
Let's accelerate green transformation together! 🌱


Wenn Tausende innovativer Köpfe zusammenkommen, um sich mit den drängendsten Problemen der Welt zu befassen und die neuesten nachhaltige Ideen auszutauschen, werden die Möglichkeiten unendlich - und das IMPACT FESTIVAL ist der Ort, an dem alles beginnt.

2–10 Beschäftigte
Frankfurt am Main
Einzelunternehmen (Gewerbe, Freiberufler etc.)
Forum, Community, Sustainability, Innovation und Transformation


Beschäftigte von IMPACT FESTIVAL


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    ❗ Are we witnessing the true impact of climate change on our natural world? Scientists from Germany have created an intelligent tool using data from the Flora Incognita app. This App gathers loads of data about when and where plants bloom. They're using it to track plant growth patterns and see how climate change affects plant life all over Germany. The application draws on nearly 10 million observations from 2018 to 2021, covering almost 3,000 plant species in Germany. This extensive dataset allows the algorithm to identify individual and collective phenological patterns, facilitating a detailed study of how different ecosystems respond to seasonal changes. Flora Incognita helps scientists see changes that could influence everything from bees pollinating plants to what food we can grow. The potential impact on our food production is significant, underscoring the pressing need to understand and address these significant climate challenges. How can you contribute to this kind of science and be part of the solution to climate change? Simply download the App and start identifying plants. Your contribution matters and can make a difference. 📲 Flora Incognita Source: Karin Mora, Michael Rzanny, Jana Wäldchen, Hannes Feilhauer, Teja Kattenborn, Guido Kraemer, Patrick Mäder, Daria Svidzinska, Sophie Wolf, Miguel D. Mahecha (2024): Macrophenological dynamics from citizen science plant occurrence data. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, DOI: 10.1111/2041-210X.14365 German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig | Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - German Research Foundation | Karin Mora | Teja Kattenborn | Guido Kraemer | Daria Svidzinska | Sophie Wolf | Miguel Mahecha . . .

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    🌿 Are you ready to lead your business into a #sustainable #future? We are thrilled to invite you to the 4th IMPACT FESTIVAL, Europe's largest B2B event dedicated to sustainable innovation, on October 30th and 31st at Messe Frankfurt. 🎟️ Get your ticket. 👉 Silke Stremlau | Marc Buckley 🌍 | Carlos Alvarez Pereira | Christoph Helfrich | Agata Meysner

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    🎙️Our next speaker is a a key figure in the fight against climate change and in shaping the global SDG agenda, we have named: Marc Buckley 🌍. 🌍 For more than two decades, he has been actively involved in various expert groups at the highest international level. He is the author of the UN-SDG Manifesto and a close collaborator of the UNFCCC, dedicated to the development of systemic regenerative solutions. 🎟️ Be there for Marc’s keynote on the TRANSFORMATION STAGE on 30 October. Grab your ticket now:

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    🌡️☀️ It's no secret that global warming is reshaping our climate landscape, but did you know it's also cranking up the #heat #stress dial for billions worldwide, including you? A recent study by David Romps at the University of California, Berkeley revealed that rising temperatures aren't just numbers on a thermometer—they're changing how we experience heat. From reducing labour capacity to spiking heat-induced mortality rates, the consequences of heat stress are hitting closer to home than ever before. The findings from UC Berkeley shed light on a pressing issue: our current methods for calculating heat stress aren't cutting it. 🌍 It's a collective responsibility to take action and adapt to the new normal of a warming world. We're all in this together. Source: David M Romps “Heat index extremes increasing several times faster than the air temperature.” Environmental Research Letters, 19(4) . .

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    🪳Insektenprodukte für Hunde? Green Petfood hat die Herausforderung angenommen! 🐶 Willkommen zu einer spannenden Episode, in der wir gemeinsam mit Rafael Rybandt - Brandlead von Green Petfood, tief in die Welt von dem deutschen Nachhaltigkeitspreisträger Green Petfood eintauchen. Aus Kleinheubach im bayrischen Odenwald operierend zählt Green Petfood zu den führenden Herstellern von Super-Premium-Heimtiernahrung in Europa. 🎙️Mara bespricht mit Rafael wie das Unternehmen Umweltfreundlichkeit und Tiergesundheit vereint. Dabei geht es um alternative Proteinquellen, die Auswirkungen des Deutschen Nachhaltigkeitspreises auf das Unternehmen und wie man sicherstellt glaubwürdige Nachhaltigkeitsbotschaften zu senden. ▶︎ Neue Folge jetzt anhören/ansehen: Spotify: Apple Podcasts: YouTube:

