
Herrenberg, Baden-Württemberg 3.084 Follower:innen

Holistic Brand-Building-Agency | OFFICES in Herrenberg / Hamburg / Berlin / Istanbul / New York / Jeddah | CRE


We believe in creating success: ROMAN KLIS ist eine inhabergeführte, international tätige Brand Building Agentur.Wir erschaffen einzigartige Markenerlebnisse, die Marken über alle Touchpoints hinweg erlebbar machen. An unseren Standorten in Herrenberg, Hamburg und Berlin sind wir mit über 130 Mitarbeitern aus 30 Nationen in über 90 Ländern der Erde aktiv. Bei uns arbeitest Du in einer vernetzten, agilen und inspirierten Kultur des Miteinanders. Wir glauben an Arbeit auf Augenhöhe in allen Aspekten unseres täglichen Handelns – auf enge Zusammenarbeit mit Kollegen, Vorgesetzten und Kunden – und wir bieten ein integratives Arbeitsumfeld, an dem kluge und kreative Köpfe mit uns gemeinsam wachsen können. ________________________________________________________________ We believe in creating success: ROMAN KLIS is an owner lead, internationally active Brand Building Agency.We create unique brand experiences that make brands tangible across all touchpoints. At our locations in Herrenberg, Hamburg and Berlin, we are active in over 90 countries around the world with more than 130 employees from 30 nations. With us, you work in a connected, agile and inspired culture of togetherness. We believe in working as equals in all aspects of our day-to-day activities - working closely with colleagues, supervisors and clients - and we offer an inclusive work environment.

51–200 Beschäftigte
Herrenberg, Baden-Württemberg
Personengesellschaft (OHG, KG, GbR etc.)
Brand Design, Packaging Design, POS-Design, Strategie, Konzeption, Fotografie, Strategic Planning, FMCG - Konsumgüter, Grafik Design, Kommunikationsdesign, Marketing, Branding, Markenaufbau, Consulting und Holistic Brand Design


Beschäftigte von ROMAN KLIS GmbH


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    ⏰ What gets our teams out of bed at 4am? A #campaign shooting day for an exciting client project! Fresh air and sunrise included 😉   Luckily... ☀ The weather was as perfect as promised 🕓 Our usual workday starts around 9 🐦 Early bird or not, everyone had a blast   We can’t wait to see our work in action. What get’s you out of bed at 4am? #creatingsuccess #photoshoot #brandbuilding

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  • Unternehmensseite von ROMAN KLIS GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

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    AI ✅ Sea of Sameness ⛔ As a brand building agency, #MidJourney has become part of our daily work. Our Creative Director Camilo prepared a deck for prompt structure guidance that will allow you to create unique looking images. Check it out and follow him for more tips.

    Profil von Camilo Güell Philippi anzeigen, Grafik

    Creative Director at Roman Klis / University Lecturer at UNAB

    What's the point of AI if all images look like Generic stock images? That doesn't work at all for us at ROMAN KLIS GmbH and that's why we're constantly developing ways to get out of the "sea of sameness". One of the best ways we've found for implementing art direction to image generation is structuring prompting in a replicable way. Without any --sref or AI enhancement, this is how we get more unique looking images just trough good 'ol prompt writing. Also as a little side-note: Embrace --chaos and --weird, and always lower --stylization

  • Unternehmensseite von ROMAN KLIS GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

    3.084 Follower:innen

    🎥 What are Andreas and Hani doing at what looks like a movie set in Saudia Arabia? Producing a campaign for one of the most iconic brands in the Middle East of course 🤩 Jump to Andreas post for part 2 of our #biggestuntoldstories

    Profil von Andreas Läufer anzeigen, Grafik

    Executive Creative Director

    Biggest untold stories. Part 2: Meet Hani Nour my wonderful friend, heading our office and clients in Saudi Arabia. During last week’s film production in Jeddah, he reminded me, „We are regularly producing campaigns for some of the most iconic brands in the Middle East, and nobody knows."   It's true — we excel at promoting our clients brands but often overlook selling ourselves. Fact is: ROMAN KLIS GmbH is recognized as one of the most successful and sought-after brand-building agencies specializing in FMCG globally. We're based in Germany and owner-managed by Roman Klis himself, not part of a large network.   Whilst we work on refining our own agency's sales pitch and LinkedIn-algorithm, one thing remains constant: our humbleness solving business problems for our partners around the globe, driven by a real spirit of togetherness and collaboration, which we call: „Miteinander-Spirit“ I truly believe in this approach and hold firm to my principle of PEOPLE FIRST, NOT DATA FIRST. Now you know.   شكرًا

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  • Unternehmensseite von ROMAN KLIS GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

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    What we mean by #international teams and client projects. 🌎 Meet Camilo, our Chilean Creative Director, based in Berlin, on a business trip for a Saudi client project. 🚀 #creatingsuccess #diversity

