Serrala Marketing Insights

Serrala Marketing Insights

IT-Dienstleistungen und IT-Beratung

Berlin, BE 209 Follower:innen

We provide services and rethink marketing today.


Eine erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit ist das Ergebnis von Ehrlichkeit, Kompetenz und Kreativität. Diese Eigenschaften stellen die Pfeiler unserer langwährenden Partnerschaften dar. Gemeinsam mit unseren Kunden erschaffen wir ein Höchstmaß an Agilität in einem immer dynamischer werdenden Unternehmensbereich. Kontinuität ist uns wichtig. Unsere Kunden und Partner vertrauen uns und wir begleiten Sie teils schon seit unserer Gründung. Unser Anspruch ist es, gemeinsam mit unseren Kunden und Partnern zu wachsen und stetig anspruchsvolle Projekte zu realisieren. Spezialisiert seit mehr als 15 Jahren, helfen wir Ihnen Ihre individuellen Anforderungen in den Bereichen Analytics und Customer Engagement umzusetzen. So vielschichtig wie ihre Anforderungen sind auch unsere Lösungsansätze, die von Strategieberatung und Projektleitung über technisches Consulting, Integration führender Softwarelösungen bis hin zum Betrieb dieser Lösungen und einem Managed Service Angebot reichen. Dabei liefern wir Ihnen die hierfür notwendigen Software Komponenten und Lizenzen ebenfalls aus einer Hand mit. Mit individuellen Trainings und Know-How Transfers, spezifischen Use-Case-Bundles und Proof-of-Concept-Angeboten stellen wir sicher, dass Sie die Lösungen schnell und effizient nutzen können. Mit unserem Analytics Portfolio unterstützen wir Sie bei der Gewinnung von Insights durch jeden Datensatz in Ihrem Unternehmen unter Anwendung von Lösungen aus den Bereichen Business Intelligence und Reporting, Data Science, KI, Digital Customer Experience Analytics und Webanalytics. Mit unserem Customer Engagement Portfolio unterstützen wir Sie bei der Ansprache Ihrer Kunden in Real-Time auf personalisierter individueller Ebene. Wir unterstützen Sie gerne beim Entwickeln von Customer Journeys, beim Optimieren Ihrer Marketingmaßnahmen untereinander sowie der Steuerung und Organisation Ihrer Marketingprozesse über alle Kanäle. Wir nutzen dabei die Lösungen unserer strategischen Partner Acoustic und HCL.

IT-Dienstleistungen und IT-Beratung
501–1.000 Beschäftigte
Berlin, BE
Serrala, Analytics, Customer, Experience, CRM, Managed Service, HCL, Unica, Acoustic, Marketing Automation, Kampagnen Management, Engagement, personalization, Machine Learning, Journey, SAS, Campaign, Digital, Web Analytics und Business Intelligence


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    🧐 🎯 Why login areas and customer data management matter. 🦴 📈 Login areas and the management of customer data form the backbone of personalized customer experiences and targeted marketing strategies. While it may seems basic, many companies have yet to fully adopt these. 🔒 👍 The advantages are substantial: businesses can gather detailed insights into customer behavior, preferences, and purchasing patterns, enabling more effective and personalized marketing campaigns. Additionally, secure login areas enhance customer trust and loyalty by protecting sensitive information. 📎 📊 However, the introduction of each is not without obstacles. Companies face significant investments in technology and cybersecurity, potential data privacy issues, and the need for continuous maintenance and updates. Despite these hurdles, the long-term benefits of improved customer engagement and competitive advantage make it a critical focus for forward-thinking organizations. #CustomerData #MarketingStrategy #DataInsights #CustomerEngagement #DigitalMarketing #Personalization #CustomerLoyalty

    • The picture shows a checklist for optimizing customer login areas. The topics are: User friendly registration, ensure data security, create personalized experiences, customer satisfaction, exclusive offers, targeted communication and continuous improvement
  • Unternehmensseite von Serrala Marketing Insights anzeigen, Grafik

