


Nature data analytics from reporting to action through precise, actionable insights.


Transforming data insights into nature action: At the core of our mission, our AI powered platform revolutionizes the way we interact with nature through data. We not only draw inspiration from the natural world but also translate it into concrete, actionable steps. Compliant with the latest regulatory standards, our tool is more than just a resource for corporate reporting; it's a catalyst for strategic decision-making. By offering precise and actionable insights, we empower users to not only meet compliance requirements but to innovate and make a tangible, positive impact on the environment.

11–50 Beschäftigte
Kapitalgesellschaft (AG, GmbH, UG etc.)
SaaS, AI, Big Data, Nature restoration, Biodiversity, Ecosystem services, CSRD, TNFD, business risks, reporting , SBTN, GRI und Nature positive


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    ♻️ People are a product of their environment. And so are businesses. Up until recently, the biodiversity crisis was hardly ever in focus of business entities due to a perceived gap between the natural world and the socio-economic one. kuyua aims to bridge this gap by showing how everything anthropogenic is grounded in the natural environment and dependent on the latter. Furthermore, we offer data-based, nature-positive solutions that bridge this gap - in knowledge as well as in actions 👉 https://www.kuyua.com/ 🪫Lack of focus on biodiversity and the environment on behalf of economic entities in the past has resulted in linear-consumerist approaches to managing businesses as separate from their effects on the immediate environment. The truth is, human cycles are only superstructures on top of the environmental foundation, and the entire system can be in balance only if the base is stable. In turn, the natural equilibrium depends in large part on biodiversity, which ensures the proper functioning of the natural systems and cycles. 🔋All in all, nature in general - and biodiversity in particular - should be considered as a basis for any modern business and be treated as an asset, an investment, and a part of business strategy. There can be no flourishing business on the depleted terrain. Solving the crisis now means saving valuable natural resources before they reach the tipping point, or the point of no return. It is easier to preserve than to restore, rebuild, or deal with the cascading effects of scarcity in the near future. #kuyua #biodiversity #b2b #b2bsolutions #nature #netzero #netpositive #environment 

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    Did you know that Sunday is World Chimpanzee Day? 🐒 Chimpanzees are remarkable for their intelligence and complex social structures. Known for their tool-using abilities, these keen-minded primates have been seen using sticks to hunt insects and gather food. Studies have shown that adolescent chimps can even outperform humans in certain memory tests! 🤓 Chimpanzees have rich cultural traditions, with different communities passing on unique knowledge, skills, and behaviours from one generation to the next. They play a vital role in their ecosystems by dispersing seeds, which helps maintain biodiversity and benefits local human populations 🍊 🌳 The EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) works to stop illegal deforestation, protecting remarkable animals like the chimpanzee from the effects of habitat loss—one of the leading drivers of biodiversity loss. By ensuring that products linked to deforestation do not enter the EU market, this regulation supports the preservation of vital ecosystems that chimpanzees and other species depend on. We must protect these incredible creatures who offer us valuable insights into our own evolution and contribute so much to their natural habitats 🌍💚 Read more here 👉 https://lnkd.in/e_tkJuhP Find our website 👉 https://www.kuyua.com #EUDR #Biodiversity #Deforestation #NatureConservation

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    Three bits of biodiversity news from last week 🗞 One: ☠ Brazil's congressional agribusiness caucus has succeeded in passing the controversial "Poison Bill," which eases restrictions on the sale and use of numerous agrochemicals, many of which are banned in the European Union. This new legislation has led to a dramatic increase in pesticide use in the Brazilian Amazon, with the fungicide mancozeb's usage soaring by 5,600% and the herbicide atrazine by 575% over the past decade. Experts warn that these lax controls threaten the Amazon's biodiversity and pose significant health risks to Indigenous peoples and local communities. Read more here 👉 https://lnkd.in/ewC-DmVG Two: 🛫 A study from the University of Leeds reveals how long-distance travel significantly impacts the global carbon footprint. While these trips constitute less than 3% of all journeys in the UK, they account for 70% of travel-related carbon emissions. International travel, making up only 0.4% of trips, is responsible for 55% of these emissions. The study, published in Nature Energy, urges policymakers and the public to prioritise sustainable travel practices to effectively mitigate climate impacts 🛬 Find out more here 👉 https://lnkd.in/eqU8qmet Three: Recent research led by Newcastle University reveals that glacier melt on Alaska’s Juneau Ice-field is accelerating dramatically, surpassing previous estimates and potentially approaching irreversible decline sooner than expected. Published in Nature Communications, the study identifies alarming increases in ice loss since 2010, emphasising the vulnerability of plateau ice-fields to climate change and highlighting the urgent need for updated projections to address future sea level rise impacts. Read more here 👉 https://lnkd.in/enxrsCxa #Biodiversity #Pesticides #GHGEmissions #ClimateChange

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    Vorsitzende B.A.U.M. e.V. | pro nachhaltige Entwicklung & nachhaltiges Wirtschaften | ohne Parteibuch | Theologin | Beirätin

