

Dienstleistungen für erneuerbare Energien

Hamburg, Hamburg 3.470 Follower:innen

Autopilot for energy storage - optimization and trading to maximize efficiency and reduce risks on electricity markets


suena, short for sustainable energy applications, is a Hamburg based 100% digital flexibility trader for large-scale battery storage. With the suena Autopilot, suena offers optimization and trading services to maximize efficiency and reduce risks of energy storage systems on short-term electricity and balancing markets.

Dienstleistungen für erneuerbare Energien
11–50 Beschäftigte
Hamburg, Hamburg
Kapitalgesellschaft (AG, GmbH, UG etc.)
Energy Trading, Flexibility, Energy Storage, Combining Storage with Energy Trading Optimization , Analytics, Investment Advice, Energy Storage Insights , Automated Trading, Trading Platform und Transparency


Beschäftigte von suena


  • Unternehmensseite von suena anzeigen, Grafik

    3.470 Follower:innen

    Zusammen mit Johannes Alexander Müller und Kilian Leykam haben unser CEO Dr. Lennard Wilkening und Communications Manager Elena Müller einen Artikel über die Ausgestaltung eines technologieoffenen deutschen Kapazitätsmarktes im pv magazine Deutschland geschrieben. In dem Artikel geht es darum, wie in einem Kapazitätsmarkt auch andere Technologien, insbesondere Batteriespeicher, eine gewichtige Rolle spielen können und wie ein effektives Design Fehlsteuerungen, Fehlanreize und unnötige Kosten vermeiden kann. ✨🔋 #Kraftwerksstrategie #Kapazitätsmarkt #Energiewende #Batteriespeicher #ErneuerbareEnergien #Versorgungssicherheit

    Profil von Dr. Lennard Wilkening anzeigen, Grafik

    CEO & Co-Founder at suena | energy storage enthusiast 🔋 empowering energy storage for short-term trading

    Zusammen mit Johannes Müller, Kilian Leykam und Elena Müller habe ich einen Artikel über die Ausgestaltung eines technologieoffenen Kapazitätsmarktes für Deutschland und die Rolle von Batteriespeichern geschrieben, welcher heute im pv magazine Deutschland erschienen ist. 🔍 Einblicke und Perspektiven: In diesem Artikel werfen wir einen genaueren Blick auf die Notwendigkeit und das Potenzial eines technologieoffenen Kapazitätsmarktes in Deutschland. Besonders interessant ist, wie Batteriespeicher den Bedarf an Gaskraftwerken reduzieren und gleichzeitig für eine stabile Energieversorgung sorgen können. Worum geht’s? 💡Warum braucht Deutschland einen Kapazitätsmarkt? 💡Welche internationalen Erfahrungen können wir nutzen? 💡Wie können wir ein effizientes Marktdesign schaffen, das Fehlsteuerungen und unnötige Kosten vermeidet? Ein gut durchdachtes Kapazitätsmarktdesign ist der Schlüssel, um Investitionen in zukunftsweisende Technologien anzukurbeln und Fehlanreize zu vermeiden. Hier gehts zum vollständigen Artikel: #Energie #Kapazitätsmarkt #Batteriespeicher #Energiewende #ErneuerbareEnergien

    Batteriespeicher auf einem Kapazitätsmarkt

    Batteriespeicher auf einem Kapazitätsmarkt

  • Unternehmensseite von suena anzeigen, Grafik

    3.470 Follower:innen

    Vielen Dank für diesen wichtigen Beitrag! Stromspeicher spielen definitiv eine zentrale Rolle bei der Energiewende. Um jedoch ihr volles Potenzial auszuschöpfen, ist der Einsatz fortschrittlicher Optimierungssoftware unerlässlich. Unsere Erfahrung zeigt, dass erst durch intelligente Softwarelösungen die Rentabilität und Effizienz von Energiespeichern maximiert werden können.

