

Technologie, Information und Internet

Deploying Generative AI to inspire talent no one else can reach


Recent Large Language Models are a paradigm shift in AI. The technology, best known for powering ChatGPT, opens up applications impossible even 2 years ago. We apply the latest Large Language Models combined with public and proprietary data from our executive search experience to find, engage and assess the best talent. Together with some of Germany’s largest companies, we are building the AI Copilot for Talent Acquisition, enabling their employees to: • Create a deep profiling of their company and open roles for a clear picture of all requirements • Find the right talent with a complete and enriched market map of all relevant companies • Automatically score 1000+ talents on 10+ dimensions including skill fit and probability to change • Maximise engagement by tailoring messages to each individual, focusing on their interests and motivators • Conduct 360° assessments, including automatically analysed conversations Are you looking to enable your recruiting and hiring teams to hire successful team members faster? We’d love to hear from you.

Technologie, Information und Internet
2–10 Beschäftigte


Beschäftigte von Perlentaucher


  • Unternehmensseite von Perlentaucher anzeigen, Grafik

    442 Follower:innen

    🎉🎊 We would like to introduce you to our latest team member at Perlentaucher: Matthew Batchelor! 🤿 Matthew, how did you become a Perlentaucher? I have over a decade of experience in the recruitment sector, working across agency and marketplace businesses. Recently, I completed an intensive bootcamp in data analytics, which provided me with a solid grounding in the basics of machine learning and its potential applications. Inspired by Christian and Pavel’s vision, I joined to build a transformative AI-powered recruitment business with this accomplished team. 💡 What sets Perlentaucher apart from other companies? Perlentaucher balances advanced software development with the essential human touch in hiring. Our software dramatically improves the speed and accuracy of talent identification, outreach, and assessment. At the same time, we understand that hiring and job-seeking are complex and require a personal approach. By combining the best of technology and human expertise, Perlentaucher is poised to transform how job-seekers and companies connect. ❤️ What matters most to you professionally? Building something useful.

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  • Unternehmensseite von Perlentaucher anzeigen, Grafik

    442 Follower:innen

    Wir wünschen Tim Bachmann einen tollen Start im Team Valitech GmbH & Co. KG! 👏 Tim wird das Team im Sales unterstützen und die Validierung medizinischer Geräte in ganz Deutschland auf dem neuesten Stand halten. Viel Erfolg! 🌟

    Unternehmensseite von Valitech GmbH & Co. KG anzeigen, Grafik

    412 Follower:innen

    Willkommen bei Valitech 🎉 Wir freuen uns, dass Tim Bachmann ab sofort zu unserem Sales-Team gehört! Tim bringt jede Menge Sales Know-How mit und ist damit eine tolle Ergänzung für unser Team. Wir freuen uns, ihn für Valitech gewonnen zu haben und sind gespannt auf all das, was kommt! 🚀 #valitech #validierung #teamvalitech

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  • Unternehmensseite von Perlentaucher anzeigen, Grafik

    442 Follower:innen

    🎉🎊 We would like to introduce you to our latest team member at Perlentaucher: Luca Eggenschwiler! 💡 What sets Perlentaucher apart from other companies? Perlentaucher stands out for its innovative company structure, combining a profitable recruiting agency with a tech startup. This synergy allows for continuous improvement on both sides. The agency can use the newest developments in software to find better talent quicker and hence improving the experience of our stakeholder while at the same time providing continuous feedback to the tech startup. 📌 What are your tasks at Perlentaucher? On the agency side I am a talent consultant, helping to fill vacant positions with the best talent. On a company level I am responsible for business development. ❤️ What is most important to you? Match great talents with amazing companies where everyone’s expectations are exceeded while at the same time building a sustainable company that is striving for long-term success. 

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  • Unternehmensseite von Perlentaucher anzeigen, Grafik

    442 Follower:innen

    🌟 Heute möchten wir Claudine in den Mittelpunkt rücken, die uns als Freelance Recruiterin in den letzten Monaten maßgeblich unterstützt hat. 🌈 Claudine hat uns mit ihrer beeindruckenden Erfahrung in der Talentakquisition neue Impulse gegeben und unsere Arbeitsprozesse und Teamkultur bereichert. 👏 Wir sind überaus dankbar für die Zeit und das Engagement, die Claudine ins Team eingebracht hat. Sie wird uns fehlen, und wir wünschen ihr alles Gute für ihre nächste Herausforderung. 🙏 Ein großes Dankeschön an Claudine für ihre hervorragende Arbeit! Auf die gemeinsam erreichten Erfolge! 🚀

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  • Unternehmensseite von Perlentaucher anzeigen, Grafik

    442 Follower:innen

    🎉🎊 We would like to introduce you to our latest team member at Perlentaucher: Alfred Seeliger! 💡 What sets Perlentaucher apart from other companies? We have a unique company structure. On one side there is a profitable agency that is funding a tech startup, on the other side. This means each side of the business is fuelling the other to become better and better. 📌 What are your tasks at Perlentaucher? On the agency side, I am helping all recruiters to deliver on their projects. I do that by building processes, conducting trainings and acting as a sparring partner for daily challenges. On the software side, I use my agency insights to build an AI enabled recruiting software. ❤️ What is most important to you? Nobody should be unhappy at work. There is a world of opportunity out there and I'd like to be a part of helping talents find their next dream job.

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