Beitrag von DLR Institut Systems Engineering für zukünftige Mobilität

Unser Mitarbeiter Christian Steger hat in dieser Woche das CEMS (Centre of Excellence in Maritime Safety) in Singapur besucht. Das CEMS forscht u. a. im Bereich Ausbildung in der Seefahrt. Hierzu werden Methoden und Simulatoren entwickelt, um das Training, das Lernen und die Überprüfung dessen effizienter zu gestalten.   Christian war für uns vor Ort, um thematische Überscheidungen in unserer maritimen Forschung zu identifizieren und mögliche Entwicklungsrichtungen sowie auch Ideen für die Zukunft der maritimen Forschung zu diskutieren.

🚀 When the Rubber Hits the Road... Safety isn't confined to just one area—it's a universal concern that spans aviation, land, maritime, and beyond. At CEMS (Centre of Excellence in Maritime Safety), we were delighted to host our like-minded partner, Christian Steger from DLR Institute Systems Engineering for Future Mobility to discuss ongoing developments and projects in the maritime domain. ⚓️✈️🚛 We all recognized that R&D should lead to tangible solutions that can be adopted by the maritime industry to enhance safety for seafarers, engineers, and shore-based operators. By leveraging Technology and Artificial Intelligence (AI), we're creating solutions that simplify workflows and encourage industry adoption. 🤖💡 🤝 Together, Everyone Achieves More (TEAM), especially with partners who share similar vision. 🌟 #SafetyFirst #MaritimeInnovation #Collaboration #AI #R&D #Technology #MaritimeSafety

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