Math2Market GmbH

Math2Market GmbH


Kaiserslautern, Rheinland-Pfalz 1.642 Follower:innen

makers of the GeoDict software, the Digital Material Laboratory


Die Math2Market GmbH entwickelt und vertreibt die wissenschaftliche Software GeoDict. Mit GeoDict verfügen unsere Kunden über ein digitales Materiallabor, in welchem sie ihre Werkstoff- und Materialentwicklung rechnergestützt betreiben können. So kann z. B. ein Filterelement durch Simulation mehrstufig optimiert werden, bevor es dann endgültig in Produktion geht. Wir arbeiten in vielfältiger Weise mit internationalen Partnern aus Industrie und Forschung zusammen und sind mit innovativen Beiträgen auf wissenschaftlichen Kongressen und Messen vertreten. Permanente Weiterentwicklung und Ergänzung der einzelnen Softwaremodule ist unsere Leidenschaft – messbar am jährlichen Update-Release von GeoDict. Das Wachstum des Unternehmens zeigt, wie unsere Kunden dies honorieren. Aktuelle Einsatzfelder sind beispielsweise: • Poröse Materialien für Öl-,Luft- und Dieselpartikelfilter, Vliesstoffe aller Art, Filze zur Papierentwässerung und viele weitere Materialien für zahlreiche Anwendungen werden per Simulation für immer schwierigere Anforderungen angepasst. • Brennstoffzellen, Batterien und Katalysatoren werden mit Hilfe von GeoDict weiterentwickelt. • Faserverbundwerkstoffe können in der Chemie-, Kunststoff-, Luftfahrt-, Elektronik- und Automobilindustrie designt und optimiert werden. • Die explorierende Öl- und Gasindustrie profitiert von schnellerer und umfassenderer Auswertung von Bohrkerneigenschaften als im klassischen Labor möglich. • Neue Geschäftsfelder kommen in Kürze dazu. Im Jahr 2011 als Ausgründung aus dem Fraunhofer ITWM entstanden, hat die Math2Market GmbH heute bereits mehr als 70 Mitarbeiter. Die führenden Wissenschaftler verfügen zusammen über mehr als 80 Jahre Erfahrung in den Anwendungsfeldern. Bei der Softwareentwicklung kooperiert die Math2Market GmbH weiterhin mit dem Fraunhofer Institut für Techno- und Wirtschaftsmathematik, von dem sie die kompletten Rechte (IP) an GeoDict zum 31.12.2012 erworben hat.

51–200 Beschäftigte
Kaiserslautern, Rheinland-Pfalz
Filtration Simulation, Consulting, 3d Material Models, Material Property Simulation, 3d Image Processing, Fuel Cell Material Simulation, Li-Ion Battery Material Simulation, Paper Dewatering Media simulation, Digital Rock Physics, Sand Control Screen Design, Filter media modeling and simulation, Digital material analysis und Digital property prediction


  • Primär

    Richard-Wagner-Str. 1

    Kaiserslautern, Rheinland-Pfalz 67655, DE


Beschäftigte von Math2Market GmbH


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    Prediction of Capillary Pressure & two-phase properties: Introducing SatuDict   In material science, it is essential to model accurately the distribution of fluid phases in porous media. The SatuDict module of GeoDict is dedicated to understand and quantify the behavior of two distinct fluid phases (gas or liquid) in porous materials. Saturation with these fluid phases alters key properties, such as flow permeability, diffusivity, thermal conductivity, and electrical conductivity. SatuDict’s strong suit is the simulation of the distribution of immiscible fluid phases where capillary forces dominate, providing insights into saturation-dependent material parameters, like capillary pressure curves, relative permeability, and resistivity index. Here are some key features of SatuDict: - Simulation of mercury intrusion & extrusion - Prediction of relative permeability - Analysis of relative gas diffusivity - Determination of relative thermal conductivity Interested? Learn more about SatuDict and its various fields of application at: #MaterialScience #DigitalSimulation #CostEfficiency #PorousMedia  

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  • Unternehmensseite von Math2Market GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

