OVB Holding AG

OVB Holding AG


Köln, Nordrhein-Westfalen 7.490 Follower:innen

One of Europe’s leading financial advisory groups | Long-term, comprehensive, customer-oriented


The OVB Group, with its holding company headquartered in Cologne, is one of Europe’s leading financial advisory groups. Since being founded in 1970, OVB’s business activities have focused on long-term, comprehensive and above all customer-oriented financial consulting for private households. OVB works with more than 100 high-performance providers and uses competitive products to serve its clients’ individual needs, from subsistence and property/asset insurance to pensions and asset building and growth. OVB operates in 16 European countries. More than 5,000 full-time financial advisors support more than 4 million clients. Telephone: +49 221 2015-0 Fax: +49 221 2015-264 E-Mail: info@ovb.eu For imprint of OVB Holding AG, click link below.

1.001–5.000 Beschäftigte
Köln, Nordrhein-Westfalen
Kapitalgesellschaft (AG, GmbH, UG etc.)
financial consulting, advice, asset building, stock market, shares, career, finance, European financial brokerage group, consulting und analysis


Beschäftigte von OVB Holding AG


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    Our COO Heinrich Fritzlar recently featured on the Behind the C podcast. He talks about the power of optimism, resilience, and a solid professional background, and also offers great advice on self-management and team motivation. Make sure not to miss it! #mindsetchange #modernworkplace #myovb

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    Director @Atreus - A Heidrick & Struggles Company 🔹 Podcast Host "Behind the C"

    Heinrich Fritzlar, #COO der OVB Holding AG, gewährt Einblicke in das #CLevel der Versicherungsbranche sowie seine persönlichen Erfolgsstrategien. Er betont die Wichtigkeit von Optimismus, Resilienz und einem umfassenden fachlichen Hintergrund. Er teilt seinen persönlichen Werdegang im C-Level und diskutiert mit mir die Überlegungen, ob es sinnvoll sein kann, einen Schritt zurück in eine Junior-Rolle zu gehen? Zudem erläutern wir in dieser Episode, welche Aufgaben seine Rolle beinhaltet, was seiner Meinung nach die größte Motivation im Team darstellt, und gibt wertvolle Tipps zum #Selbstmanagement. Apple https://lnkd.in/ezgyF3R7 Spotify https://lnkd.in/dbvM_PF4 _ #BehindtheC #Podcast #Leadership #Management #Karriere #OVB #Atreus #Heidrick #InterimManagement #ExecutiveSearch #LeadershipConsulting

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    🌟Empowering Your Team: Meeting on an Equal Footing 🌟   “The most important thing is a positive mentality in the team.” This is the first thing Oliver Braun, Director Strategic IT Management, highlights when talking about his favourite motivation booster. The business world is changing, and managers have to adapt, too:   “I always try to engage with my team on an equal footing. I try to avoid any authority, that doesn't help anyone in the end. Leadership means listening and using the knowlegde of the whole team to come to the best solution.” There must be room for ideas and criticism, and the team “is allowed to be a little bold sometimes”, he adds. If you can ensure that everyone is really passionate about their work, you can do away with rigid nine-to-five job models and work much more flexibly and in a more life-oriented way without having to sacrifice performance.   Our managers seem to agree that trust and approachability are key in the modern workplace. Not only do employees feel more comfortable, ideally this also takes a lot of pressure off the manager. If problems are addressed earlier, everyone saves a lot of time and frustration, and goals can be achieved faster and better.   Do you have similar experiences at your job? Let us know below! 💬   📸 Credits: OVB Holding AG   #mindsetchange #modernworkplace #myovb

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    💻 WANTED – Software Engineer 💻 ❔ Are you passionate about leading IT development projects and automating processes? ❔ Are you skilled in optimising IT processes and analysing business workflows? ❔ Do you have a degree in Computer Science and several years of experience as a Software Engineer/System Analyst, with expertise in ETL and CRM systems? ❔ You know SQL, XM/XSLT, Linux, web services (SOAP, GraphQL, REST), Tomcat, HTML, and automation with Ansible, and are fluent in German and English? Let’s get in touch! 📱 Find more info in our jod ab: https://lnkd.in/ewWGK9NK We’re looking forward to meeting you 👏 📸 Credits: OVB Holding AG #mindsetchange #modernworkplace #myovb

