

Dateninfrastruktur und -analytik

Berlin, BE 5.892 Follower:innen

Leading European independent energy-IoT-data platform, connecting energy technologies and manufacturers.


Solytic gehört zu Europas führenden unabhängigen Energie-IoT-Datenplattformen, die Produktionsdaten von verschiedenen Energietechnologien und Herstellern verbindet und den digitalen Wandel hin zu einem erneuerbaren Stromnetz dezentraler Marktteilnehmer befähigt.

Dateninfrastruktur und -analytik
11–50 Beschäftigte
Berlin, BE
renewables, solar energy, photovoltaic energy, incident detection, analytics, porfolio monitoring, photovoltaic, pv, qualitative monitoring, Photovoltaik, SaaS, pv monitoring, IoT, energy, data und platform



Beschäftigte von Solytic


  • Unternehmensseite von Solytic anzeigen, Grafik

    5.892 Follower:innen

    How big are the top 5 in the German solar market, really? We had a look at the publicly available data and learned that the numbers are impressive and unique in an international benchmark. According to BSW – Bundesverband Solarwirtschaft e.V. we added about 1,000,000 new PV sites in Germany in 2023. (sites = installations, power plants, etc.) Those 1 million sites add up to roughly 14.1 GW of newly installed capacity! (= very impressive growth! 7.5 GW in 2022, close to 90% year-on-year) (= 1 GW = 1,000,000 kW = 100,000 residential roof tops) The probably largest installer claims to have installed more than 30,000 PV sites in 2023. (= more than 100% growth year-on-year, again very impressive!) If all this data is reliable (which we expect to be true), this leads to the conclusion that the largest installer in Germany is responsible for (only) 3% of the total market in 2023. Compared to other, international markets this data shows very explicitly how incredibly fragmented the German market still was in 2023, and very likely still is this year. (= top 5 in The Netherlands make about 70% of the NL-national market) #solarOS #energytransition #servicebetter

  • Unternehmensseite von Solytic anzeigen, Grafik

    5.892 Follower:innen

    💰 “Data is the new oil” Sure, just don’t follow this analogy too far down the rabbit hole. One similarity of both (data and oil), however, is that you can use raw data and crude oil for exactly nothing in everyday life. 👉 It requires a process of “refining” to make it useful and applicable. 👩🎓 A common framework, often referred to in scientific literature, is the knowledge pyramid: 🥉 By combining signs based on pre-defined rules we form structured data. 🥈 Data put in context turns into tangible information. 🥇 Information leads to knowledge, awareness, and actionable insight. Combining different data sets has the power of creating business value through better, because more actionable insight. Increasing the quality and speed of our decision making. Resulting in reduced costs and increased returns. ❓ How do you leverage your data for decision making? #solarOS #energytransition #servicebetter

  • Unternehmensseite von Solytic anzeigen, Grafik

    5.892 Follower:innen

    ℹ Let’s talk about a serious topic: Plant Controllers & Redispatch 2.0 👉 Did my photovoltaic power plants deal with curtailment last week? 👉 What are the consequences? ⚖ PV plants (often also called sites or parks) require the installation of a steering device that allows the system operator (TSO, DSO) to reduce the feed-in remotely to ensure distribution and transmission system stability. 👷♀️👨💻 For the technical operators, this data is important information when assessing the performance. You will find this data available in the Solytic device screens. Additionally, this data is available through the Solytic API for more upscale assessments, e.g. to implement it in business intelligence dashboards, combining the curtailment data with feed-in tariffs and performance data, upscaled into an automatically created monthly report. ❓ Do you have more ideas how to combine PV monitoring data with 3rd party application data to gain valuable and actionable insight? #solarOS #energytransition #servicebetter

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  • Unternehmensseite von Solytic anzeigen, Grafik

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    🤖 AI is everywhere and endangers all our jobs! …or not. 🐨 AI, with all its sub-technologies and micro-applications, has the power to speed up many daily tasks. At Solytic we experience a productivity and quality boost. Simple GenAI tools, such as ChatGPT, help us automate repetitive tasks and accelerate processes. With AI handling the routines and analytical work, our experienced and senior team can dedicate more time to creative and strategic tasks. This ensures that the outcome is a true result of our expertise, with AI serving as a valuable assistant during the process. We use AI daily, consciously (e.g., not touching sensitive data), and for specific tasks. To name a few… - Communication: Adapting to our customers’ mother tongue (and vice versa). - Documentation: To accelerate writing our FAQ and internal manual. - Product: Smart alerts to supervise performance and stability. - Development: Adapting new technologies and testing code quality. #solarOS #energytransition #servicebetter

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  • Unternehmensseite von Solytic anzeigen, Grafik

