Timmermann Group

Timmermann Group


München, Bayern 1.699 Follower:innen

With bright minds and open hearts, we shape change with clients who reeeally mean it.


Welcome to consulting 2.0! “With bright minds and open hearts, we shape change with clients who reeeally mean it.” We really live this mission at Timmermann Partners. As special change management consultants, we use our profound experience and tools from leading international strategy consultancies. At the same time, we are authentic, warm-hearted coaches, trainers, and moderators with a good sense of humor and psychological expertise. This combination makes us especially valuable for our clients and inspires our team.

51–200 Beschäftigte
München, Bayern
Change Management, Strategy Implementation, Leadership Development, Professional Executive Training, Executive Coaching, Business Consulting, Topteam Building, Group Events for Executives, Management Consulting, Strategy Development, Post Merger Integration, AI coach und Change Communication


Beschäftigte von Timmermann Group


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    🧐 Building LEGO® and change? How does that fit together? 🪜 Our colleague Lisa Oehl recently tested an experiential LEGO® exercise at our office before introducing it to clients. The models she built serve as prototypes for clients to replicate in their sessions. Here are some reasons why we work with experiential exercises: ➡️ Interactive learning is an engaging way to apply and deepen theoretical knowledge ➡️ Enhanced observation: Processes become clearer when viewed from a fresh perspective, making it easier to observe and reflect ➡️ To boost creativity and trust, by encouraging innovative thinking and building stronger team bonds ➡️ Awareness of obstacles: it helps to recognize challenges and emotional dynamics more consciously. And - it's fun 😊 💡 LEGO® exercises like this one can be adapted for various scenarios and topics, making them a versatile tool to support teams focusing on coordination and management, helping participants practise effective leadership and manage each other effectively within a team. 🚀 Excited to see the positive impact this will have on our clients! #TeamBuilding #LEGO® #ExperientialLearning #Innovation #Leadership

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    😉 Questions are the driving force behind any successful change process.   😌 They challenge the status quo, spark innovation, and can lead to profound transformations.   ❓But: how, when, why, and which questions should be asked?   🧑🏻🎓 Get answers to these questions (at least) by joining us online tomorrow for the Living Change Forum. Jill Jeanne Semidei and Stefan Kießling are looking forward to hosting you 😊   Sign up for our forum here ➡️ https://lnkd.in/d3nThMVG   #Leadership #Innovation #Transformation #Questions  

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    ✨ Happy Workaholics Day! 🚀 People become workaholics for different reasons. Whatever these may be, we'd like to acknowledge the incredible commitment of workaholics everywhere. 💥 At Timmermann, we appreciate the dedication and drive that workaholics bring to their roles. However, in our world of change management, we also know the importance of balance and sustainable productivity. 💫 After all, real change only happens when we are at our best, both professionally and personally. 😉 Join us in acknowledging the hard work of our team and in promoting a culture of balance and well-being. On the one hand, we work incredibly hard on change concepts, but we also take breaks with regular in-office massages sponsored by Timmermann, or yoga sessions during the lunch break. 🙏 Most importantly, please spare a thought for any workaholics you might know - a gentle reminder to take a break, an offer of help, or just a calm hand on their shoulder might make their day. ❤️ #Workaholicsday #Changemanagement #Worklifebalance #Sustainableproductivity #Teamappreciation

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    🤗 Two weeks ago, our Living Change Training "module two" took place at our beautiful Munich office. As shown in the picture, we practiced the "Panzerknacker" exercise, which sustainably promotes collaboration, communication, and team coordination. 🤔 For those who don't know what the Living Change Training is, here's a brief explanation: In our change training, you learn to create tangible change impact. Four intensive modules in an inspiring environment ensure rapid progress in attitude, methodology, and knowledge about change management, organizational development, and cultural transformation. 🤓 As always, our participants learned a lot of new things about change, e.g.: 💫 Lorenz Gerteis pointed out that: "Checking your assumptions" & "reflection after a group effort (project) is an easy tool to foster learning – as an individual and as a group!" 💫 Michael Boberach shared the following key learnings for the last LCA module: "Good stakeholder management is half the battle for a successful change project" & "the devil is in the details – clearly formulating what needs to change is tricky but not impossible if you know the right tools." ☺️ Interested? Feel free to sign up for our next modules: https://lnkd.in/dVMjUX5m