    +++ Herzliche Einladung +++ KlimaManagementTagung und ExtremWetterKongress am 25.-27.09.24 in Hamburg +++ B.A.U.M. ist seit 2021 Partner des #ExtremWetterKongress von Böttcher.science. In diesem Jahr wird der 13. ExtremWetterKongress (EWK) um die #KlimaManagementTagung ergänzt, die im Anschluss an den EWK am 26. und 27. September ebenfalls in der HafenCity Universität Hamburg (HCU) stattfindet. Der EWK ist die führende interdisziplinäre Fachtagung für #Extremwetter im #Klimawandel in Deutschland und als Dialogveranstaltung zwischen Wissenschaft und Öffentlichkeit wichtiger Beitrag der aktiven Klimakommunikation. Sein Kopf und Macher Frank Böttcher ist Experte für (Extrem-)Wetter und Klimathemen, als Wettermoderator Norddeutscher Rundfunk bekannt, Journalist und Autor. Seit letztem Jahr ist er außerdem Vorsitzender der Deutschen Meteorologischen Gesellschaft – wozu ich ihm herzlich gratuliere! 🛰 Zusammen mit unseren Mitgliedern Lufthansa Industry Solutions und kuyua veranstalten wir den Workshop "Die (potenzielle) Bedeutung von #Klimadaten für Unternehmensstrategie und #Berichterstattung", bei dem wir Einblicke in die Arbeit dieser Partner geben und aktuelle Fragen erörtern, die uns im Rahmen der Initiative Wirtschaft pro Klima beschäftigen. 📆 Wann? am 26. September während der ersten Workshop-Session 🕞 von 15:30 bis 17.30 Uhr. Ich rate sehr, zu kommen. Die Tagung spricht in nüchterner Wissenschaftlichkeit über die Lage und sucht real wirksame Lösungen für den Umgang mit der #Klimakrise. Es kommt die ganze Wetter- und Klimawirtschaftsprominenz - Özden Terli, dessen sachliche Alarmbereitschaft ich zum Niederknien finde, Claudia Kemfert, die sich nicht zu schade ist, immer wieder den Kopf hinzuhalten, Sven Plöger & Mojib Latif. Und natürlich fehlt auch die Politik nicht: Staatssekretärin Christiane Rohleder Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz, nukleare Sicherheit und Verbraucherschutz (BMUV) kommt und Staatssekretär Dr. Rolf Bösinger vom BMWSB (Wohnen, Stadtentwicklung und Bauwesen). 🍬 Ein besonderes Goodie für unser Netzwerk: Die ersten 20 Buchungen aus dem B.A.U.M.-Netzwerk können kostenlos teilnehmen! Keine Ahnung, wie viele schon weg sind, ich würde ja sagen: einfach probieren, ob´s noch klappt. Wer drin ist, ist drin. Ich werde den ganzen Donnerstag da sein. Infos und Links: siehe erster Kommentar. B.A.U.M. e.V. - Netzwerk für nachhaltiges Wirtschaften Klima-Allianz Deutschland Stiftung Allianz für Entwicklung und Klima JARO Institute for Sustainability and Digitalization e.V. EcoVadis D-A-CH #ImpactAssessment #SDPI #AlleFür1Komma5 #ESRS #TNFD

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    🐃 Did you know that nature and biodiversity play a vital role in climate regulation? 🐋 🌳 Natural ecosystems, from forests to oceans, store vast amounts of carbon by absorbing it from the atmosphere and incorporating it into long-lasting structures like tree bark and root systems. This carbon sequestration potential is intricately linked to the biodiversity within these ecosystems. When biodiversity is lost, so is the capacity to store carbon, creating a feedback loop where climate change accelerates biodiversity loss, leading to even more carbon emissions 🌊 For example? 🐋 Whales play a vital role in carbon sequestration by absorbing carbon dioxide through their feeding and releasing nutrient-rich waste, which stimulates the growth of phytoplankton. These tiny plants absorb significant amounts of CO2, and when they die, they sink to the ocean floor, effectively storing carbon. 🐃 Buffalo, on the other hand, contribute to carbon sequestration through their grazing patterns, which help maintain grassland ecosystems. These grasslands store carbon in their root systems and soil. By promoting the growth of deep-rooted plants, buffalo help to lock carbon in the soil, reducing the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere. 🌿 Protecting and fostering biodiversity should be a vital tool in our strategy to manage climate change. By conserving biodiversity, we enhance ecosystems' ability to store carbon, thereby mitigating climate change and breaking the destructive cycle of biodiversity loss and increased carbon emissions 💡 Read a fascinating study published in Nature here 👉 https://lnkd.in/gRqUSsZK Get in touch with us at kuyua to find out how we can help your company understand your relationship with nature, and take action to protect it 💪 Our website 👉 https://www.kuyua.com #ClimateChange #NatureBasedSolutions #Biodiversity #EcosystemServices

