MeJuvante GmbH

MeJuvante GmbH


Eschborn, Hesse 1.067 Follower:innen

The sourcing management company


We are an indo-german management consultancy and operate in finance, as well as other industries. We have extensive experience in helping our customers in areas like management consulting, process consulting, project management, business analysis, strategic consulting, advisory and many more to create and capture more value to the project phase offering wide range of consulting services and implementation measures. We develop strategies and advise them on business process optimization. Our customers benefit from our expertise and commitment. In addition, we offer various solutions for managing and controlling risks. Our experience also covers regulatory advice for banks and financial service providers where regulatory risk plays a significant role. The aim of our consulting & advisory services is on strategy, organizational and IT projects. We partner with our precious clients such as small Enterprises as well as numerous stock listed companies at global level. We encourage you to actively participate in our future and to move forward together with you. We all have the opportunity for professional development and should take on the challenge of shaping the strategy and market position of you and the MeJuvante with a unique fingerprint. To know more, visit or write us at

51–200 Beschäftigte
Eschborn, Hesse
Consulting, Advisory, Project Management, Audit, Managed Services, Risk Management, Legal Consulting und Process improvement


Beschäftigte von MeJuvante GmbH


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    Achieving greatness together – thank you for making us a #TOPCONSULTANT again! 🌍🎉 We are thrilled to announce that #MeJuvante has once again been honored with the prestigious #TOPCONSULTANT seal for 2024, marking our second consecutive year of excellence in management consulting! 🏆✨ Awarded by Christian Wulff, the TOP CONSULTANT award exhibits our unwavering commitment to delivering outstanding consulting services to small and medium-sized businesses across Germany. 🌍💼 Our unique blend of international expertise and local insights, with offices in Germany and India, sets us apart in the consulting world. Since 2005, we've been serving the financial sector throughout Europe, providing strategic, organizational, and IT project support to both medium-sized and listed companies. 📊🌟 The renewed recognition as TOP CONSULTANT 2024 encourages us in our efforts to always offer our clients first-class, tailor-made consulting services. We look forward to continuing to promote growth and success together with our clients in the future 🚀 #MeJuvante #TOPConsultant #TOPConsultant2024 #AwardWinning #ConsultingExcellence #Leadership #Innovation #ClientSatisfaction #WorkplaceCulture #GlobalExpertise #BusinessSuccess #ManagementConsulting

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    Setting the gold standard in consulting, year after year!🌟🚀 We are thrilled to announce that #MeJuvante has once again been honored with the prestigious #TOPCONSULTANT seal for 2024, marking our second consecutive year of excellence in management consulting! 🏆✨ Awarded by Christian Wulff, the TOP CONSULTANT award exhibits our unwavering commitment to delivering outstanding consulting services to small and medium-sized businesses across Germany. This accolade reflects our dedication to client satisfaction, innovative solutions, and measurable impact. 🌍💼 Our unique blend of international expertise and local insights, with offices in Germany and India, sets us apart in the consulting world. Since 2005, we've been serving the financial sector throughout Europe, providing strategic, organizational, and IT project support to both medium-sized and listed companies. 📊🌟 The renewed recognition as TOP CONSULTANT 2024 encourages us in our efforts to always offer our clients first-class, tailor-made consulting services. We look forward to continuing to promote growth and success together with our clients in the future 🚀 #MeJuvante #TOPConsultant #TOPConsultant2024 #AwardWinning #ConsultingExcellence #Leadership #Innovation #ClientSatisfaction #WorkplaceCulture #GlobalExpertise #BusinessSuccess #ManagementConsulting Timo Traurig Evelyn Schiener MeJuvante GmbH MeJuvante Private Limited

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    Profil von Timo Traurig anzeigen, Grafik

    Managing Director | MeJuvante Group #expert on financial market topics, advisory and compliances with 25+ years of experience in guiding corporates to 100% success, with a green fingerprint.

    #Frankfurt to Become the Epicenter of EU's Fight Against Financial Crime with AMLA's Arrival in 2024 In a significant move post-Brexit, Frankfurt is set to bolster its position as a leading financial hub with the establishment of the Anti-Money Laundering Authority (AMLA) by the European Union. This strategic decision underscores the EU's commitment to intensifying its battle against money laundering and terrorist financing. #Overview The inception of AMLA is a proactive response to the escalating challenges of money laundering and terrorist financing within the EU. Despite existing measures, the complexity and transnational nature of these threats necessitate a more robust and unified approach. AMLA is poised to fill this critical gap, offering a specialized, centralized oversight mechanism to enhance the EU's defense mechanisms. #Structure and Workforce Frankfurt's selection as AMLA's headquarters cements its role as a central node in the EU's anti-money laundering efforts. Initially, AMLA will commence operations with around 100 staff, with plans to expand to 400-500 personnel within three years. This diverse team will bring together experts in financial supervision, legal frameworks, and international cooperation. #Mandate and Capabilities AMLA is endowed with comprehensive powers to fulfill its mission, including: - Direct oversight of select cross-border financial entities identified as high-risk. - Coordination with national financial supervisory authorities to ensure uniform application of AML/CFT regulations across the EU. - Issuance of guidelines, recommendations, and binding directives to enforce compliance with AML/CFT standards. #Funding Mechanism The operational costs of AMLA will be covered through fees from the regulated entities and contributions from the EU budget, ensuring the authority's independence and efficacy. #Collaborative Framework A pivotal element of AMLA's strategy is fostering synergies with national regulatory bodies and financial intelligence units. Through regular assessments and support, AMLA aims to bolster the capabilities of national authorities, facilitating a seamless exchange of information and best practices across the EU. #Roadmap to Activation Scheduled to kick off in 2024, with full operational capacity expected by 2027, AMLA's phased implementation will involve establishing its infrastructure, assembling a skilled team, and crafting the requisite legal and operational protocols. #Conclusion The creation of AMLA signifies a landmark advancement in the EU's strategy to counteract financial crimes. By centralizing expertise and authority in Frankfurt, the EU is poised to enhance its vigilance and safeguard the integrity of its financial ecosystem against money laundering and terrorist financing.

