Wild-Forest-Foundation e.V.

Wild-Forest-Foundation e.V.


Düsseldorf, NRW 304 Follower:innen

Wild Forest Foundation- Working since 2014 to preserve and protect nature, and fight climate change!


The Wild Forest Foundation e.V. pursues a common cause that is shared by all our members: We are passionate about preserving a livable environment for future generations and, ideally, stopping climate change. Since our founding in 2014, we have dedicated ourselves in particular to the task of protecting our planet's rainforests, including the people and animals that live in them.Given the growing awareness and importance of environmental protection in recent years, we have expanded our mission. Since 2020, we have been implementing projects in Europe and worldwide that are dedicated to protecting the environment in all its aspects. We aim to mobilize a wide audience and companies to join forces with prominent partners like to protect our planet.

2–10 Beschäftigte
Düsseldorf, NRW



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    304 Follower:innen

    🌍 Protecting nature, shaping the future - Wild Forest Foundation in focus Since its establishment in 2014, the Wild Forest Foundation e.V. has been passionately committed to protecting our natural world and fighting climate change. With projects across Europe and beyond, the foundation has dedicated itself to protecting our rainforests and restoring forests in countries such as Germany, Bosnia and soon Montenegro. By planting tree species with a high CO2 absorption capacity, the Foundation actively contributes to the reduction of CO2 pollution and promotes climate-friendly forests. This commitment not only serves to offset CO2 emissions, but also to preserve and restore biodiversity. The Wild Forest Foundation e.V. is committed to transparency and sustainability by having all its projects certified by experts. This ensures authenticity and accuracy in their efforts to reduce the carbon footprint. For companies, working with the Foundation is an excellent opportunity to demonstrate their commitment to environmental protection and sustainability. By purchasing CO2 certificates, companies can not only effectively offset their carbon footprint, but also contribute to the protection of our planet. We are proud to be part of this important initiative and invite you to join us. Together we can create a greener, more sustainable future. #WildForestFoundation #environmentalprotection #sustainability #climatechange #reforestation #CO2reduction

  • Wild-Forest-Foundation e.V. hat dies direkt geteilt

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    304 Follower:innen

    🌍 Protecting nature, shaping the future - Wild Forest Foundation in focus Since its establishment in 2014, the Wild Forest Foundation e.V. has been passionately committed to protecting our natural world and fighting climate change. With projects across Europe and beyond, the foundation has dedicated itself to protecting our rainforests and restoring forests in countries such as Germany, Bosnia and soon Montenegro. By planting tree species with a high CO2 absorption capacity, the Foundation actively contributes to the reduction of CO2 pollution and promotes climate-friendly forests. This commitment not only serves to offset CO2 emissions, but also to preserve and restore biodiversity. The Wild Forest Foundation e.V. is committed to transparency and sustainability by having all its projects certified by experts. This ensures authenticity and accuracy in their efforts to reduce the carbon footprint. For companies, working with the Foundation is an excellent opportunity to demonstrate their commitment to environmental protection and sustainability. By purchasing CO2 certificates, companies can not only effectively offset their carbon footprint, but also contribute to the protection of our planet. We are proud to be part of this important initiative and invite you to join us. Together we can create a greener, more sustainable future. #WildForestFoundation #environmentalprotection #sustainability #climatechange #reforestation #CO2reduction