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    🧚 Hallo liebes Tagebuch, 🤕 heute war wieder so ein Tag, an dem ich an meine Grenzen gekommen bin, aber auch gemerkt habe, dass ich etwas verändern will. Die CSRD- und Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung ist wirklich eine Herausforderung. Ich muss mich mit ESG-Erwartungen, CO2-Bilanzierung und der Frage auseinandersetzen, ob meine Excel-Tabellen je wieder freundlich zu mir sein werden. Ich versuche gerade, die EU-Taxonomie zu entschlüsseln, und frage mich dabei, ob es eine Kategorie für „das Finden des richtigen Kaffeebechers für die Besprechung“ gibt – das sollte auch eine Qualifikation sein! 🙏 Aber heute habe ich einen Hoffnungsschimmer entdeckt. Die CSRD-Masterclass von IMPACT FESTIVAL und :response - ESG & Sustainability Consulting steht bevor und verspricht, mir und dir das Rüstzeug zu geben, um diese Herausforderungen zu meistern. Vielleicht lerne ich ja sogar, wie man in weniger als einer Stunde eine Klimarisikoanalyse durchführt – oder zumindest ein bisschen besser damit umgeht! Die Plätze sind begrenzt – also nicht verpassen! 👉 Arved Lüth | Svenja Magdalena Lemke | Sarah de Jong | Dr. Anna Winkler | Anna BergmoserAlexandra Wittfoth | Sarah Bollinger

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    🏭 The carbon offsets market, once a thriving industry, is now in a severe crisis, with a staggering 61% plummet since 2022. This significant decline has sent shockwaves through the sector, emphasizing the urgent need for reforms. The question on everyone's lips: why? It turns out that many forest-based offsets, which people trusted to compensate for their emissions, needed to be helping the planet as promised. This significant betrayal of trust is causing people's faith in these offsets to fade rapidly, leading to disappointment and loss of faith. Research has shown that most forest carbon offset programs are actually 'phantom credits', a term used to describe credits issued for emissions reductions that would have happened anyway without the offset project. For instance, if a forest were already protected by law, issuing credits for not cutting it down would be a 'phantom credit '. These 'phantom credits 'don't help remove emissions from the atmosphere. The decline in market value reflects the growing scepticism toward carbon offsets and the urgent need for more transparent, science-based practices in the industry. These insights underscore the pressing need for significant reforms in the carbon credits industry. It's necessary to take immediate action to ensure the reliability and effectiveness of carbon offsets. SOURCE Ecosystem Marketplace: “State of the Voluntary Carbon Market 2024” The Guardian: “more than 90% of rainforest carbon offsets by biggest certifier are worthless” Bloomberg: “Carbon Offset Gatekeepers Are Failing to Stop Junk Credits” Forest Trends Association | Alexander Procton | Ciro Calderón | Laura Weatherer | Charlotte Barber | Cheyenne Coxon | Genevieve Bennett

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    ⛱️ As we gear up for the holiday season, are you seeking inspiration for your reading list? 📚 These ten books offer invaluable insights into pressing issues affecting our planet and society, from reimagining work in a tech-driven world to envisioning a more just and sustainable society. Growth: A History and a Reckoning by Daniel Susskind Free and Equal: A Manifesto for a Just Society by Daniel Chandler Limitarianism: The Case Against Extreme Wealth by Ingrid Robeyns H Is for Hope: Climate Change from A to Z by Elizabeth Kolbert The Age of Revolutions: And the Generations Who Made It by Nathan Perl-Rosenthal Filterworld: How Algorithms Flattened Culture by Kyle Chayka Slow Down: How Degrowth Communism Can Save the Earth by Kohei Saito How the World Ran Out of Everything: Inside the Global Supply Chain by Peter S. Goodman What Went Wrong With Capitalism by Ruchir Sharma Predicting Our Climate Future: What We Know, What We Don't Know, And What We Can't Know by David Stainforth 👌 Have any other book recommendations in mind? Share them in the comments below!

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    🌍 Du hast Lust, dich für eine gerechtere Wirtschaft für Mensch und Natur einzusetzen? Du arbeitest gerne Hands-On und teamorientiert? Dann bist du bei uns genau richtig! Denn wir suchen eine/n Praktikant:in, um uns im Projektmanagement zu unterstützen. 👉 Was dich bei uns erwartet: - Du treibst eigene Subprojekte voran und hast dabei immer unsere Zielgruppen vor Augen - Du organisierst Projekte mit externen Partner:innn - Eigenständige Kommunikation mit potenziellen Partner:innen - Recherche & strukturierte Aufbereitung von Daten - Unterstützung in der Prozessentwicklung einzelner Teilbereiche des Impact Festivals - Recherche und Analyse von Trends, Technologien & Start-ups ✍️ Werde Teil eines jungen und intrinsisch motivierten Teams! Jetzt bewerben:

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    🎙️May we introduce as our next speaker an expert in sustainable finance: Silke Stremlau. 🌍 From her work as Chairwoman of the German government's Sustainable Finance Advisory Board (Sustainable Finance-Beirat) and as a member of the Supervisory Board at UmweltBank AG and NORD/LB, she is not only aware of the sustainable finance key issues but also of its political implications. Attend her talk at our IMPACT STAGE on 30 October 2024 and get further insights on this question. 🎟️ Don’t miss out and grab your ticket now:

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