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    🚀 Veränderung beginnt mit den richtigen Fragen! 🤓 Als Berater*innen werden wir oft engagiert, um Antworten auf verschiedene Probleme und Herausforderungen zu liefern. Doch wahre Veränderung kann nur dort entstehen, wo neue Denkmuster angeregt werden. 😉 Die Kraft liegt daher im Stellen der richtigen Fragen – sie fördern individuelle Entwicklungen, stärken Teams und stoßen auf Organisationsebene die richtigen Veränderungen an. 🙌 In unserem fünften Living Change Forum wirst du von unserem Project Leader Stefan Kießling erfahren, wie gezielte Fragen nicht nur Antworten liefern, sondern tiefgreifende Transformationen bewirken können. 💫 Verpasse daher nicht diese kostenlose Gelegenheit am 10. Juli, um deine Fragen-Expertise weiterzuentwickeln! Wir freuen uns auf dich 😌 #Change #Innovation #FragenalsVeränderungstool 

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    🤔 What do psychology students have in common with change consultants? 😅 They both know how to get inside your head, but only change consultants can turn your confusion into a strategic advantage! Maybe you're a psychology student who is... 🧑🏻🎓 about to graduate, or has just graduated? 🤨 interested in starting a career in #consultancy? 🤓 wanting to find out about how the Timmermann Group works? If you can answer all three questions with yes - or even just two - the Change Consultant Workshop on 13 July 2024 is the right place for you! 🇩🇪 FYI: The workshop will be in German. Read more and sign up here: https://lnkd.in/dwcD_FkE Places are limited, so don't delay 🤗 #psychology #changeconsultants #futuretalent #consulting #network

    Change Consultant Workshop

    Change Consultant Workshop


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    Meet Lorenzo. In case you weren't aware, today is take your dog to work day. 🐶 This is obviously good news for dogs, but what about humans? (And we don't only mean the dog owners.) 🐾 Well, it seems that dogs at work have positive impacts on most people they encounter in the office. 💡 One recent study revealed that 92% of employees experienced an improvement in the work atmosphere and a better work-life balance due to office dogs (for more fun facts, check out this German language link: https://lnkd.in/dEqjWXY). 🥰 This could be because petting or cuddling a dog releases the happiness hormone oxytocin, or perhaps that having an office dog can enhance #team unity, as colleagues can enjoy lunchtime walks together. 🐕 Whatever the reasons, we are delighted that Lorenzo was allowed to join Timmermann as our "feel-good manager". He doesn't say much in meetings, but he certainly puts a smile on everyone's face. 🤗 Cheers to all the office dogs and their owners, and happy "take your dog to work" day! https://lnkd.in/d8gtAbC #officedog #takeyourdogtowork #teamunity #lunchbreakwalkies

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    Profil von Michael Boberach anzeigen, Grafik

    Change Consultant & Systemic Coach

    Typisch Timmermann Group: Wir lernen viel und schnell - miteinander und voneinander im Team, mit unseren Klienten und Geschäftspartnern. Mit Spaß und Leidenschaft, lebenslangem Lernen und Change Mindset. Z. B. zu Agilität (siehe unten meinen "Sprintathon" im März und April) oder auch im Rahmen unserer zertifizierten Change-Manager-Ausbildung (#LCA). Die #LCA (#LivingChangeAusbildung) geht übrigens in die nächste Runde, das zweite Modul der aktuellen Kohorte ist nächste Woche 20.6.-22.6. Wer hat Lust auf Learning & Living Change und mag noch aufspringen? Modul 1 kann auch später nachgeholt werden. Siehe Link in den Kommentaren. #LivingChangeTraining #ChangeManagement #OrganisationalDevelopment #Transformation #Agile

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    🚀 Our breakout session at Handelsblatt's Work in Progress was a blast. Here you see winning team Michael Timmermann and Saadet Tas in hybrid harmony, introducing our AI coach unhamster 🐹 👏🏻 We'd like to say a special thanks to Simli! Your API added human faces to our AI coaches with impressive low latency, making our demo even more interactive and engaging. 😊 🙏🏻 And kudos to everyone involved. But... the show's not over yet... watch this space! 📺 #AI #avatar #coaching #cooperation #letsdothis

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