Wintershall Dea

Wintershall Dea

Erdöl und Gas

Kassel, Hessen 96.249 Follower:innen

Auf dem Weg zu einem in Europa führenden unabhängigen Gas- und Carbon Management-Unternehmen.


Wintershall Dea entwickelt sich von Europas führendem unabhängigen Erdgas­ und Ölunternehmen zu einem in Europa führenden unabhängigen Gas- und Carbon Management-Unternehmen. Wir haben mehr als 120 Jahre Erfahrung als Betriebsführer und Projektpartner entlang der gesamten E&P-Wertschöpfungskette. Das Unternehmen mit deutschen Wurzeln und Sitz in Kassel und Hamburg sucht und fördert in 11 Ländern weltweit Gas und Öl auf effiziente und verantwortungsvolle Weise. Mit Aktivitäten in Europa, Lateinamerika und der MENA-Region (Middle East & North Africa) verfügt Wintershall Dea über ein weltweites Upstream-Portfolio und ist mit Beteiligungen im Erdgastransport zudem im Midstream-Geschäft aktiv. Und wir entwickeln Lösungen für Kohlenstoffmanagement und kohlenstoffarmen Wasserstoff, um die Klimaziele zu erreichen und die Energieversorgung zu sichern. Wintershall Dea ist 2019 aus der Fusion der Wintershall Holding GmbH und der DEA Deutsche Erdoel AG hervorgegangen. Heute beschäftigt das Unternehmen über 2.000 Mitarbeitende aus nahezu 60 Nationen.

Erdöl und Gas
1.001–5.000 Beschäftigte
Kassel, Hessen
Kapitalgesellschaft (AG, GmbH, UG etc.)
Exploration & Production und Gas & Oil


Beschäftigte von Wintershall Dea


  • Unternehmensseite von Wintershall Dea anzeigen, Grafik

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    A good solution for children, parents and teachers: Wintershall Dea's daycare centers in Kassel will be taken over by the city in summer 2025. This will provide the city with around 160 new childcare places and the parents of the children with a reliable basis for planning. We are very pleased that together with the city of Kassel we have found a good solution for the future operation of the company daycare centers Kiwi and Wiki. "The fact that the company kindergartens can continue to be run by the city is a win-win situation for everyone. The handover is part of our social responsibility as a company towards our employees, long-standing partners and the city of Kassel," says our CEO Mario Mehren. If you want to read more, follow the link in the comments section 👇

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  • Unternehmensseite von Wintershall Dea anzeigen, Grafik

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    🏆 Congratulations to the bright minds of tomorrow for their creative ideas at the STEM TOGETHER competition. The award ceremony took place as part of the 14th Student Congress at Future Space Kassel. 🥇 First place goes to "Inconspicuous Bottle" by Polina Lutsenko (13) and Katya Megek (15). They received a voucher for a flight over the clouds. 🥈 With her “Ruler Trick”, Katja Medvedieva (14) secured the second place. She can attend a private film screening with her friends. 🥉 Duru Ada Kara (20) won third place, a climbing course, with her project "Magnetic-Mechanical Oscillator". 🏅 Fourth place went to Joel Volkwein (19). His project, "Non-Contact Resistance," explored the physics behind the interaction of magnets. He won a course for stand-up paddling. “We at Wintershall Dea are delighted to be here once again this year at the Student Congress, because this is where the foundations are laid for tomorrow’s technologies,” said Fatima Dolić-Fromm, Spokesperson for Technology, Digitalisation and Innovation at @Wintershall Dea. For more information on the Student Congress and the event, follow the link in the first comment 👇

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  • Unternehmensseite von Wintershall Dea anzeigen, Grafik

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    We reached another milestone in the Maria Phase 2 project, bringing us one step closer to the expected production start in 2025. Vital pieces of subsea infrastructure are now in place on the seabed in the Haltenbanken area of the Norwegian Sea. In an extensive offshore campaign from April to July, we installed a manifold, pipeline spools, control lines and flexible lines for water injection and gas lift at a water depth of 300 meters. This milestone was achieved thanks to excellent collaboration with our main contractor TechnipFMC and Equinor, operator of the Kristin host platform. We are developing Maria Phase 2 in collaboration with our partners Petoro and Sval Energi. Want to know more? Follow the link in the comments section 👇 #Norway #Energy #Maria #OneTeam

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  • Unternehmensseite von Wintershall Dea anzeigen, Grafik