    Immer wieder erreichen uns Fragen und Kommentare zu Stromspeichern - diese greifen wir gern auf. Um die stark wachsenden Anteile der Stromerzeugung aus Windenergie und Photovoltaik zu integrieren, bedarf es künftig mehr Flexibilität im Energiesystem. Hier spielen Stromspeicher eine wichtige Rolle. Um den Hochlauf bei Stromspeichern zu unterstützen, hat das BMWK Ende 2023 eine Stromspeicher-Strategie vorgelegt. Weitere Infos zur Stromspeicher-Strategie gibt es auf unserer Website:

  • Unternehmensseite von suena anzeigen, Grafik

    3.470 Follower:innen

    Are you impassioned about efficient software for the energy transition? Apply at suena as a Senior DevOps Engineer and join our green-tech energy movement!🚀 𝗞𝗲𝘆 𝗥𝗲𝘀𝗽𝗼𝗻𝘀𝗶𝗯𝗶𝗹𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗲𝘀⚡ - Manage and enhance deployment environments - Improve software scalability and security - Integrate and streamline development workflows 𝗪𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗪𝗲 𝗢𝗳𝗳𝗲𝗿🌳 - Dynamic startup environment - Agile working with SCRUM - Personal and professional growth support - Flexible working conditions (remote/hybrid) Join the team and accelerate the energy transition with us! Find more information here: #DevOps #TechJobs #EnergyTransition #SustainableEnergy #GreenTech #JoinUs #suena #JointheRevolution

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  • Unternehmensseite von suena anzeigen, Grafik

    3.470 Follower:innen

    New publication: The decade of large-scale energy storage 🚀 There is no doubt that energy storage solutions play a pioneering role in the energy transition. If you are as intrigued by technological advances, market developments, and regulatory frameworks as we are, the new publication of our CEO, Dr.-Ing. Lennard Wilkening, might be just right for you! “The decade of large-scale energy storage” has been print-published in the current issue of the German Wind Energy Association (BWE). Here, a comprehensive analysis of technological advances, market trends and regulatory challenges in the field of battery storage is provided and supplies answers to the following questions and subjects areas: 🔋 How innovative storage technologies are crucial for stabilizing the energy grid and integrating renewable energies. 🤹♂️ Multi-market trading: It is emphasized that participation in different markets (such as the spot market, balancing energy market) is necessary to minimize financial risks and maximize revenues. 🧠 Technological advances: Modern software solutions enable flexible and efficient use of battery storage by responding to market and weather events in real time. 💡Influence of policy and legislation on the implementation of large-scale storage solutions. Read the full article here: or in the current print version of the BWE Magazine "neue energie". #Energy #RenewableEnergy #Batterystorage #Innovation #Sustainability #Expertknowledge

    Das Jahrzehnt der Batteriegroßspeicher

    Das Jahrzehnt der Batteriegroßspeicher

  • Unternehmensseite von suena anzeigen, Grafik

    3.470 Follower:innen

    🚀Empower your decisions: Our Quarterly Reports by Suena Analytics are now available! 🚀 We all are aware, that knowledge is the best resource to empower your decisions! So, we are proud to announce the launch of our comprehensive reports, that provide valuable insights into understanding and anticipation of market trends for evaluation the economic potential of various battery storage systems. Evaluate your project and assess the investment opportunities and risks into battery storage with different durations and configurations and contrast options for renewable energy systems and energy storage projects! 📊 What are the key highlights? 🔋15-year revenue forecasts for 1, 2, 3, and 4-hour battery storage systems. 🔋 Optimized multi-market revenue stack insights for key markets like aFRR, FCR, Day-Ahead, and continuous Intraday markets. 🔋 Bankable price forward curves: Utilize reliable data for strategic decision-making 🔋 In-depth analysis based on bankable price forward curves and market trends. 🔋 Long-Term Opportunities: Identify crucial long-term opportunities to stay ahead of the curve. 🌟 Special Offer: Get your first report for FREE when you visit us at the Intersolar from 18.-21.06. in Munich to claim your copy – you can book your meeting with Hanna or Phillip here: Don’t miss out and find more info also here: #BatteryStorage #RenewableEnergy #MarketTrends #SuenaAnalytics #QuarterlyReports #EnergyStorage

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  • Unternehmensseite von suena anzeigen, Grafik

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    🚀 Join our presentation at the Smarter E Europe in Munich! 🚀 We are presenting at the Intersolar this year! Learn about our business models, what makes batteries efficient, and how to optimize your revenues via multi-market trading. We look forward to sharing our insights and connecting with you there. 📅 When? June 19th at 13:20 📍 Where? Hall B5, Booth B5.550 👤 Who? Dr. Lennard Wilkening and Tom Witter See you in Munich!

