Hermes Schleifmittel GmbH

Hermes Schleifmittel GmbH

Chemische Produktion

Hamburg, HH 8.545 Follower:innen

Unsere Leidenschaft - Schleifwerkzeuge für hochwertige Oberflächen


Qualitätsschleifwerkzeuge und Dienstleistungen zur Erzeugung hochwertiger Oberflächen bei unseren Kunden.

Chemische Produktion
501–1.000 Beschäftigte
Hamburg, HH
Einzelunternehmen (Gewerbe, Freiberufler etc.)
Flexible Coated Abrasives and Precision Bonded Abrasives


Beschäftigte von Hermes Schleifmittel GmbH


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    🤔What do you think this post is about? 1️⃣Is it about the tempting strawberry ice cream 🍨 that goes so well with hot summer days? 2️⃣Or the stainless steel scoop? 😋 The ice cream, of course, with which we wish you a sunny, carefree summer! But we wouldn't be Hermes if we left it at that. The perfectly polished scoop is also very important to us. Whenever fine surfaces are required in the food sector for hygienic reasons and defined roughness values have to be adhered to, there is no getting around high-quality, powerful abrasives. We have something for finishing stainless steel and perfectly preparing brass (here on the handle, for example) before chrome plating. Slide through the pictures and get to know our highly flexible cloth belts with aluminum oxide or ceramic grain: RB 406 J-flex // CR 456 J-flex // CR 476 J Any questions left or ready to oder: Contact

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  • Unternehmensseite von Hermes Schleifmittel GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

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    Creating freedom and supporting employees 🤝 At Hermes, we give our employees the freedom to follow their interests - whether in volunteering or personal development🌍💪! We are pleased not only to support growth but also to make a positive contribution to society. One inspiring example is Olaf von Appen, who is pursuing his reservist activities. As part of Homeland Security, he takes part in maneuvers to defend values such as freedom and cohesion. Through his voluntary work, he is actively involved in the community and brings valuable experience back to our team. Anna-Katharina Wieck went on a 3-month trip to Canada and Hawaii last year. In addition to an intensive two-week language course, which gave her her first insights into the language and culture, she traveled from Toronto to Vancouver. On her journey of over 4,000 km, she constantly learned to adapt to the new environment independently, which made her surpass herself. "Even a year after the trip, I often think back to the many impressions and I still benefit from my great experience, especially when dealing with international colleagues." 🍁🏄♀️ At Hermes, we are convinced that supporting the individual ideas of our employees promotes creativity, motivation, and cohesion throughout the company. 🌟 #TeamHermes #EmployeeEngagement #PersonalDevelopment #Volunteering

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  • Unternehmensseite von Hermes Schleifmittel GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

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    A few posts ago we talked about our incredible abrasive film FB 637 for superfinishing in the automotive industry. And we have written that this is not the only application in which the type can score points. The highly tear- and compression-resistant FB 637 is also the right choice when it comes to high demands on a top-quality appearance, e.g. when sanding lacquered surfaces ✨ on long belt machines. This is what you get: ⬆️Consistent application parameters and narrow roughness parameter tolerance ranges, ⬆️excellent surface qualities, ⬆️very good running properties, good tool life and shorter machining times! Ready to give the blue wonder a chance? Then get in touch right here: Contact

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  • Unternehmensseite von Hermes Schleifmittel GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