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    The Danish Ministry of Climate, Energy and Utilities has awarded us the Greenstore licence close to Gassum in Jutland for onshore CO2 storage. The project, located 75 kilometres north of Aarhus, is set to store up to 250 million tonnes of CO2, making a significant contribution to Denmark's and Europe's climate goals. 🇩🇪🇩�� It is a further step in the energy partnership between Germany and Denmark. “The licence is ideally located to store industrial CO2 from Germany: The geographical proximity as well as the existing rail infrastructure between northern Germany and Jutland make Gassum a preferred storage option for German industry and an important tool for the implementation of the German Carbon Management Strategy,” says Anne-Mette Cheese, Country Lead for Carbon Management in Denmark. 🌱 Denmark continues to lead in developing cross-border infrastructure for CO2 storage, using its geological and geographical strengths. This positions the country to significantly reduce European CO2 emissions while fostering a new industry. At Wintershall Dea, we are delighted to be making a significant contribution to this transformative industry. As a committed partner, we have played an important role in helping to build the CCS Industry in Denmark. Learn more about our latest CCS project in the comment section 👇 #Denmark #CCS #Europe

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  • Unternehmensseite von Wintershall Dea anzeigen, Grafik

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    Ever heard of Barnstorf? This small community in Lower Saxony is home to a laboratory that is unique in the German-speaking world: the Technology & Service Center (TSC). It’s all about cutting-edge technology and supports Wintershall Dea’s domestic and international business locations with high-quality analyses, assessments of reservoirs and strategies to optimise operations, production and storage. To find out more about the laboratory’s diverse and advanced services, make sure you stop by our booth at #EAGEAnnual2024. It’s worth it! #WintershallDea #EAGE #EAGE2024

  • Unternehmensseite von Wintershall Dea anzeigen, Grafik

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    CCS does not simply mean capturing CO₂ and storing it in the ground. It is essential to find the most suitable storage sites, to establish functioning, transnational transportation routes and identify the best suited emitters. Wintershall Dea is a pioneer in the field of #CCS. Wintershall Dea has been storing CO₂ in the underground since 2008 in the SNOVHIT field to extend oil production. With the extensive subsurface and operational expertise we have gained over time, the company is well-equipped to develop these reservoirs to store CO₂. At #EAGEAnnual2024, we are showing the progress our experts have already made and the potential that lies in the technology. #WintershallDea #EAGE #EAGE2024

  • Unternehmensseite von Wintershall Dea anzeigen, Grafik

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    How do you find and evaluate something that is hidden deep underground 🪨 or under the sea 🌊? Natural gas and crude oil require a good understanding of their formation process in order to identify new deposits. Also, it is very important to precisely analyse the geological environment. Mexico 🇲🇽 shows the progress Wintershall Dea has made in terms of #exploration. The Latin American country has some of the largest energy reserves in the world, but they are not easily accessible. We have therefore developed smart methods to locate them. Come by our stand at #EAGEAnnual2024 in Oslo to learn more! #WintershallDea #EAGE #EAGE2024

  • Unternehmensseite von Wintershall Dea anzeigen, Grafik

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    Afraid of artificial intelligence and digitalisation? Don’t worry! They’re not our enemies, but could help us to act more sustainably ♻️ At Wintershall Dea, we utilised #AI, #MachineLearning, #BigData analysis and digital solutions very early on. We are using their help to make our processes better and more resource-efficient – be it in the exploration phase of a new project, in the maintenance of a well or simply in the daily collaboration of our teams around the globe. If you would like to find out more, stop by our stand at #EAGEAnnual2024. Our experts will show you what is already possible today and what will be possible tomorrow! #WintershallDea #EAGE #EAGE2024

  • Unternehmensseite von Wintershall Dea anzeigen, Grafik

    96.249 Follower:innen

    A truly unique connection: Norway 🇳🇴 and Wintershall Dea. The Scandinavian country is one of Europe’s most important energy suppliers – and, with more than 100 licences, we are one of the leading gas and oil companies there. Together, we are now going one step further and joining forces to develop a pan-European #CCS (Carbon Capture and Storage) value chain. The close partnership with Norway and our successes there are no coincidence, though. Rather, they’re the result of outstanding work by our #BUNorway. At the #EAGEAnnual2024 in Oslo, which runs until the end of the week, you can meet them live. Just drop by our stand in Hall D, Booth 2100, have a chat and discover both their expertise and their innovative strength first-hand 💪  #WintershallDea #EAGE #EAGE2024 #Norway

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