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    304 Follower:innen

    🌳 Wild-Forest Foundation e.V.: Champions of Environmental Conservation 🌳 Today, I am proud to shine a spotlight on an organization that embodies the spirit of environmental stewardship: the Wild-Forest Foundation e.V. At a time when the protection of our planet's natural resources is more critical than ever, their commitment to preserving forests stands as a beacon of hope. Forests play a vital role in maintaining the health of our planet. They act as carbon sinks, mitigate climate change, and provide habitat for countless species of plants and animals. However, they are also under threat from deforestation, logging, and unsustainable land use practices. That's why the work of the Wild-Forest Foundation e.V. is so important. Their dedication to the conservation and protection of forests is not only commendable but essential for the well-being of future generations. In addition to highlighting the importance of forest conservation, we must also recognize the role of technology in this endeavor. Companies like https://lnkd.in/d55-_tZF leading the way with innovative solutions that help monitor and protect forests more effectively than ever before. We are deeply impressed by Evercraft Technologies and their groundbreaking contributions to environmental conservation. As a result, we are committed to supporting and promoting such innovations that have the potential to make a significant impact on forest preservation. Together, with organizations like the Wild-Forest Foundation e.V. and companies like Evercraft Technologies, we can work towards a future where our forests thrive and our planet flourishes. Join us in supporting these efforts and let's ensure a sustainable future for all. #WildForestFoundation #EnvironmentalConservation #ForestProtection #Sustainability #EvercraftTechnologies #Innovation #ClimateAction #ForestPreservation #WildlifeProtection #GreenTechnology

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    304 Follower:innen

    🌿🐣 Frohe Ostern von der Wild-Forest Foundation e.V.! 🐣🌿 In dieser besinnlichen Zeit möchten wir die Gelegenheit nutzen, um nicht nur schöne Feiertage zu wünschen, sondern auch um an etwas zu erinnern, das uns allen am Herzen liegt: den Schutz unserer kostbaren Umwelt und Wälder. Gerade jetzt, wo die Natur zu neuem Leben erwacht, sehen wir die unermessliche Schönheit und die entscheidende Bedeutung, die gesunde Wälder und Ökosysteme für uns und zukünftige Generationen haben. Sie sind nicht nur die grüne Lunge unseres Planeten, sondern auch ein Ort der Erholung und Inspiration für uns alle. Wir bei der Wild-Forest Foundation e.V. setzen uns leidenschaftlich für den Erhalt dieser wertvollen Ressourcen ein und laden euch ein, Teil unserer Gemeinschaft zu werden. Jeder Beitrag, ob groß oder klein, spielt eine entscheidende Rolle im Kampf gegen die Umweltzerstörung und beim Schutz der Natur. Lasst uns diese Osterzeit als einen Moment der Reflexion nutzen, um darüber nachzudenken, wie wir unseren Teil dazu beitragen können, um eine grünere, nachhaltigere Zukunft für uns und unsere Kinder zu gestalten. 🌍💚 Wir wünschen euch und euren Liebsten ein friedvolles, freudvolles Osterfest. Möge es eine Zeit der Hoffnung und Erneuerung sein, nicht nur in unseren Herzen, sondern auch in der Welt, die uns umgibt. Mit ökologischen Grüßen, Euer Team der Wild-Forest Foundation e.V. #WildForestFoundation #Ostern #Umweltschutz #Nachhaltigkeit #GrüneZukunft#Jürgen Hingsen

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  • Wild-Forest-Foundation e.V. hat dies direkt geteilt

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    304 Follower:innen

    🌍 Protecting nature, shaping the future - Wild Forest Foundation in focus Since its establishment in 2014, the Wild Forest Foundation e.V. has been passionately committed to protecting our natural world and fighting climate change. With projects across Europe and beyond, the foundation has dedicated itself to protecting our rainforests and restoring forests in countries such as Germany, Bosnia and soon Montenegro. By planting tree species with a high CO2 absorption capacity, the Foundation actively contributes to the reduction of CO2 pollution and promotes climate-friendly forests. This commitment not only serves to offset CO2 emissions, but also to preserve and restore biodiversity. The Wild Forest Foundation e.V. is committed to transparency and sustainability by having all its projects certified by experts. This ensures authenticity and accuracy in their efforts to reduce the carbon footprint. For companies, working with the Foundation is an excellent opportunity to demonstrate their commitment to environmental protection and sustainability. By purchasing CO2 certificates, companies can not only effectively offset their carbon footprint, but also contribute to the protection of our planet. We are proud to be part of this important initiative and invite you to join us. Together we can create a greener, more sustainable future. #WildForestFoundation #environmentalprotection #sustainability #climatechange #reforestation #CO2reduction

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