


Berlin, Berlin 10.844 Follower:innen

Klim is creating a joint movement with farmers, businesses and consumers to scale regenerative agriculture.


Klim is creating a joint movement with farmers, businesses and consumers to scale regenerative agriculture as quickly as possible, in order to sustainably reduce CO₂ emissions, improve soil health and biodiversity, and thus make an important contribution to climate protection while safeguarding yields. Sign up to our newsletter and learn how to measure, balance and reduce emissions in the food supply chain!

51–200 Beschäftigte
Berlin, Berlin
Regenerative Agriculture, Decarbonisation, Carbon Offsetting, Biodiversity, Agriculture, Sustainability, Yield Security und Farmer Profitability


Beschäftigte von Klim


  • Unternehmensseite von Klim anzeigen, Grafik

    10.844 Follower:innen

    Looking back at #Groundswell 2024! 🌾 In late June, Robert Gerlach and Jeanette Krüger represented Klim at Groundswell in the UK. This event offered valuable insights into the industry's ongoing advancements and innovations in #RegenerativeAgriculture and soil health. The knowledge sharing and mutual empowerment within the community highlighted the untapped potential of regenerative farming and the importance of working together to benefit people and the soil beneath our feet 🤝 It was a very inspiring place to be, which makes us even more confident in our mission to work with farmers and companies to scale Regenerative Agriculture. Cheers to a great event, and we’ll be back next year! 🤎

    • Groundswell event sign in the UK, 2024
  • Unternehmensseite von Klim anzeigen, Grafik

    10.844 Follower:innen

    Can #RegenerativeAgriculture stop the climate crisis? Nina Mannheimer discussed this question and more as a guest on the Business Class Podcast by Tilo Bonow. Available on all your favourite podcast platforms in 🇩🇪

    Unternehmensseite von PIABO anzeigen, Grafik

    3.894 Follower:innen

    🌍 Die Zukunft der Landwirtschaft ist regenerativ – und sie hat das Potenzial, die Welt zu verändern! Wusstet ihr, dass regenerative Landwirtschaft bis zu 25 % der weltweiten CO₂-Emissionen speichern könnte? Das globale Potenzial liegt zwischen 4 und 11 Gigatonnen CO₂ pro Jahr, was der jährlichen Emission der Landwirtschaft entspricht. 🎙In der neuen Folge Business Class Podcast by Tilo Bonow spricht unser Founder & CEO mit Nina Mannheimer, Co-Founder & CPO von Klim, darüber, wie sie und ihr Team Landwirten weltweit helfen, regenerative Methoden zu implementieren und somit aktiv zum Klimaschutz beizutragen. Regenerative Landwirtschaft bietet nicht nur eine Lösung für die Klimakrise, sondern auch zahlreiche Vorteile für Regionen weltweit. In Entwicklungsländern, die stark von Dürren betroffen sind, kann diese Praxis die Lebensgrundlage der Landwirte sichern und die #Resilienz gegenüber extremen Wetterbedingungen stärken. Innovative #Startups wie Klim treiben diese Bewegung voran und setzen auf #Technologien wie Machine Learning und Satellitendaten, um präzise CO₂-Berechnungen durchzuführen und skalierbare Lösungen anzubieten. Große Lebensmittelkonzerne investieren bereits in diese Technologien, um ihre Lieferketten zu dekarbonisieren und die Lebensmittelsicherheit zu gewährleisten. 🎧 Wenn ihr wissen wollt, ob regenerative Landwirtschaft den Klimawandel stoppt, dann hört gerne in die 66. Folge unseres #podcasts rein. Links im Kommentar.

  • Unternehmensseite von Klim anzeigen, Grafik

    10.844 Follower:innen

    ✨ Three reasons why investing in healthy soil matters ✨ 🐛 Biodiversity support Soil hosts a rich diversity of organisms that help ecosystem resilience. They improve the soil structure, naturally manage pests, and enhance produce quality, contributing to a more reliable and higher-quality food system. 💧 Water management Healthy soils function as natural sponges, absorbing and retaining water. This capacity reduces runoff and erosion, protecting agricultural investments from environmental risks and ensuring more consistent crop yields. 🌱 Nutrient cycling Soil organisms decompose organic matter, releasing essential nutrients for crops. This natural nutrient cycle enhances crop productivity and reduces the need for synthetic fertilisers. #RegenerativeAgriculture is one example of a project that promotes healthy soils. And the benefits look good for #farmers, #businesses, and the #environment. See what Klim is working on 👉 https://www.klim.eco/ 👈

    Klim I Die Bewegung für Regenerative Landwirtschaft

    Klim I Die Bewegung für Regenerative Landwirtschaft


  • Klim hat dies direkt geteilt

    Unternehmensseite von Hubert Burda Media anzeigen, Grafik

    32.042 Follower:innen

    Na, keine Ahnung wohin mit deinem CO2-Fußabdruck? Wir hätten da eine Idee 💡 Regenerative Landwirtschaft! Denn bei der regenerativen Landwirtschaft steht die Bodengesundheit im Vordergrund. Das bedeutet etwa, nicht mehr zu pflügen. Dadurch kann sich jede Menge Humus in der Erde bilden – und der ist ein hervorragender Speicher für Kohlenstoff. 👏 Und damit nicht genug: Je mehr Humus, desto besser wachsen die Pflanzen! 🏆 Eine Win-Win-Situation also. Seit 2021 unterstützen wir zusammen mit der Bioland Stiftung und Klim Landwirt:innen beim Umstieg von konventionellen Methoden auf regenerative Landwirtschaft – für gesunde Böden, besseres Klima und eine grünere Zukunft! 🌍💚 Wie genau regenerative Landwirtschaft funktioniert, erklärt euch Landwirtin Julia Vogt-Selmayr im Video ➡  klickt gleich rein! 🔗 https://lnkd.in/dF7xz4YY 

    getting better: Burda auf dem Bauernhof | Burda News

    getting better: Burda auf dem Bauernhof | Burda News


  • Unternehmensseite von Klim anzeigen, Grafik

    10.844 Follower:innen

    At Klim, our values guide everything we do! Nina Mannheimer captures it perfectly here 💚 🧑🌾