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    Three bits of biodiversity news from last week 🗞 Find more info about us on our website: www.kuyua.com One: 🇺🇸 A recent Supreme Court decision has left 55% of U.S. river water vulnerable to pollution, according to new research from the University of Massachusetts Amherst. The ruling, which excludes ephemeral streams from Clean Water Act protection, could lead to increased pollution in major waterways, as these sometimes-dry streams significantly contribute to overall river flow 💧 Read more here 👉 https://lnkd.in/ew7C_Gpk Two: 🗑️ A recent study from International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) researchers highlights the significant challenge of waste leakage into aquatic ecosystems, indicating that achieving zero waste leakage by 2030 is improbable. This situation endangers several Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 🎯 The study stresses the urgent need for enhanced global cooperation, particularly in Africa, China, India, and South Asia, to improve waste management systems 🌎 Read more here 👉 https://lnkd.in/ejgbh44N Three: 🧠 A new AI tool, SuperAnimal, developed by a team at EPFL, can accurately analyze animal behavior across multiple species without human intervention. This groundbreaking deep learning model is expected to revolutionize fields such as animal conservation, biomedicine, and neuroscience by providing precise, unbiased behavioral analysis. SuperAnimal's ability to identify keypoints in over 45 animal species enhances research accuracy and efficiency, making it a valuable resource for veterinarians, conservationists, and scientists 🐾 Read more here: https://lnkd.in/e_WYUgZA

    kuyua: AI-Powered Nature Analytics for Corporates

    kuyua: AI-Powered Nature Analytics for Corporates


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    🥦 Come and say hi to our colleague Lia at the Sustainable Foods Summit next week! 🥕 On the 4th and 5th of July kuyua will be in Amsterdam at the 15th European edition of the sustainable foods summit! The focus for these two days will be on environmental & social impacts, ingredient innovations, and marketing developments 💪 Read more here 👉 https://lnkd.in/dTZpeysr #sustainability #sustainablefoodssummit #biodiversity #environment

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    3 bits of biodiversity news from last week 🗞 One: 🐄 Reducing agriculture can significantly benefit both animal welfare and the environment. By decreasing the number of farmed animals, which often live in poor conditions, and shifting towards plant-based diets or lab-grown alternatives, we can reduce animal suffering and restore natural habitats. Research by the University of York’s Centre for Anthropocene Biodiversity has shown that lab-grown food could meet rising global demand on 20% of existing farmland, freeing much of the remainder for wildlife habitat that can sequester carbon and help combat climate change 🌳 Read more here 👉 https://lnkd.in/gMwF9xZx Two: 🌊 Researchers at UC Santa Barbara have proposed a market-based approach to the 30x30 ocean conservation targets, allowing countries to trade conservation credits to reduce costs and incentivise meeting their goals. Their study, published in Science, found that voluntary trade could reduce conservation costs by up to 90%, making it a viable solution for global marine conservation efforts 🐬 Read more here 👉 https://lnkd.in/et9V-xxF Three: 🌲 A new study published in Current Biology reveals that protected areas can conserve biodiversity without hindering local economic growth, challenging the belief that conservation restricts development. Researchers found that nearly half of the surveyed protected areas achieved both environmental and economic benefits, particularly those that are smaller, closer to markets and cities, and located in regions with better economic infrastructure 🏢 Read more here 👉 https://lnkd.in/eMwnd78n #Biodiversity #ProtectedAreas #OceanConservation #EcosystemServices #ClimateChange

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    ✨ The European Sustainable Industry Summit in Brussels begins tomorrow! ✨ Join our co-founder Christian and hear him speak on the topic of ⚪Biodiversity Management: Business Strategies in Action⚪ alongside Benedetta Merlo from 3Bee, tomorrow at 14.45! Will we see you there? Find out more about the event here 👉 https://lnkd.in/en8fKKTQ #Biodiversity #Sustainability #SDGs #EUSISummit CSR Europe

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    🌈 It's Pride Month 🌈 🦍 This week, we want to highlight the remarkable Bonobos, one of our closest relatives, often referred to as the "hippies" of the primate world. Known for their peaceful and cooperative social behaviours, bonobos live in matriarchal societies where empathy, food sharing, and support during conflicts are the norm. Their strong social bonds and high levels of compassion and kindness highlight values of inclusivity and understanding that we celebrate during Pride Month. And sexual diversity is also a fascinating aspect of bonobo life. These primates engage in both heterosexual and homosexual interactions, using sexual behaviour for social bonding, conflict resolution, and forming alliances. This natural occurrence of sexual diversity plays a crucial role in maintaining harmony within their communities 🤝 By observing and understanding such behaviours in animals, we can gain a deeper appreciation for the huge spectrum of sexual diversity in nature. Let us foster a more inclusive, accepting, and supportive world for everyone 💪 ❤️ 🧡 💛 💚 💙 💜 🖤 Find this and other fun facts on our blog: https://www.kuyua.com/blog Read more about Bonobos here: https://lnkd.in/d4c85Frc #Biodiversity #Diversity #PrideMonth #LGBTQI

    kuyua Blog: Insights on Nature Conservation & Sustainability

    kuyua Blog: Insights on Nature Conservation & Sustainability


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