    Profil von Camilo Güell Philippi anzeigen, Grafik

    Creative Director at Roman Klis / University Lecturer at UNAB

    Why would you hire a Chilean to advertise a Saudi product? It’s a fair question I get a lot, second only to, “It’s hot in Chile, right?” Honestly, I’m not sure how I landed a job at ROMAN KLIS GmbH or how I started working on projects for Hungary, Indonesia, Singapore, France, and Saudi Arabia. People often ask, "Isn’t advertising deeply insight-driven, emotional, and cultural? How can you create effective communication in markets so different from your own?" My answer is that creatives are skilled at stepping into others' shoes. Isn’t that what advertising is all about? Communicating from and for the audience. Is it really that different to have someone foreign to a culture work on it compared to someone removed from Gen Z working on campaigns for them? Of course, nobody works alone. I’ve managed because of my amazing team: Hani Nour, my Saudi insights partner, Andreas Läufer who guides me through local and global cues, and Guillermo Vera Mudarra who brings everything to life and makes it always beatiful. Interestingly, after a year working on Saudi projects, I find it easier to create ads for them than for the German market. It seems Chileans and Saudis have more in common than one might think. So, what’s the project where you had to step furthest from your comfort zone?

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  • Unternehmensseite von ROMAN KLIS GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

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    💡 Amazing China 2.0 💡 Last week our CEO Roman premiered our newest trend presentation, sharing insights and inspiration from the Asian market. China especially is currently one of the most creative regions in the world, setting new trends in branding and design. Care to learn more? Feel free to reach out! 💬

    Digitalk in Leonberg: Wenn Lippenstifte Märchen erzählen

    Digitalk in Leonberg: Wenn Lippenstifte Märchen erzählen

  • Unternehmensseite von ROMAN KLIS GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

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    From a kitchen table to the global brand leader board 🚀 Our ECD Andreas has set out to tell our biggest untold stories, starting with one we are especially proud of: 20 years of being brand and design-consultants for cosnova What is your biggest untold story?

    Profil von Andreas Läufer anzeigen, Grafik

    Executive Creative Director

    Biggest untold stories. Part 1: Imagine you are creating success for one of the biggest beauty brands in the world and nobody knows. COSNOVA, the mother company of beauty brands such as CATRICE and ESSENCE has increased their net sales to €817 million and is aspiring to join the top 5 global market leaders. What you probably don’t know is that ROMAN KLIS GmbH is a constant brand- and design-consultant from the very beginning 20 years ago. Basically being there, from a kitchen table to the global brand leader board. And it flippin’ humbles me being part of this. What you might not know is that loving my job is an understatement. Heck, if I won the lottery, I would still probably be doing the same thing I’m doing now. But my favorite part are the people that I meet, like in last weeks workshop: my clients and the team are the absolute best humans. Now you know. Big shout out to our friends from YeS IDEAS GmbH with whom we’ve got the pleasure of great collaborations on Cosnova. 

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  • Unternehmensseite von ROMAN KLIS GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

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    They say Hungarian is one of the hardest languages to learn. Luckily, these print ads speak for themselves…and luckily, this campaign was run in Hungary 😉 . Thanks Luma Animation for the great execution. We will leave translation attempts for the comment section. Give it a try! #brandbuilding #creatingsuccess #adcampaign

  • Unternehmensseite von ROMAN KLIS GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

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    Think global, talk local. Come and see our CEO Roman give one of his iconic trend presentations in Leonberg. New insights and free snacks guaranteed 😉

    Profil von Roman Klis anzeigen, Grafik


    Juhu..kommt vorbei zum DiGiTALK 2024 des Landkreis Böblingen💡💬   In diesem Jahr habe ich die Ehre, euch als Speaker zum Thema "Trendschmiede China: Wie China mit Marke, Design und Künstlicher Intelligenz unsere Welt verändern wird" spannende Impulse zu liefern. Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos und auch für Snacks und Getränke ist gesorgt. Vorbeikommen lohnt sich! 😊   🗓 Datum: 26.06.2024 📍 Ort: Traumpalast in Leonberg 🕔 Einlass: 17:30 Uhr Weitere Infos und die Anmeldung findet ihr hier Wir freuen uns auf euch! #digitalk2024 #branding #landkreisböblingen #networking

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  • Unternehmensseite von ROMAN KLIS GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

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    Not data first. Not mobile first. Story first! Over a period of 6 months we produced this campaign for Master Good together with Luma Animation and made some decisions that are not textbook marketing or driven by latest AI-tools. We believe in the power of unique brand assets and the magic of a good story, to cut through the social media noise. Let us know what you think: #brandbuilding #creatingsuccesstogether #adcampaign

  • Unternehmensseite von ROMAN KLIS GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

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    Co-creation. Here we go 🚀 Our clients from Olli Salumeria traveled all the way from the US to our beautiful office in Herrenberg for an inspiring co-creation workshop. Our workspaces are designed to connect, and we love sharing this environment to bring inspiring minds together to create new ideas. Thank you for your visit Oliviero Colmignoli Tim Goldsmid Katy Romer Maureen McDonnell. Also a big thank you to our RK team for enabling this fantastic workshop. 🚀

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