    209 Follower:innen

    🚀 Elevating Customer Experience: Key Strategies for Success 🚀 In today's fast-paced digital landscape, providing a stellar customer experience (CX) is crucial for business success.   Here are the aspects we find important:   🌐 Multichannel Visibility: Ensure a seamless experience across all customer touchpoints. Being present and responsive on multiple channels enhances customer satisfaction and engagement.   🤖 Automation of Processes: Streamline repetitive tasks through automation. This not only boosts efficiency but also allows your team to focus on more meaningful interactions with customers.   🎯 Customer-Centric Decisions: Always put the customer at the heart of your decisions. Understanding their needs and preferences leads to better service and stronger relationships.   📊 Capturing Data in Real Time: Use real-time data to gain insights into customer behavior and trends. This enables proactive support and timely responses to issues.   ✨ Creating Personalized Experiences: Tailor your offerings to individual customer preferences. Personalization fosters loyalty and makes customers feel valued.   💡 Utilizing AI: Leverage AI to analyze data, predict trends, and offer intelligent recommendations. AI-driven insights can significantly enhance the customer journey.   By pulling the right levers, you can create a robust and dynamic customer experience that drives satisfaction and loyalty. Let's elevate CX together!   #CustomerExperience #CX #DigitalTransformation #AI #Automation #CustomerCentric #Personalization

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    How do you like your customer success?   For us, the secret ingredient is a mature data strategy. Think of it like enjoying a perfect ice cream🍦 Just as each ingredient—creamy ice cream, rich toppings, and the perfect sprinkle of nuts—comes together to create an unforgettable treat, a well-crafted data strategy blends various data points to provide a comprehensive understanding of users and their behavior. This not only boosts customer satisfaction but also brings internal advantages for your company.   It sure is a journey to find the perfect compilation but while you travel you can always taste new flavours of success 😋 #CustomerSuccess #DataStrategy #CustomerExperience #DataDriven

  • Unternehmensseite von Serrala Marketing Insights anzeigen, Grafik

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    Entdecken Sie auf dem Summit Serrala CRM - die Lösungen, mit der Sie Ihr Marketing und Analytics auf ein neues Level heben! Wir freuen uns Sie an unserem Stand im Innovation Hub begrüßen zu dürfen.

    Unternehmensseite von Serrala anzeigen, Grafik

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    Entdecken Sie die Zukunft des Finanzwesens beim Serrala Summit 2024! Diese exklusive Veranstaltung in Hamburg vereint führende Finanzexperten, um Innovation und Zusammenarbeit voranzutreiben. Freuen Sie sich auf: - Spannende Einblicke von Branchenvisionären. - Wertvolle Networking-Möglichkeiten mit Kollegen aus der Branche. - Die Chance, die innovativen Serrala-Lösungen hautnah zu erleben und ihr Potenzial für Ihr Unternehmen zu erkennen. Der Serrala Summit 2024 bietet mehr als eine herkömmliche Konferenz – es erwartet Sie ein einzigartiges Erlebnis. Bleiben Sie gespannt auf weitere Details! Die Einladungen sind begrenzt. Teilen Sie uns Ihr Interesse gerne mit:

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    How do you know if your website's features and design are hitting the mark?  You put all your heart, knowledge and all best practices into it. Because over all you want the people to have a great experience with your web page. But how can you be certain users have a great journey?  Do people struggle at some point and in worst case even leave?  Is there an edge case you haven’t thought of? We all know that users will find the littlest holes in features and use paths you could’ve never imagined they work. But that really shouldn’t keep you up at night. With a strong analytics tool in place, you'll gain invaluable insights into how users interact with your website's features.  Do people really use that cool new feature and navigate through your page smoothly? What patterns do users show in their behaviour? What are they looking for and do they struggle?  With all the collected data you can perform informed decisions for improvements on your page and being able to prove them at the same time. Remember, it's all about creating an experience that keeps users coming back. Your website isn't static; it should evolve and improve based on real user data to make a difference between others on the shelf. #decisions #datadriven #analytics #usability #dataanalytics #crm

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    Beyond traditional paths: we opted for talent over CV, and we're so happy we did! Late last year, we decided to expand our CRM Operations team and began searching for potential candidates in the job market. Our CRM Operations team has various responsibilities, with their primary focus on maintaining our customers' on-premises martech stack, ensuring that service level agreements (SLAs) are met, and serving as the first-level support in case issues arise on the user's end. That team plays a crucial role in our day-to-day operations.   At first glance, filling such a position requires new hires to bring various technical skills to the table, including, but not limited to, server and/or database administration, scripting and automation, documentation and many more. Since we have also had great experiences with hiring juniors in the past, giving someone their first chance to transition into the workforce was definitely on our list.  One candidate, with no evident expertise in that specific field, was recommended to us by one of our consultants. He believed that training can always happen on the job and that she should be considered for her core skills as she clearly brings a lot to the table. With her several years of experience in retail, dealing with customer requests and complaints, problem-solving, and decision-making are things she is very well-equipped to handle.  Also on her plus side:  - As a young mother of two, she needs to be skilled at time management, balancing household tasks, childcare, and carving out personal time to spend with her spouse.  - As a recent first-time homebuyer, she certainly has experience negotiating with different stakeholders, including agents and contractors.  - She possesses the flexibility to handle changes and unexpected challenges, adapting to the situation at hand.  Turns out that our junior candidate, despite lacking expertise in the specific field, is, in fact, a highly adept project manager. She is well-prepared to collaborate with various stakeholders, possesses strong problem-solving abilities, and effectively manages time-sensitive situations. We could not have asked for a better fit and decided to make her an offer.  Having been with Serrala CRM for over 6 months now, witnessing her commitment to going above and beyond has been a constant source of inspiration and gratification.  We are absolutely convinced that Petra is the right person to strengthen our team and to provide reliable and competent support to our clients, both now and in the future. Petra, we're happy to have you on the team! #NewHire #TeamGrowth #CoreSkills #SoftSkills #Happy Image by Stefan Moertl / Unsplash (MhDiW1c73GI) 