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    Key trends in consulting The outlook for the consulting industry in the European Union (EU) in the coming years, particularly in the context of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) and the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), appears to be highly positive and growth-oriented. The introduction and enforcement of ESG and sustainability regulatory requirements, such as the CSRD, are set to significantly drive the demand for consulting services in these areas. #Growth Projections The global market spend on ESG and sustainability consulting reached $11.5 billion in 2022 and is projected to grow at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 27%, exceeding $48 billion by 2028[1]. This growth is primarily driven by the increasing regulatory requirements around ESG and sustainability. For instance, the CSRD, which came into force on January 5, 2023, mandates a broader set of large companies and listed SMEs in the EU to report on sustainability, starting with the financial year 2024 for reports published in 2025. This directive alone will cover over 49,000 organizations and require them to report more than a thousand data points under the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS). #Key Drivers of Growth 1. Regulatory Requirements: The CSRD and other global regulations, such as the SEC's proposed climate change disclosures in the US, necessitate comprehensive sustainability reporting and disclosures, driving the need for consulting services in data management, reporting, and disclosure management[1]. 2. Evolving Sustainability Strategies: Companies are increasingly prioritizing the development of ambitious ESG and sustainability targets. A global corporate survey indicated that 58% of respondents view sustainability strategy development as a top or high priority, further fueling the demand for consulting services to help redefine and update sustainability strategies. 3. Industry-Specific Challenges: There is a growing demand for industry-specific sustainability expertise. The International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) standard, which adopts an industry-based approach to sustainability reporting, underscores the need for consulting providers that can offer tailored solutions to specific sector challenges. #Conclusion The industry in the EU is poised for significant growth in the ESG and sustainability domain, driven by stringent regulatory requirements, the evolving focus of companies on sustainability strategies, and the need for industry-specific expertise. The CSRD, in particular, is a major catalyst for this growth, requiring extensive reporting and disclosures that will necessitate specialized consulting services. Please reach out to us, MeJuvante is a partner of #leadity a major software vendor for esg and csrd reporting. we get your processes and IT ready for future

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    SEPA INSTANT PAYMENT REGULATION On 7th of March the European Parliament outlines a legislative resolution by regarding the amendment of regulations and directives to facilitate instant credit transfers in euro. Here are the key findings and summaries of the resolution: #Harmonization and Penalties - The resolution aims to harmonize the approach across the European Union for instant credit transfers in euro, including setting a ceiling for penalties for non-compliance by Payment Service Providers (PSPs) and their senior management. - Penalties for infringements of the new regulations should be effective, proportionate, and dissuasive, ensuring compliance with obligations stemming from targeted financial restrictive measures. #Instant Credit Transfers - The document emphasizes the need for a Union-wide scheme for instant execution of credit transfers in euro, noting that current efforts have not ensured a high uptake at the Union level. - Specific requirements for instant credit transfers in euro are established to ensure proper functioning and integration of the internal market. - Member States whose currency is not the euro are encouraged to apply equivalent rules for domestic instant credit transfers in their own currency. #Payment Service Providers (PSPs) Obligations - PSPs are required to offer the service of sending and receiving instant credit transfers in euro to all their Payment Service Users (PSUs), including those with basic payment accounts. - The resolution calls for uniform rules on instant credit transfers in euro to prevent market fragmentation and compliance costs associated with varying national regulations. #Verification and Compliance - PSPs should periodically verify whether their PSUs are subject to targeted financial restrictive measures, moving away from transaction-based screening to increase efficiency and legal certainty. - The document also addresses the need for PSPs to ensure verification to prevent funds from being transferred to unintended payees, with specific provisions for refunds and liability in cases of incorrect execution. #Implementation and Evaluation - The obligations introduced by the amendment are to be implemented gradually, allowing PSPs to efficiently use their resources. The obligation to offer the payment service of sending instant credit transfers will apply later than the obligation to receive them. - The European Commission is tasked with submitting a report evaluating the development of charges for payment accounts and for national and cross-border credit transfers and instant credit transfers in euro and other currencies. #reach out to us for details

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    Please find an abstract on the achievements of our modern world whixh I noted in 2023, and discussed with my team lately. Thanks to all for sharing your thoughts and findings in the article. don't miss the long version on our homepage.

