Neptune Energy

Neptune Energy

Erdöl und Gas

Hannover, Lower Saxony 90.977 Follower:innen

Producing gas & oil, exploring future energy, transforming sites into nature.


We extract resources for everyone - for our everyday lives. Around 380 colleagues support the production of natural gas and crude oil from 31 fields in Germany, making an important contribution to domestic supply security. In 2022, a total of 5.9 terawatt hours of natural gas and 280,000 tonnes of crude oil were produced, generating a revenue of 658 million euros. Our operational centres are located in western Lower Saxony, the Rhine Valley, and the Altmark region, with our company headquarters in Hanover. Locally, we can look back on 135 years of tradition and are simultaneously working on the transformation of our company. For us, this means producing crude oil and natural gas with as few emissions as possible and as close to the consumer as possible. We are also using our technical expertise and infrastructure to find solutions for a sustainable future. Our experts are working today on the raw materials for tomorrow - whether it's domestic lithium to enable electromobility or climate-friendly heat from geothermal energy. We also fulfil our responsibility towards the environment: our decommissioning team transforms former boreholes and operating sites back into fields and nature.

Erdöl und Gas
201–500 Beschäftigte
Hannover, Lower Saxony


Beschäftigte von Neptune Energy


  • Unternehmensseite von Neptune Energy anzeigen, Grafik

    90.977 Follower:innen

    Further to Neptune Energy’s recent transaction announcement (read more below) its German business will continue to operate under a stand-alone entity – Neptune Energy Germany. This LinkedIn page will therefore be dedicated to Neptune Energy Germany’s operations.   In the meantime, you may still see jobs advertised for other locations outside of Germany, until the rest of Neptune Energy’s business is fully integrated with Eni and Vår Energi   Thank you to all of our followers who have joined us and engaged with Neptune’s journey over the years, and we hope you continue to stay with Neptune Energy Germany for future news and updates.

    Transaction announcement

    Transaction announcement

  • Unternehmensseite von Neptune Energy anzeigen, Grafik

    90.977 Follower:innen

    Neptune Energy employees, along with over 2,000 other guests, attended the summer gathering held by the Representation of the State of Lower Saxony in Berlin on Monday. The event brought together individuals from political, business, and cultural sectors from Lower Saxony and other parts of Germany, where our CEO Andreas Scheck, as a member of the board of the German oil and gas trade association Bundesverband Erdgas, Erdöl und Geoenergie e.V. (BVEG), had the opportunity to meet with Minister-President Stephan Weil at the BVEG stand (see photo).

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  • Unternehmensseite von Neptune Energy anzeigen, Grafik

    90.977 Follower:innen

    Yesterday, the German oil and gas trade association Bundesverband Erdgas, Erdöl und Geoenergie e.V. (BVEG) held its annual conference. Alongside the exchange of interesting thoughts on the latest industry developments, the election of the new Board took place. Our CEO Andreas Scheck will thus continue to be a member of the board.

    Unternehmensseite von Bundesverband Erdgas, Erdöl und Geoenergie e.V. (BVEG) anzeigen, Grafik

    2.006 Follower:innen

    Der Vorstand BVEG hat Jens-Christian Senger als Vorsitzenden bestätigt. Er ist seit 2020 in diesem Amt. ➡ „Unsere Industrie kann viel dazu beitragen, dass die #Transformation in Deutschland gelingt. Der Bohrlochbergbau und die Potenziale aus der Erde sind notwendig auf dem Weg zur #Dekarbonisierung, und wir können noch viel mehr leisten als heute – nicht um das fossile Zeitalter zu verlängern, sondern um die #Klimaziele zu erreichen“, so Senger auf der Jahrestagung des BVEG. Der BVEG-Vorstand setzt sich nach den turnusmäßigen Wahlen wie folgt zusammen: ➡ Jens-Christian Senger (Vorstandsvorsitzender) ExxonMobil Production Deutschland GmbH ➡ Claudia Kromberg (Stellv. Vorstandsvorsitzende) Wintershall Dea Deutschland GmbH ➡ Boris Richter (Stellv. Vorstandsvorsitzender) STORAG ETZEL GmbH ➡ Christian Hellberg (Mitglied des Vorstandes) Deep.KBB GmbH ➡ Malte Petersen (Mitglied des Vorstandes) MB Well Services GmbH ➡ Dr. Andreas Scheck (Mitglied des Vorstandes) Neptune Energy Deutschland GmbH ➡ Sven Tummers MSc CDir (Mitglied des Vorstandes) Vermilion Energy Germany GmbH & Co. KG ➡ Dr. Ludwig Möhring (Mitglied des Vorstandes) Bundesverband Erdgas, Erdöl und Geoenergie e.V.

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  • Unternehmensseite von Neptune Energy anzeigen, Grafik

    90.977 Follower:innen

    Over 40 colleagues from District West gathered for a special team event to celebrate a remarkable milestone: 70 years of natural gas production from well Itterbeck-Halle 4! 🎉 On 17 May 1954, the first cubic meter of natural gas from this well entered the pipeline. Since then, it has produced over 1 billion cubic meters. Such an achievement deserved to be celebrated: the team took a walk through the beautiful countryside and stopped at the site.

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  • Unternehmensseite von Neptune Energy anzeigen, Grafik

    90.977 Follower:innen

    After nine months, Neptune Energy is pleased to have successfully completed extensive workover operations on five wells in Speyer. We are looking forward to returning the wells to steady production. Our workover team is now moving on to their next assignment for which we wish them every success! 📸: workover rig on-site during operations on one of our wells in Speyer

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  • Unternehmensseite von Neptune Energy anzeigen, Grafik

    90.977 Follower:innen

    Witnessing the transformation of the nature conservation project near our Scheerhorn oil field has been truly remarkable. Just two years ago, the landscape was nothing but flat ground. Today, it's astounding to see how nature has sculpted a thriving paradise for plants and animals. Neptune Energy proudly supported the nature conservation foundation of the “Grafschaft” Bentheim county as a project partner in 2022 with a donation. Cooperation like this always inspires us and others to undertake further such actions and activities. Look how beautiful this landscape has now become! 🌳

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Neptune Energy Insgesamt 2 Finanzierungsrunden

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4.238.101,00 $

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