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  • Unternehmensseite von suena anzeigen, Grafik

    3.470 Follower:innen

    Meet our experts at Intersolar Europe in Munich from June 18 to 21! Engage with us to explore the importance and benefits of advanced optimization and trading software for efficient multi-market optimization of large-scale battery storage systems. Utilizing cutting-edge forecasting, optimization, and algorithmic trading methodologies, our optimizer mitigates risks and enhances profitability in electricity and balancing markets. We invite you to schedule a meeting with our specialists to discuss our offerings: 📊 suena Analytics: Battery Storage Revenue Forecast and Insights ⚙️ Optimization as a Service: Multi-Market Optimization and Trading Integration Solution 📈Trading as a Service: Multi-Market Optimization and Route-to-Market Service by suena We are also pleased to announce suena's nomination for The smarter E Award. 🏆 Join us in Munich to learn more about our innovative contributions to the energy sector. Schedule a meeting with our experts via the link in the comments. We look forward to seeing you there! #IntersolarEurope2024 #BatteryStorageSolutions #EnergyOptimization #TheSmarterEEurope

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  • Unternehmensseite von suena anzeigen, Grafik

    3.470 Follower:innen

    Welcome to our monthly series where we take a look at the potential of battery storages on spot and ancillary markets. So how much could a stand-alone battery storage system have earned in Germany in May? 💸 We compare 3 different trading strategies and their respective trading incomes of May for a 10MW / 20MWh storage with a round-trip efficiency of 90% and an average of 1.5 daily cycles. For benchmarking our multi-market strategy across spot markets and Frequency Containment Reserve (FCR), we compare our simulation results to the maximum possible income on FCR as well as the use of a linear optimizer that trades each spot market individually and one case with all spot markets combined. To achieve realistic outcomes, we utilize market forecasts for optimization and actual prices for settlements, ensuring no assumption of perfect foresight. Trade execution on the continuous intraday market is estimated using the ID1 price index. 🔎 Our findings 🔋 Although the ID1 index often shows similar potential to the intraday auction prices, we see benchmark incomes from the continuous intraday in May significantly exceeding those from both auctions, namely 7k€/MW in the day-ahead, 9k€/MW in the intraday auction, and 12k€/MW in the continuous intraday. 🔋 Interestingly FCR shows more potential than individual spot markets. So by just participating in each FCR block, 13k€/MW could have been achieved this month. In 2023, FCR potentials were significantly below at least the intraday auction and continuous intraday. Those high FCR prices made it reasonable to trade at an average of 1.5 cycles per day, below a cycle number we would go for in months with more attractive spot markets. 🔋 Still, the benchmark of the linear optimizer, which combines day-ahead, intraday auction and the continuous intraday, exceeds those FCR results with €15k/MW. 🔋 Our multi-market strategy optimized with the suena Autopilot reached 19k€/MW and therefore significantly outperformed all the benchmarks. This shows the value of cross-market trading, combining ancillary services and spot markets, being able to navigate fluctuating market conditions by adapting the trading decisions to the best opportunities every delivery period anew. The financial performance is a pivotal element in driving the necessary project development and deployment of battery storages. Our analysis reveals that by operating batteries solely on single markets in May, you leave around 32-63% of potential incomes on the table. We observe that a trading strategy encompassing multiple markets is essential to solidify the business case, in order for batteries to represent an appealing investment. You would also want to have information about the potential of battery storage revenues into the future? suena’s quarterly battery storage revenue forecast provides latest insights on long-term market trends for battery storage optimization. ✨ #suenaAnalytics #OptimizedEnergy...

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