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    Looking Back on Our Annual Math2Market Seminar 🌟   Last week, our team came together for the annual Math2Market seminar to strategize and envision our company's future. This year, we gathered in the beautiful Vorderpfalz region, in Asselheim.   For two days, we collaborated intensively, generating numerous ideas and solutions to push forward sustainable advancements in material development and enhance team synergy. We are confident in GeoDict's incredible potential and are committed to unlocking it together.   A heartfelt thank you to everyone who contributed to making the seminar an exceptional experience! Your creativity and insights are the driving force behind Math2Market's continuous progress.   Let’s continue shaping the future of material design together!   #FuturePlanning #TeamGrowth #PositiveImpact #MaterialDesignFuture

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  • Unternehmensseite von Math2Market GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

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    Did you know that you can predict the material properties of additive manufacturing structures before even printing them? We had the pleasure of presenting at the 3Druck Forum Pfalz last week! Thank you Tobias Teufel and Innovationsagentur Rheinland-Pfalz for organizing this amazing event. Here are some key takeaways from our talk: Additive Manufacturing is revolutionizing the manufacturing landscape with numerous benefits, including complex and lightweight geometries, unparalleled design freedom, innovative and rapid prototyping, supply chain flexibility, cost-effective small batch production, on-demand manufacturing, and much more. However, a major challenge remains: the inhomogeneity of printed parts leads to varying material properties. This makes it difficult to predict the behavior of printed parts directly from CAD data. In our talk, Christopher Kühnle showcased our groundbreaking approach: simulating the entire printing process, including predicting the resulting material properties. With our simulation software, GeoDict, you can determine and optimize material properties before the first part is even printed. This leads to significant time and cost reductions and enhances efficiency in additive manufacturing processes. If you are interested in testing applications before even printing them, this is the perfect solution for you! It was a pleasure to be part of the 3D Druck Forum and exchange ideas with Jürgen Jenner, Janos Kehl, Paul Bocionek, Sebastian Sänger, Manuel Schmidt, and Oliver Schulte. #AdditiveManufacturing #3DruckForum #MaterialOptimization #Innovation #GeoDict

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  • Unternehmensseite von Math2Market GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

    1.642 Follower:innen

    Greetings from the ICTMS in Cape Town, South Africa!   We are thrilled to be currently attending the International Conference on Tomography of Materials and Structures (ICTMS) in Cape Town. The ICTMS is a gathering of experts in material tomography, and we are honored to be a part of it. This event provides a unique opportunity to explore advancements in tomography and connect with fellow innovators in the field.   We are presenting our latest developments with GeoDict and demonstrating how our digital material laboratory is revolutionizing material and component analysis. Take your chance and talk to our experts, Nelly Franziska Nunheim and Andreas Wiegmann, at our booth!   We look forward to inspiring conversations!   #ICTMS2024 #MaterialScience #Tomography #GeoDict #Innovation #Networking

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  • Math2Market GmbH hat dies direkt geteilt

    Letzte Woche haben wir unser Mitglied Math2Market GmbH besucht und gemeinsam einen bedeutenden Meilenstein gefeiert! 🎉 Das Unternehmen ist in den letzten Jahren kontinuierlich gewachsen und der Platz wurde nun eng. Gefeiert wurde daher die Erweiterung der Büroflächen auf 2 Etagen im Fakelcenter. Vor Ort bekamen wir einen Einblick in die beeindruckende Entwicklung von Math2Market seit ihrer Ausgründung aus dem Fraunhofer ITWM. 🚀 CEO Andreas Wiegmann gab spannende Einblicke in die Vergangenheit und setzte klare Ziele für die kommenden Jahre.🌟 Vielen Dank für die Einladung und auf viele weitere Erfolge in den kommenden Jahren! 🥂 #Math2Market #Fakelcenter #Rückblick #Wachstum #Feier #Kaiserslautern

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  • Unternehmensseite von Math2Market GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