    Profil von Nina Mannheimer anzeigen, Grafik

    Co-founder & CPO at Klim ⎢Scaling Regenerative Agriculture 🥕

    What values drive Klim's decisions and define our culture? 1. Impact-driven 2. Farmer-centric 3. Science-based 4. Collaborative 5. Solution-oriented 6. Scalable While these six values have evolved, our commitment to being farmer-centric has been unwavering. By prioritising #farmers, we ensure our products meet their needs, fostering confidence for companies to invest. Without farmers embracing regenerative practices, there is no #regenerative transformation. But what does regenerative transformation mean to us? It’s about regenerating and building the resilience of agricultural #soils. Regenerative Agriculture offers numerous benefits: enhancing biodiversity, sequestering carbon, increasing farm resilience to extreme weather, and securing our food supply. It all starts with soil. Healthy soil is the foundation of life and the basis for a sustainable future. 🌱🪱

    • A farmer on a field and Klim's 6 values listed.
  • Klim hat dies direkt geteilt

    Profil von Maria Jaffke Barrilero anzeigen, Grafik

    Hi there! Im celebrating my first year at Klim 💚 🌾 🤩 Reflecting on the past year since I started as a working student at Klim, I’m filled with gratitude and pride. Since I joined, we grew our team by more than 1/3, a beautiful team of passionate individuals, all committed to fighting climate change by scaling up regenerative agriculture. Every day, I’m inspired by the dedication and passion of my colleagues as we work towards this goal. I’m especially proud to be part of our People Team, where we strive to create an environment where everyone feels valued and can thrive. It's been amazing to see how our efforts contribute to making Klim a place where people can bring their best selves to work. Throughout this year, I’ve had the chance to grow alongside the company and take on new challenges within the People Team. These experiences have been incredibly rewarding and have allowed me to contribute even more to our growing team. The support and collaborative spirit here are truly exceptional. I’m so grateful to be part of this journey and excited for what’s to come. Here’s to many more milestones and changing the future of our planet! 🌍 If you’re passionate about creating a sustainable future and want to join our amazing team, I encourage you to check out our open positions ⬇️ https://lnkd.in/dEiaNSD9 To finish and to celebrate this growth and journey together, here are some snapshots of the wonderful people I get to work with 😊 💚:

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  • Unternehmensseite von Klim anzeigen, Grafik

    10.844 Follower:innen

    🔮 The secret is out: Farmers can predict the future 🔮 In agriculture, planning ahead is crucial. Harald Will, a farmer near Schwerin, knows this well - today's decisions shape his farm's future success. Agricultural practices that include the use of heavy machinery, fertilisers, and pesticides can contribute to soil degradation and crop loss. When Harald saw his yields decline over the past few years, he knew he had to change his approach. He decided to diversify his crops and now grows seven different types: canola, barley, wheat, peas, rye, oats, and cover grass. Additionally, he implemented other regenerative methods like reduced tillage and catch crops. ✨ These changes had an extremely positive impact on his farm’s soil health ✨ One year, the weather was unusually rainy, making the soil in the area too wet to start seeding. But thanks to his soil’s rapid water absorption capacity, Harald could plant his oats four weeks before neighbouring farmers with waterlogged soils. So, what does all of this have to do with predicting the future? Regenerative Agriculture makes soil more resilient, which makes farms more resilient. And as Harald puts it, “as a farmer, you always have to think 10, 20, 30 years ahead.” Regenerative Agriculture isn’t just a strategy; it’s the key to securing our future 🌱🤎

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  • Unternehmensseite von Klim anzeigen, Grafik

    10.844 Follower:innen

    🐝 We’re still buzzing from yesterday’s webinar with Lauren Brown and Marc Flachmann A great question that popped up: Can companies visit the farms they support? Yes of course! Klim has over 3,500 farmers all over Germany represented on our platform. You can choose a preferred region, and we’ll select farmers based on their availability. So you’ll know exactly who you’re supporting and which regenerative measures are being implemented. Thanks again to Klimate.co for organising the webinar and to Kathryn Flynn for moderating, it was a pleasure to take part! 💚

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  • Unternehmensseite von Klim anzeigen, Grafik

    10.844 Follower:innen

    You’re just in time! Join us tomorrow for an insightful webinar led by Lauren Brown from Klimate.co and Marc Flachmann from Klim, where they’ll talk about carbon sequestration and the role of agriculture in the climate transition. 📅 Date: June 25th ⏰ Time: 15:00 CET Register here: https://lnkd.in/dcwNun3d Grab your mid-day coffee and bring your questions, we’re looking forward to seeing you online!

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