to announce the release of the Agility SDK 1.614.0 which includes full support for R9G9B9E5_SHAREDEXP (999E5) texture format for render targets and UAV read/writes! This new Agility SDK is also fully supported by PIX. To get the latest release head on over to our Agility SDK downloads page. Understanding ...

Updates in d3dx12.h: Nuget Packaging, Header Bloat Reduction, and D3DX12GetCopyableFootprints

Hey everyone, we recently updated our file! Previously, users were required to head to DirectX-Headers repo to grab the nice helper files. The recent Agility SDK 1.608.2 release bundles this repo with the Nuget packages! There are no differences between the two packages.   Header Bloat Reduction   Next, users of the DirectX...