    1.642 Follower:innen

    Digital Revolution in Filter Modeling & Design: PleatGeo Pleated filter elements are widely used, as they provide a large filter area in limited space, with the well-known benefits of low pressure drop and high filter capacity. Their applications range from flat filter pleats in cassette filters to cylindrically pleated filter elements in round filters, and beyond. As filters become crucial in an increasingly polluted world, their design requirements are also intensifying. The challenge is to create an efficient, cost-effective, and robust filter structure, which often requires significant time and money in R&D to develop costly prototypes. This is where the PleatGeo module of GeoDict steps in: model, design, and test prototypes digitally in a loop without the need for costly and time-consuming physical prototypes! With GeoDict, performance metrics are digitally simulated, and then only the most promising prototypes are manufactured for further testing. Speed up development cycles like never before. Key Features of PleatGeo: - Modeling flat and cylindrical filter pleats - Modeling pleated filters with or without support structures and support meshes - Filter performance calculated without expensive and time-consuming measurements - Fully automated 3D-based approach without meshing - Efficient, automated simulation of parameter studies - Fast and accurate simulations thanks to efficient and memory-optimized numerical solvers Interested? Follow us and learn more about PleatGeo at: #FilterDesign #DigitalSimulation #ProductDevelopment #CostEfficiency #Prototyping

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  • Unternehmensseite von Math2Market GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

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    🎉 After-party celebration with our team! 🎉 Following our official grand opening of new office space, our team continued with an informal celebration. It was the perfect way to unwind after the official ceremony and transition into a fun and relaxed atmosphere. The theme of our Voxi-Bar was EURO 2024, and we enjoyed the evening with the live broadcast of the soccer match between Germany and Hungary. Partners, spouses, and children were warmly welcomed to join the festivities and everyone was encouraged to bring their Germany jerseys, T-shirts, caps, or other fan gear. It was a fantastic evening filled with camaraderie, team spirit, and soccer excitement. A huge thank you to those organizing both celebrations. Your efforts made the events truly memorable. #Math2Market #TeamCelebration #EURO2024 #OfficeExpansion #GermanyVsHungary

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  • Unternehmensseite von Math2Market GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

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    🎉 Celebrating a new milestone for Math2Market! 🎉 Yesterday we celebrated the grand opening of Math2Market’s new office space, as we expanded to another floor in the same building and started on an exciting new chapter for our company. The event kicked off with a warm welcome, when our CEO, Andreas Wiegmann, delivered an inspiring speech highlighting our journey and future ambitions. Guests and employees enjoyed delicious finger food, creating a perfect setting for networking and engaging conversations. We are deeply grateful to everyone who made our growth to this point possible. We want to thank our team for their hard work, dedication, and commitment, as well as the support of our partners. This expansion is evidence of our growth and ongoing commitment to innovation. We look forward to many more successes together! #Math2Market #NewOffice #Expansion #Innovation #Growth

  • Unternehmensseite von Math2Market GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

    1.642 Follower:innen

    🚀 New young connections at the Treffpunkt Karrieremesse! 🚀 Last Thursday, our team had the pleasure of participating in the career contact fair #TreffpunktKL at #RPTU Kaiserslautern. Mathias Fingerle-Straß, Jasmin Markus, and Svenja Stanislav, met with many students interested in the exciting career opportunities at Math2Market and answered all their questions. Engaging with a possible next generation of employees and having direct discussions in a relaxed atmosphere with motivated students was inspiring. We are looking forward to potential new additions to Math2Market. 👉 Interested in working in the digital future of material sciences and shaping your career? Visit our website to learn more: #Math2Market #Karrieremesse #MaterialScience #JoinOurTeam

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  • Unternehmensseite von Math2Market GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

    1.642 Follower:innen

    🌟 Unlock new possibilities with GeoDict-AI! AI and machine learning are at the heart of our GeoDict software. GeoDict-AI is designed to streamline the research process, making it easy to segment scans, enhance 3D-image data, and identify components (fibers, grains, pores, binder….) of the material microstructure. This saves time and manual work by automating the extraction of necessary information from the scans. Key features of GeoDict-AI: - Precise detection and identification of individual fibers or grains in 3D scans. - Accurate segmentation and separation of material phases from grayscale images. - Enhancement and improvement of the quality of 3D grayscale images for better analysis. - Training of custom Neural Networks for specific proprietary tasks. Discover more information about GeoDict AI here: How do you see AI transforming your work? Share your thoughts on how AI can impact materials research!👇 #AI #Math2Market #ImageAnalysis #GeoDict

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