    5.892 Follower:innen

    What’s your problem, seriously?! 🤔 👩🔧 Most people (probably) agree that it is very important to factually understand the bottleneck first before working on performance improvements. Can you describe your bottleneck or biggest challenge that holds you back? When buying products or services, we (all) like “good”, “cheap”, and “fast”. Reality teaches us: “Quality, Price, Time… pick two.” We operate in a market, where quality is imperative, and pricing is relevant. To speed up the process for decision makers, we offer information about our products on our website in much detail, honest and transparent. Are you a decision maker? After understanding your bottleneck, your "needs and wants“ respectively, you can research on our website our solutions (Monitoring, API, White-label) and deep dive into our FAQ. Also, you find in-detail information about most used SaaS features, such as: Self-onboarding, Dashboards, Analysis, KPIs, User Management, Reporting, Alarms & Tickets. 📧 For a personal contact, please reach out to us via #solarOS #energytransition #servicebetter

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  • Unternehmensseite von Solytic anzeigen, Grafik

    5.892 Follower:innen

    What do SAP and Solytic have in common? A smooth data connection to Microsoft PowerBI, called PowerBI Connector. ℹ If you… …have multiple #data sources, which you want to put in context, and …want to combine data sets to easily create valuable #insights, or …need full flexibility in assessing your data, or …appreciate the visualization variety of professional BI tools, like PowerBI, then, you want to learn more about Solytic’s PowerBI Connector. Unleash the full potential of your data and reach out to us to learn more about what this new capability of ours can do for you. Every Solytic customer can get instant access to our #API. All your portal data will be available to you in Microsoft PowerBI. You can connect other BI tools as well, it's just not as simple, yet. 📧 #solarOS #energytransition #servicebetter

  • Unternehmensseite von Solytic anzeigen, Grafik

    5.892 Follower:innen

    ⁉ Who loves reporting more than anything else? Our reporting tool! However, from our experience, almost no one else does. And, for us, this is reason enough to invest quite some time in continuously improving our reporting features. 1️⃣ Quick & Easy 👉 we got you covered We offer standardized reports that will be sent to you directly from the portal. You can choose between a #pdf format, Microsoft #Word, #Excel, and #CSV. For those, who would like to edit and customize the report before forwarding it to customers, the word format is quite handy. For all data enthusiasts the plain data reports as CSV or Excel improve the workflow by a good margin. 2️⃣ Customized & Scale 👉 we create it for you In case you need a customized report that you plan to use in scale, we offer a customization support. Together with you, our team will specify your needs and create a fully customized report for you, focusing on content and design based on your wants and needs. 3️⃣ Agile & Interactive 👉 we help you to build your own dashboard We don’t stop there though. If you wish interactive dashboards for highly customized data analytics, we enabled Microsoft #PowerBI to directly connect to our #API. You can assess your portal data and create individual and interactive dashboards, based on your very specific needs. Please reach out if you’d like to learn more about it! #solarOS #energytransition #servicebetter

  • Unternehmensseite von Solytic anzeigen, Grafik

    5.892 Follower:innen

    💡You have a 75% likelihood to work directly with our beloved customers when joining team Solytic. Solytic was incorporated in the late summer of 2017. During these years, many passionate professionals worked with us on our mission (and many still are ;). Some of the most talented and passionate business developers we had the honor to work with during these years were starting at Solytic in junior positions and progressed their way up the seniority ladder. Today, not only our business development team is in touch with our customers, but also many of our developers are in context of large projects. Bottom line, about 75% of our team works directly with our customer, at least in part-time. We are builders and creators, passionate for value creation and customer focused. We want to drive positive change and build business and customer value, sustainably. #solarOS #energytransition #servicebetter

  • Unternehmensseite von Solytic anzeigen, Grafik

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    A product’s mission is to solve problems in the customers’ life. Right? To fast forward our communication with our customers, we have launched a brand-new feature very recently: The announcements. What sounds like a 90s sitcom, is a very powerful tool, to save time and streamline the information flow between our customers and our product and support teams. This tool will strengthen our communication and ensure that our customers have the most recent information where they need it: In the product. We can communicate new “Feature" initiatives to highlight new or updated functionalities (see example screenshot 1) or a "Notice" to communicate issues affecting product performance (screenshot 2). #solarOS #energytransition #servicebetter

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  • Unternehmensseite von Solytic anzeigen, Grafik

    5.892 Follower:innen

    Don't waste your time with monitoring! ...neither your money by not doing it at all. ➡ Define the right fit for your individual needs. ensun interviewed Johannes Burgard, our co-founder and managing director, to discuss the value of remote monitoring of solar installations and the future of this service. Here you can read the full interview: #solarOS #energytransition #servicebetter

    PV Monitoring: Optimizing Solar Installations – Interview with Johannes Burgard, Founder of Solytic

    PV Monitoring: Optimizing Solar Installations – Interview with Johannes Burgard, Founder of Solytic

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