
Imagine tomorrow’s possibilities.


“Imagine tomorrow’s possibilities.“ MDCT steht für die, die den Mut und die Kreativität haben, über das, „was ist“ hinauszusehen, auf das, „was sein kann“, um einen Unterschied zu machen. Wir sind überzeugt: Träumen beflügeln die Seele, und diese zu realisieren erfüllt uns mit Sinn. Daher sind Träume für uns ein nachhaltiger Antrieb. Langanhaltend, stark und visionär. Wir sind eine unabhängige, inhabergeführte Agentur. Seit 1995 bieten wir unter unserem bisherigen Namen WERBEWELT Strategie- und Kommunikationslösungen aus einer Hand. Für nationale und internationale Kunden arbeiten 40 leidenschaftliche und kreative Köpfe aus unterschiedlichsten Disziplinen. Für mehr Marken- und Unternehmenserfolg, für mehr Zukunftsfähigkeit und für mehr Mut, es besser zu machen. Deshalb heißen wir jetzt: „make dreams come true“ –  kurz: MDCT

11–50 Beschäftigte
Kapitalgesellschaft (AG, GmbH, UG etc.)
Branding, Digital Marketing, eCommerce, Social Media, Campaigning, Public Relations und Design


Beschäftigte von MDCT AG


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    MDCT is looking for you! Join us as a Senior Strategy & Concept Specialist. Develop powerful ideas, craft exceptional campaigns, and drive brand and client development with your strategic perspective. If you have a minimum of 3 years of professional experience and thrive in a dynamic environment, this is the opportunity for you! Check out all the details now: #MDCT #MakeDreamsComeTrue #Dreamjob #Hiring #StrategyJobs #Strategy #Concept

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  • Unternehmensseite von MDCT AG anzeigen, Grafik

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    It’s no secret that AI is playing an increasingly vital role in our industry. But how can we leverage this technology to achieve the greatest impact? What works for one doesn’t work for all, and that’s where we come in to help. We’re thrilled to announce the release of our AI:D magazine, which dives deep into the capabilities of AI and its transformative potential for E-Commerce – special shoutout to Paul Krauss for his commitment and AI Transformation Institute. Discover the latest insights and practical applications to stay ahead in the game. 📥 Download your free copy here: #MDCT #MakeDreamsComeTrue #AI #AIDMagazine #IndustryNews

    AI:D Whitepaper - MDCT Werbeagentur in Stuttgart

    AI:D Whitepaper - MDCT Werbeagentur in Stuttgart

  • Unternehmensseite von MDCT AG anzeigen, Grafik

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    Say hi to the Tiny Passenger – a case of its own. 💚 We’re excited to share with you our latest project for Flightright: a unique summer campaign designed to raise awareness for claiming refunds for flight cancellations and delays, in an approachable and emotional manner. While your feed may be buzzing with AI tool updates, we’ve truly delved deep into the topic for our client. Our goal? Using artificial intelligence to create a tiny, humorous, relatable, and approachable character. Our challenge? Implementing AI tools and exploring their possibilities and limitations. In this case, AI plays a crucial role, enabling us to streamline processes and enhance visuals, creating innovative elements in record time. Sure, it opens up new avenues and possibilities. However, AI is just one piece of the puzzle. It complements rather than replaces the human touch – the creativity, concept, storytelling, and emotional impact as well as the small details that define our campaign are all team-made. Our Tiny Passenger is AI-created, and AI is also our main tool for creating key visuals. In video production, we brought him to life in a hybrid approach. Collaborating closely with Bitteschö, we’ve employed traditional animation techniques to blend modern AI-generated concepts with classic craftsmanship – see video number 1 for yourself. This is just the beginning! Stay tuned for more insights into the ideas, challenges, and solutions behind this exciting project. #MDCT #MakeDreamsComeTrue #Flightright #SummerCampaign #TinyPassenger #AI #KI

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    Happy to be part of this journey of bringing AI to the real world with Flightright. Stay tuned for what’s coming next with this little one! ✈️ 💚 Catch a first glimpse here:

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    Wir freuen uns darüber, mit personeller Verstärkung in die Sommersaison zu starten und ein neues Teammitglied bei Flightright zu begrüßen:   🌟 Herzlich Willkommen an Bord, Tiny Passenger! 🌟   Der Tiny Passenger wird uns ab sofort auf unserer Mission begleiten, das Bewusstsein für Fluggastrechte zu stärken und noch mehr Flugreisenden zu Ihrem Recht zu verhelfen.   Mit seiner positiven Einstellung suggeriert er auch in Stresssituationen: alles wird gut! Er behält stets den Durchblick und sucht aktiv nach Lösungen für seine Flugprobleme. Der Tiny Passenger weiß: Egal, wie frustrierend Flugverspätungen oder Ausfälle sein können - dank Flightright gelangt er schnell und unkompliziert zu seiner Entschädigung und kann den Rest seiner Reise genießen. ✨   In diesem Sommer könnt ihr europaweit nach dem Tiny Passenger Ausschau halten und euch von ihm inspirieren lassen! Gemeinsam werden wir auch weiterhin dafür sorgen, dass jeder Flugreisende seine Rechte kennt und durchsetzen kann.    Das erste Video mit dem Tiny Passenger könnt ihr aktuell auf YouTube sehen - den Link findet ihr in den Kommentaren. 💼✈️💙   P.s. ein besonderer Dank geht an MDCT AG für die schnelle, kreative Konzeptentwicklung und Kreation unseres Tiny Passengers!   

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    Unlocking the art of conversations 🗣️   Our teams recently gathered for an insightful communication workshop led by Sibylle Schade. This session went not only about communication in all its facets, but also about tips and techniques on how to get your message effectively and slightful in challenging scenarios.   💡Our key takeaways? That we should approach every conversation with empathy and clarity - and always strive to listen more and speak more thoughtfully, especially when the going gets tough. #MDCT #MakeDreamsComeTrue #coaching

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    Hey there! Curious about what it’s like to work with our social media team? 🤳 Here’s your opportunity to find out! As our new social media working student, you’ll join forces with our art direction, concept & strategy, and project management teams to create something truly magical. Working alongside experienced social media managers, you’ll bring fresh ideas to the table and tackle exciting tasks. Sounds interesting? Apply now 👉 #mdct #workingstudent

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    Want to kickstart your career in Account Management? Then this is your call to join us as a trainee or manager. You’ll be part of a dynamic team, collaborating on various projects, and gaining hands-on experience in project management, market research, and customer relations. If you’re a proactive team player with a passion for communication and a thirst for discovering new possibilities, we want to hear from you! Apply now! 👇 Trainee Account Management: Account Management: #MDCT #AccountManagement #Trainee #AccountManager

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    When Kim Kardashian, Robert Habeck, and Tokio Hotel all head to Hamburg, it's OMR time. Our take? It's a fantastic event for brands, organizations, and agencies alike, providing a space to connect with new faces, catch up with old friends, exchange ideas, and stay updated on industry trends. But it doesn't start nor stop here. Staying relevant means understanding client needs 365 days a year and staying on top of AI content, innovative campaigns, and the ever-evolving landscape of influencer marketing, all of which are part of our daily routine. In summary: Had a blast – see you in 2025. ✨ #OMR #Hamburg #MDCT

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    Little bit of Snack, little bit of Schnack! Our teams gathered for our first annual meeting of the year, covering everything from facts and finances to upcoming campaigns and projects. But there was more than only news; we also took a moment for some personal reflection: What advice would you give your 18-year-old self? Our key takeaway: keep calm and keep going. It’s a message we should all remember more often.

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