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    🌸📚 Frühling und Sommer 2025: Deine Chance für eine Ausbildung bei uns! 🏭 Wir stehen dafür, unsere Mitarbeitenden zu fördern und junge Talente zu entdecken! In diesem Sinne freuen wir uns zu verkünden, dass wir im Frühling und Sommer 2025 neue Ausbildungsplätze in den folgenden Bereichen anbieten: 💻 Fachinformatiker/in für Anwendungsentwicklung (m/w/d) 📊 Kaufmann/-frau für Büromanagement (m/w/d) 🏭 Industriekaufmann/-frau (m/w/d) 🔧 Industriemechaniker/in­ für ­­­­­Instandhaltung (m/w/d) Bist du technikbegeistert, hast eine Affinität für Organisation und ein Interesse an betriebswirtschaftlichen Prozessen? Oder bist du eher handwerklich begabt? Dann bieten wir dir die perfekte Gelegenheit, deine Karriere in einem dynamischen und zukunftsorientierten Unternehmen zu starten. Was wir bieten: 🔧 Praxisnahe Ausbildung, in der Du mitwirken und gestalten kannst 📈 Vielfältige Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten 🤝 Ein unterstützendes und motivierendes Team 🌍 Spannende Projekte in einem internationalen Umfeld Worauf wartest du noch? Bewirb dich jetzt und werde Teil unseres Teams! Wir freuen uns auf deine Bewerbung! Weitere Informationen sind im unteren Abschnitt der Karriere-Seite zu finden: #Ausbildung2025 #Fachinformatik #Büromanagement #Industrie #Industriemechanik #ZukunftGestalten #TeamWork #JoinUs



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    Offen für Neues sein... ... haben wir uns gedacht und an der bundesweiten Engagementaktion "Sozialer Tag" der Organisation "Schüler*innen Helfen Leben" mitgemacht. Die Idee dieser tollen Initiative, die u.a. unter der Schirmherrschaft unseres Bundeskanzlers und aller Ministerpräsident*innen steht: Schüler*innen tauschen ihren Schulalltag gegen einen Arbeitsplatz und spenden ihren Lohn an die Organisation "Schüler*innen Helfen Leben". 🎉Win-Win für alle! Denn die Schüler*innen... ✅ unterstützen so weltweit Jugend- und Bildungsprojekte für Gleichaltrige, ✅ haben die Möglichkeit, einen Tag lang in ihren Traumberuf zu schnuppern, ✅ lernen soziales Engagement kennen und setzen ein Zeichen für eine offene und tolerante Gesellschaft. Und wir haben zwei super engagierte, interessierte Jungs in unserem Werk in Uetersen als "neue" Mitarbeiter kennenlernen können. Unsere Kollegen in der Werkstatt haben den Tag super vorbereitet und extra eine spannende Aufgabe für sie vorbereitet, nämlich einen einen Handyhalter nach einer technischer Zeichnung anzufertigen. Das hat beiden viel Spaß gemacht und das Ergebnis kann sich wirklich sehen lassen! Ein rundum gelungener Tag für alle, Danke.

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  • Unternehmensseite von Hermes Schleifmittel GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

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    📢 When it comes to superfinishing in the automotive and other industries, there's no getting around our highly tear-resistant alox abrasive film FB 637. You don't believe that? Then we can only offer to get in touch 📞 with us to test the superfinishing film that many big players in the industry have been using for years. Here you can find all the details about the product, applications, properties and benefits. By the way, what works for functional surfaces that require the highest precision also works perfectly for surfaces that want to be aesthetically ✨ right at the front - but we'll talk about that next time. So stay tuned.

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  • Unternehmensseite von Hermes Schleifmittel GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

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    Gear experts know: Honing is essential if gearboxes are to run as quietly, smoothly and efficiently as possible. You know, no noise emissions for electric motors, maximum power density for high-performance motors in the automotive and commercial vehicle sector, etc. etc. 😉 Why are we telling you this? Because we want to remind you that we have the perfect range of honing rings and also offer completely 🆕 solutions . In our jewellery box you can see part of a newly developed microlite polishing honing ring, with which achieving RZ values significantly < 1 is no problem. Are you interested in getting to know the jewel of the season 💎? Then Dr.-Ing. André Wagner looks forward to hearing from you. You can find more information here as well

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  • Unternehmensseite von Hermes Schleifmittel GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

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    We at Hermes know that at the heart of our company are our employees - with their values and their remarkable expertise. That's why we are particularly proud to congratulate 9 long-standing employees in our German organization this year, some of whom have been part of the Hermes family for over 35 years. 👏 And also here on LinkedIn we want to say: congratulations to all of you! Your commitment and your many years of loyalty are the cornerstone of our shared success. We look forward to continuing to achieve great results together. 🚀 Of course, we didn't miss the opportunity to get together with colleagues to celebrate this event properly at our headquarters. 🎉 #hermesabrasives #anniversary #employeeappreciation