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    We are Marketing Experts – we consult our clients using Marketing Automation and Analytics solutions.  What do we find most useful when it comes to Marketing Automation solutions?   Which requirements should the provider meet to match our needs?    To us, the biggest advantage of using a marketing automation solution is that it helps streamline and automate repetitive marketing tasks, which can save time and increase efficiency.      Most clients are primarily looking for an email marketing solution, that also integrates with the solution stack in place such as CRM systems, content management systems, and e-commerce platforms to streamline their marketing processes and improve their overall efficiency.    Email marketing is a core feature of most marketing automation solutions, allowing businesses to create, send, and track email campaigns at scale. Advanced features such as segmentation, personalization, and A/B testing can help businesses improve the effectiveness of their email marketing campaigns.  Aside from sending emails, there’s an increasing number of companies that also want to interact with their customers through social media. Hence, social media management is another relevant feature, and it can help businesses manage their social media accounts by scheduling posts, monitoring engagement, and analyzing performance.    And finally, detailed analytics and reporting on marketing campaigns give great insights into customer behavior. By tracking key performance indicators such as open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates, businesses can identify areas for improvement and optimize their campaigns for better results.    Overall, the biggest advantages of using a marketing automation solution are that it can help businesses save time, increase productivity, and improve their marketing ROI by automating repetitive tasks, delivering more personalized and relevant messages, and optimizing their campaigns based on real-time data. #MarketingAutomation #Experts #Marketing #Analytics #CRM #Automation #campaigns #realtime

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    How do you work with collected customer data?  Do you know who your most valuable customers are and what channels they prefer for communication? And can you analyze insights regarding your marketing campaigns such as which marketing campaigns have been most successful or which customer segments show the highest conversion rates? A CDP, or Customer Data Platform, is a specialized software system that collects, integrates, and manages customer data from various sources to create a unified and comprehensive customer profile. It can answer a wide range of questions regarding customer data, providing valuable insights into customer behavior, preferences, and interactions. Key characteristics and functions of a Customer Data Platform (CDP) include: 1. Data Collection and Integration with e.g. Marketing Tools: A CDP aggregates customer data from multiple sources, such as website visits, mobile apps, social media interactions, email engagements, CRM systems, and more. It harmonizes and consolidates this data to create a consistent and complete customer profile. 2. Unified Customer Profile and Segmentation & Personalization: The CDP creates a unified, 360-degree view of each individual customer, bringing together data points from different channels and devices. This single customer profile allows businesses to gain a comprehensive understanding of customer behavior and preferences. With a complete view of customer data, CDPs support advanced segmentation and audience creation. Marketers can use these segments to deliver highly personalized and relevant content, offers, and experiences to customers. 3. Data Privacy and Compliance: A reputable CDP prioritizes data privacy and compliance with relevant regulations, such as GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) or CCPA (California Consumer Privacy Act). It enables businesses to manage and respect customer consent and preferences for data usage. 4. Real-Time Data Processing: Many modern CDPs operate in real-time or near-real-time, ensuring that customer profiles are constantly updated with the latest interactions and data. This capability allows businesses to respond quickly to customer actions and deliver personalized experiences. 5. Analytics and Reporting: CDPs often offer built-in analytics and reporting capabilities, enabling businesses to gain actionable insights from customer data. This data-driven decision-making empowers marketing teams to optimize strategies and improve customer engagement. CDPs have become increasingly important as businesses seek to deliver more personalized and seamless experiences to their customers. By leveraging the insights provided by a CDP, companies can better understand their customers' journeys, preferences, and pain points, ultimately leading to improved customer satisfaction, loyalty, and business growth.

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