Beitrag von Onyx Circle

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Wir freuen uns, Teil dieser wichtigen Initiative zu sein und danken CONNOPPO für die Zusammenarbeit, die es ermöglicht, jungen gehörlosen und sprachbehinderten Erwachsenen in Nepal eine bessere Zukunft zu bieten. 🌍🤝 In dem Video spricht unser Co-Founder und Executive Board Member, Arianit Bytyqi, über die Gründung von Onyx Circle, die Entscheidung zur Partnerschaft mit Connoppo und wie das Ziel unserer Charity-Partnerschaft so eng mit unseren Werten übereinstimmt. Schauen Sie sich das Video in diesem Beitrag an, um mehr über unsere Zusammenarbeit zu erfahren. 🎥👇

Unternehmensseite von CONNOPPO anzeigen, Grafik

357 Follower:innen

We are extremely proud of our role in enabling Onyx Circle in #Zurich to support young adults living with hearing and speech disabilities in #Nepal. In our video, Arianit Bytyqi, Co-founder and Executive Board member of Onyx Circle, talks about the founding of Onyx Circle, his decision to partner with Connoppo and how the goal of our charity partnership aligns so closely with the values of his own business. As part of our charity partnership, Onyx Circle is funding scholarships for over ten young adults living with speech and hearing disabilities – enabling them to complete vocational training in hospitality. These young adults receive guaranteed employment at the end of their studies, which will provide them and their families with financial independence. Thank you, Onyx Circle, for your support and to the foundation of GATE - Global Academy of Tourism and Hospitality Education – together, we look forward to making a lasting impact in the lives of young people in #Nepal. To find out more about Onyx Circle, visit: #Charity #Partnership #GivingBack #FundRaising

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