ML4Q | Matter and Light for Quantum Computing

ML4Q | Matter and Light for Quantum Computing


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Matter and Light for Quantum Computing” (ML4Q) is a Cluster of Excellence funded in 2019 within the Excellence Strategy by the German Research Foundation (DFG). It is a cooperation by the universities of Cologne, Aachen, and Bonn, as well as the Forschungszentrum Jülich.

201–500 Beschäftigte


Beschäftigte von ML4Q | Matter and Light for Quantum Computing


  • A breakthrough on the edge: New topological qubit developments published in Nature Physics   A team of experimental and theoretical physicists led by the research group of Professor Yoichi Ando Universität zu Köln have shown that it is possible to create superconducting effects in special materials known for their unique edge-only electrical properties. This discovery provides a new way to explore advanced quantum states that could be crucial for developing stable and efficient quantum computers. Read more in our press release where first authors Anjana Uday and Gertjan Lippertz, PhD describe the main findings and making-of of the paper: #topologicalqubits #quantumcomputing #majoranaqubits

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  • 🍹⚛️🍹Understanding quantum chaos over a glass of Campari - tune in for our new guest on the #ML4QnA podcast: Silvia Pappalardi In this episode Mira (#Mira_Sharma) and Chris (#Chris_Dickel) talk to Silvia Pappalardi, who joined the Universität zu Köln ML4Q as a junior professor in April 2023. Silvia heads the Qhaos group (spelled with a Q) and introduces our listeners to the topic of quantum chaos which might be a bit intimidating for many of us. So, join Chris and Mira as they get some intuitive explanations from Silvia about concepts like #thermalization and #ergodicity and understand how these concepts relate to #entanglement. Tune in here: Interested in previous episodes of ML4Q&A? Here is the complete list: #quantumphysics #quantummechanics #quantumchaos #sciencecommunication #sciencepodcast #womeninscience

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  • Am 26. Juni spricht Prof. Hendrik Bluhm, Leiter der Forschungsgruppe Quantentechnologie an der RWTH Aachen University, über die technologischen Potenziale der Quantenmechanik, wie Quantencomputer die Zukunft der Datenverarbeitung revolutionieren könnten und welche Potenziale sowie Einschränkungen damit verbunden sind. Der Eintritt ist frei. Eine Anmeldung ist nicht erfoderlich. Mittwoch | 26. Juni 2024 | 18.30 Uhr Hörsaal H05 | CARL | Claßenstraße 11 weitere Informationen und Kontakt:

  • Wonderful joint effort by Alessandro Ciani, Sagnik Ghosh and Luis Colmenárez, PhD in putting up this great summer school schedule!

    Profil von Alessandro Ciani anzeigen, Grafik

    Postdoctoral Researcher at Forschungszentrum Jülich

    I am happy to announce our inaugural ML4Q Quantum Error Correction School, scheduled to be held in Bonn from September 23-27, 2024. The application is open to everyone, including non-ML4Q associates, although applications from ML4Q group members will have priority. There is no registration fee for this event. Confirmed speakers: - Markus Müller (RWTH Aachen, DE) - Michael Gullans (QuiCS, NIST/UMD, US) - Christophe Vuillot (Inria Nancy, FR) - Johannes Zeiher (MPQ, Garching, DE) - Natalie Brown (Quantinuum) - Barbara Terhal (TU Delft, NL) - Giulia Ferrini (Chalmers University of Technology, SE) - Simon Trebst (Uni Köln, DE) - Nicolas Delfosse (IonQ) - Jens Eisert (FU Berlin, DE) Quantum error correction (QEC) is a crucial component in the development of fault-tolerant, scalable quantum computers, making it a highly relevant research topic today. As an interdisciplinary field encompassing computer science, quantum information, quantum optics, and condensed matter physics, QEC fosters collaborations among researchers from diverse backgrounds. In this spirit, the ML4Q Quantum Error Correction School is designed for students and young researchers with limited to no expertise in quantum error correction, as well as for QEC experts interested in exploring the interdisciplinary aspects of the topic. The first half of the event will focus on foundational lectures, complemented by a poster session and several advanced talks. The second half will feature presentations from participants and invited speakers, showcasing state-of-the-art experimental and theoretical work. The school is tailored to both beginners and advanced researchers, comprising basic pedagogical lectures, keynote talks, and a poster session. A tentative schedule and a list of confirmed speakers are available on our webpage. Additionally, we will host a few short talks from participants to encourage advanced discussions. 