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    🌟 Empowering Your Team: Motivation through Appreciation 🌟 In team leadership, one size does not fit all. In modern leadership, we need diverse perspectives and approaches to truly motivate and empower teams. To learn more about how modern workplaces are run, we talked with Yuen-Ling Elaine Funke, Senior Compliance Manager, about how she leads her team.   She especially highlighted three of her main motivational principles: 🔹 Motivation through appreciation of performance: Recognizing the hard work and dedication of team members is not a formality. “It's what drives the team in the first place." 🔹 A direct feedback culture: “Feedback should flow freely and constructively.” Open and honest communication ensures that every voice is heard and valued. 🔹 Leadership with empathy and authenticity: Remaining an approachable person creates trust and loyalty, allowing the team “to connect on a deeper level.”   In essence, it is important to maintain a human connection and a level of respect for each other’s work. Instead of trying to force old-fashioned management methods, you can be much more flexible and create a real benefit for teams and managers.   Do you agree with these principles? Share your thoughts in the comments below! 💬   📸 Credits: OVB Holding AG   #mindsetchange #modernworkplace #myovb

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    💻Take a break from screens💻   It’s out of question that online media are a great learning resource. But the constant flood of news and messages can be overwhelming. A digital detox can help you break out of the habits of permanent consumption to bring back some balance in our daily life.   To go on your own digital detox, just follow these four steps:   1️⃣ Set goals and make plans: How long should your detox be? Do you want to eliminate all screens or just stop using your phone after a certain time of day? Set clear goals and stick to them. 2️⃣ Notify others: If your detox influences your work or availability, let others know beforehand so that they will not be worried about you not answering immediately. Check if your work schedule is compatible with your approach. 3️⃣ Enjoy the new free time: Find useful alternatives to fill the time, such as returning to hobbies or using analogue tools for certain tasks. Or simply enjoy not having to check your phone all the time for some peace of mind. 4️⃣ Reflect: When your detox is over, think about what worked well, and what did not. Try to stick with the changes that benefit you.   Remember: the goal is not to live without digital media at all. It is to be more mindful when to use them, and to be aware of your own screen time.   🔗 To learn more, check out our blog: https://lnkd.in/eqjDZRDq   #mindsetchange #modernworkplace #myovb

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    🌟 Empowering Your Team: The PCA Principle 🌟 When oldfashioned leadership methods no longer fit the modern workplace, it is important to find new approaches to inspire and motivate teams. Looking for fresh perspectives, we turned to our experienced managers for their tips on effective team leadership. Among those managers is Manuel Löbach, Director European Product Management, who shared his insights on how to boost motivation by trusting in the competence of his employees. “In my view, trust in employees and appreciation of their individual skills are the most motivating factors in the long term. That's why I always act according to what I call ’PCA principle’, the Positive Competence Assumption. I always assume that my team members have all the skills needed for the task and then give them the freedom to prove this to me and the team.” He finally added that, “of course, help and support is always provided if necessary or requested”. Yet, this handsoff approach has proven successful, and his team appreciates this level of autonomy and trust.   Is micromanagement a thing of the past? How much freedom does your team need to work well? Let us know! 💬 📸 Credits: OVB Holding AG #mindsetchange #modernworkplace #myovb

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    🧹 The Clean Desk method: Keep your mind and workspace clean 🧹   Similarly to the 5S method, the clean desk principle is another approach to optimising the workspace with a focus on improving privacy and data security concerns. Especially when sharing offices or freely switching between desks – like some of us do at OVB –, some ground rules can be helpful to keep in mind for the sake of efficiency, security and privacy.   Check out our slides below for five simple tips on how a clean desk can benefit you in a variety of ways ⬇️   Desk clutter: friend or foe? What are your strategies?   #mindsetchange #modernworkplace #myovb

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    💼 WANTED – Business Consultant 💼   ❔ You’re passionate about working analytically to solve challenges and deliver impactful IT solutions?   ❔ Can you create and manage project plans, schedules, and resources like a true expert?   ❔ Are you skilled in analysing requirements, ensuring quality, and maintaining industry standards?   ❔ Do you want to work with an international team to shape the strategic direction of our Group-wide IT projects?   Let’s get in touch! 📨📱 Find more info in our job ad: https://lnkd.in/ebeeFtHp We’re looking forward to meeting you 👏   📸: © Pexels / Michael Burrows   #myovb #joinourteam #joinovb #wearehiring #crewloveistruelove #newchallengesahead

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    ❗Avoid this to network successfully❗   While professional platforms offer many benefits, there are pitfalls that users need to be aware of. Here are three of the most common mistakes that can hinder your networking experience: ⚠️Unprofessional or incomplete profile: Make sure to include all your important information and milestones. At the same time, do not overload your profile with irrelevant details. ⚠️Lack of personal commitment: Keep engaging with relevant posts. Follow up on conversations you started or participated in. ⚠️Messaging contacts in an unfocussed or impersonal manner: Be careful when contacting multiple people in the same company you’re interested in. Remain transparent and professional.   🔗 To read more on this topic, check out our new blog post: https://lnkd.in/ejk3ijyZ   📸 Credits: OVB Holding AG   #mindsetchange #modernworkplace #myovb

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