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    2024 feiern wir zwei Jubiläen, den 300sten Geburtstag von Kant und sein 75 Jahre deutsches Grundgesetz In Erinnerung an Immanuel Kant, den einflussreichen deutschen Philosophen, erkunden wir, wie seine Ideen von Freiheit und Menschenwürde das deutsche Grundgesetz maßgeblich prägten. Kant, geboren 1724 in Königsberg, beeinflusste durch seine Werke in Ethik und Metaphysik nicht nur die Philosophie, sondern auch das politische Denken Deutschlands. Das Grundgesetz, eingeführt 1949, reflektiert Kants Vision von Autonomie und moralischem Respekt. Es garantiert Meinungs- und Religionsfreiheit, Gleichheit vor dem Gesetz und den Schutz der Menschenwürde, was Kants Prinzipien direkt widerspiegelt. Besonders bedeutend ist die Verankerung der Gewaltenteilung im Rechtssystem, inspiriert von Kants Autonomiegedanken und dem Bestreben, staatliche Macht zu begrenzen. Deutschland feiert Kants 300. Geburtstag mit Veranstaltungen, die sein Leben und seine Philosophie ehren. Diese Feierlichkeiten, insbesondere in seiner Geburtsstadt Königsberg, unterstreichen die anhaltende Bedeutung seiner Ideen. Kants Einfluss reicht weit über das Rechtssystem hinaus. Seine Betonung von Bildung und Vernunft prägte das deutsche Bildungssystem und trug zur Entwicklung einer modernen, demokratischen Gesellschaft bei. Selbst heute noch sind Kants Konzepte von Freiheit und Menschenwürde entscheidend für eine gerechte und demokratische Gesellschaft. Das Grundgesetz, ein Spiegelbild von Kants Philosophie, ist ein Fundament für die Wahrung individueller Rechte und die Förderung der Demokratie in Deutschland. Es erinnert uns daran, wie wesentlich es ist, für Freiheit, Gleichheit und Menschenrechte einzutreten. #ImmanuelKant #Grundgesetz #Demokratie #Philosophie #Deutschland 📚🇩🇪🗽

    Die Philosophie Immanuel Kants und ihr Einfluss auf das deutsche Grundgesetz

    Die Philosophie Immanuel Kants und ihr Einfluss auf das deutsche Grundgesetz

  • Unternehmensseite von MeJuvante GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

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    2024 feiern wir zwei Jubiläen, den 300sten Geburtstag von Kant und sein 75 Jahre deutsches Grundgesetz In Erinnerung an Immanuel Kant, den einflussreichen deutschen Philosophen, erkunden wir, wie seine Ideen von Freiheit und Menschenwürde das deutsche Grundgesetz maßgeblich prägten. Kant, geboren 1724 in Königsberg, beeinflusste durch seine Werke in Ethik und Metaphysik nicht nur die Philosophie, sondern auch das politische Denken Deutschlands. Das Grundgesetz, eingeführt 1949, reflektiert Kants Vision von Autonomie und moralischem Respekt. Es garantiert Meinungs- und Religionsfreiheit, Gleichheit vor dem Gesetz und den Schutz der Menschenwürde, was Kants Prinzipien direkt widerspiegelt. Besonders bedeutend ist die Verankerung der Gewaltenteilung im Rechtssystem, inspiriert von Kants Autonomiegedanken und dem Bestreben, staatliche Macht zu begrenzen. Deutschland feiert Kants 300. Geburtstag mit Veranstaltungen, die sein Leben und seine Philosophie ehren. Diese Feierlichkeiten, insbesondere in seiner Geburtsstadt Königsberg, unterstreichen die anhaltende Bedeutung seiner Ideen. Kants Einfluss reicht weit über das Rechtssystem hinaus. Seine Betonung von Bildung und Vernunft prägte das deutsche Bildungssystem und trug zur Entwicklung einer modernen, demokratischen Gesellschaft bei. Selbst heute noch sind Kants Konzepte von Freiheit und Menschenwürde entscheidend für eine gerechte und demokratische Gesellschaft. Das Grundgesetz, ein Spiegelbild von Kants Philosophie, ist ein Fundament für die Wahrung individueller Rechte und die Förderung der Demokratie in Deutschland. Es erinnert uns daran, wie wesentlich es ist, für Freiheit, Gleichheit und Menschenrechte einzutreten. #ImmanuelKant #Grundgesetz #Demokratie #Philosophie #Deutschland 📚🇩🇪🗽

    Die Philosophie Immanuel Kants und ihr Einfluss auf das deutsche Grundgesetz

    Die Philosophie Immanuel Kants und ihr Einfluss auf das deutsche Grundgesetz

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