    ML4Q Summer School

  • ML4Q | Matter and Light for Quantum Computing hat dies direkt geteilt

    Profil von Alessandro Ciani anzeigen, Grafik

    Postdoctoral Researcher at Forschungszentrum Jülich

    I am happy to announce our inaugural ML4Q Quantum Error Correction School, scheduled to be held in Bonn from September 23-27, 2024. The application is open to everyone, including non-ML4Q associates, although applications from ML4Q group members will have priority. There is no registration fee for this event. Confirmed speakers: - Markus Müller (RWTH Aachen, DE) - Michael Gullans (QuiCS, NIST/UMD, US) - Christophe Vuillot (Inria Nancy, FR) - Johannes Zeiher (MPQ, Garching, DE) - Natalie Brown (Quantinuum) - Barbara Terhal (TU Delft, NL) - Giulia Ferrini (Chalmers University of Technology, SE) - Simon Trebst (Uni Köln, DE) - Nicolas Delfosse (IonQ) - Jens Eisert (FU Berlin, DE) Quantum error correction (QEC) is a crucial component in the development of fault-tolerant, scalable quantum computers, making it a highly relevant research topic today. As an interdisciplinary field encompassing computer science, quantum information, quantum optics, and condensed matter physics, QEC fosters collaborations among researchers from diverse backgrounds. In this spirit, the ML4Q Quantum Error Correction School is designed for students and young researchers with limited to no expertise in quantum error correction, as well as for QEC experts interested in exploring the interdisciplinary aspects of the topic. The first half of the event will focus on foundational lectures, complemented by a poster session and several advanced talks. The second half will feature presentations from participants and invited speakers, showcasing state-of-the-art experimental and theoretical work. The school is tailored to both beginners and advanced researchers, comprising basic pedagogical lectures, keynote talks, and a poster session. A tentative schedule and a list of confirmed speakers are available on our webpage. Additionally, we will host a few short talks from participants to encourage advanced discussions. 

    ML4Q Summer School

  • 🛍 👩🔬 🛍Wissenschaft und shoppen in Köln 👩🔬🛍 👩🔬 Seid dabei am 29. Juni, wenn Wissenschaftlerinnen Fußgängern von ihrer Wissenschaft erzählen. Mit dabei sind Janine Lorenz vom Forschungszentrum Jülich, Isabell Sprave von der RWTH Aachen University, die über ihre Arbeit in der Herstellung von Quantencomputer-Hardware berichten. #FraueninderWissenschaft #MINT #Quantencomputer #Wissenschaftskommunikation

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  • 🛍 👩🔬 🛍Wissenschaft und shoppen in Köln 👩🔬🛍 👩🔬 Seid dabei am 29. Juni, wenn Wissenschaftlerinnen Fußgängern von ihrer Wissenschaft erzählen. Mit dabei sind Janine Lorenz vom Forschungszentrum Jülich, Isabell Sprave von der RWTH Aachen University, die über ihre Arbeit in der Herstellung von Quantencomputer-Hardware berichten #FraueninderWissenschaft #MINT #Quantencomputer #Wissenschaftskommunikation

    Unternehmensseite von Universität zu Köln anzeigen, Grafik

    124.299 Follower:innen

    📣 🧪 „Soapbox Science Rheinland“ - Wissenschaft für alle in der Kölner Fußgängerzone 👩🎓 📖 Zum zweiten Mal findet das „Soapbox Science Rheinland“-Event in Köln statt. Am Samstag, den 29. Juni, werden neun Wissenschaftlerinnen aus unterschiedlichen Fachrichtungen in der Kölner Innenstadt kurze Vorträge zu ihrer Forschung halten. 🏙️ Bei den Veranstaltungen von „Soapbox Science“ steigen Forschende weltweit an öffentlichen Plätzen auf Seifenkisten und erklären auf leicht verständliche und anschauliche Art und Weise ihre Arbeit. Sie stellen sich zudem der Diskussion mit den Zuhörenden. Das Konzept ist inspiriert vom bekannten „Speaker‘s Corner“ im Londoner Hyde Park. 📅 Termin: Samstag, 29. Juni 2024, 13.00 bis 16:00 Uhr „Soapbox Science Rheinland“ Ort: Zeppelinstraße (vor Globetrotter und Karstadt), 50667 Köln Die Veranstaltung wird von den drei Exzellenzclustern CECAD (Alternsforschung), ML4Q (Quantenphysik) und CEPLAS (Pflanzenwissenschaft) sowie der Universität zu Köln und der Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf organisiert. Mehr dazu: ➡️ Foto: Anna Euteneuer

    Wissenschaft für alle in der Kölner Fußgängerzone

    Wissenschaft für alle in der Kölner Fußgängerzone

  • Eine große Ehre für ML4Q Mitglied und Young Investigator Julian Schmitt - herzlichen Glückwunsch!!!

    💐 The winner is... Der Wissenschaftspreis des Jahres 2024 der Nordrhein-Westfälischen Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Künste und des Industrie-Club Düsseldorf geht an Dr. Julian Schmitt, vom Institut für Angewandte Physik, der Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn! Herzlichen Glückwunsch!   🔬 Mit seiner Forschungsarbeit im Bereich: „Quantengase aus Licht: Von den Grundlagen zur Anwendung“, konnte Dr. Schmitt die Jury überzeugen und ist damit der 23. Preisträger aus Nordrhein-Westfalen.   💡 Der Preis richtet sich an Nachwuchswissenschaftlerinnen und Nachwuchswissenschaftler mit #NRW-Bezug und wird wechselnd in den Disziplinen Physik, Chemie, Medizin und Physiologie vergeben.   📸 Credits: MKW NRW

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  • ML4Q | Matter and Light for Quantum Computing hat dies direkt geteilt

    Profil von Michael Johanning anzeigen, Grafik

    Zukunft of Quantum | CTO & Co-Founder eleQtron | Deep Tech | Making quantum computers ready for practical applications

    Will the quantum hype be followed by a quantum winter? And if so, how long will it last?    Fact is: we are experiencing a hype cycle for many innovations. Take AI, for instance. It was hip in the 1980s – and the winter was long. There was the hope and expectation that we would one day be able to use AI for ourselves, but computer technology was still a long way off.     In the 1960s, we had the nuclear hype. Back then, there was speculation that in a few years everyone would have a fusion reactor in their vacuum cleaner. And there was also a hype about harmful asbestos and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)... today we know better. The question is always whether hype and winter (should) become a cycle.     Back to AI: There were extremely high expectations for it at the time. There was a lot of activity. But it didn't really take off because things were still missing. In particular, there was a lack of computational power to train models. Those things have come in the last few years, and we passed the “aha” moment that we can access AI power even on smartphones.    The situation with quantum technology is similar. The fundamentals are there – the ideas and concepts – and they are very promising. But the hardware is not fully ready yet. We have to face this reality. What is already there? What developments will take how long? How fast are we going with which applications? There is a lot of speculation right now. At the same time, there’s a lot of hope – and that's good!    But at the end of the day, hope is not enough. What we need now to make it a reality are dedicated scientists and engineers like those at eleQtron GmbH 😊, courageous decision makers in politics and business AND the necessary financial support. Then quantum computers can become a reality in a few years – as a key technology for the future. #ZukunftofQuantum    #quantumcomputing #quantumphysics #technology #innovation #future Photo: sichtplan

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