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  • Unternehmensseite von Hermes Schleifmittel GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

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    How to reduce the carbon footprint of abrasives? 🌍 Everyone is talking about it, but what are we doing in practice⁉ Understanding and calculating a product’s carbon footprint through comprehensive life cycle assessments is key. By focusing on low-emission materials, energy efficiency, and sustainable practices, we can make a significant impact. Look into this valuable post for further #SEAM insights. Let's work together towards a greener future! 🌱 #Sustainability #Decarbonization #HermesAbrasives #GreenFuture #LifeCycleAssessment

    Unternehmensseite von SEAM anzeigen, Grafik

    804 Follower:innen

    Working together to lower the carbon footprint of abrasives ! Decarbonization holds a key position in our internal policies aimed at creating a more environmentally-friendly abrasives industry. To effectively tackle this challenge, understanding how to calculate a product’s carbon footprint is essential. But how do we do this ?   1️⃣    Understanding Carbon Footprint Carbon footprint is assessed throughout a product’s life cycle - from the extraction of raw materials to its end-of-life recyclability. It quantifies greenhouse gas emissions in carbon equivalent (CO2).   2️⃣    Life Cycle Assessment Life cycle assessment (LCA) is the most comprehensive method, evaluating up to 16 impact categories, including particles, toxicity, resource consumption and transport.   3️⃣   Calculation methods A variety of methods and online calculators are available to analyze product life cycles and energy assessments. These tools enable the estimation of CO2 emissions, greenhouse gases, nitrogen emissions and more.   4️⃣    Reducing the Carbon Footprint of abrasives? To reduce the carbon footprint, it is essential to focus on the amount of carbon required to produce, transport, use and end a product’s life, in order to enhance its energy efficiency. Therefore, the first step is to conduct a comprehensive assessment before implementing any measures.   5️⃣   Some practical steps you can take to reduce your carbon footprint: 👉 Opt for low-emission raw materials during abrasive manufacturing. 👉 Promote the use of recycled or renewable materials. 👉 Enhance production energy efficiency by implementing cleaner technologies and optimizing processes. 👉 Minimize transportation distances by prioritizing local suppliers and using environmentally-friendly transportation modes. 👉 Prefer recyclable packaging and decrease the size of packaging. 👉 Encourage product reuse whenever feasible and opt for deposit and collection systems to expand their lifespan.   By adopting these measures, the abrasives industry can contribute to a more sustainable future for life.   Ready to engage for a greener future? Join the movement:   Hermes Schleifmittel GmbH, Levanto Oy Heger GmbH Excellent Diamond Tools SAMEDIA Mirka Tyrolit Group Ahlstrom Karbosan Saint-Gobain Abrasives Molital Sait Abrasivi Saint-Gobain Performance Ceramics & Refractories INTER ABRASIV 3M Imerys Roxor Abrasives B.V. Weiler Abrasives EMEA Husqvarna Group   #CarbonFootprint #Sustainability #Environment #EcologicalTransition #Decarbonization #2030Goal #Climate #CarbonNeutrality #ESG #EcoResponsible

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  • Unternehmensseite von Hermes Schleifmittel GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

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    What is the connection between our abrasives and the #ChampionsLeague final? 🤔⚽ Hardly anyone missed the big soccer event last weekend. We don't want to assess the performance and results, we draw attention to the architecture of the home stadium of Real Madrid C.F.: Santiago Bernabéu. 🏛 Do you have any idea what the special façade has to do with our products? The unique stainless steel finish is created with the help of #HermesAbrasives! 💫 And it gets even better: the steel is also used for the stadium’s state-of-the-art retractable roof, which can open or close in just 15 minutes, offering versatility for various events. This roof is a marvel of engineering and a commitment to sustainability, made from 100% recyclable stainless steel, promoting the circular economy and reducing noise and light pollution. Real Madrid's home is truly shining as a beacon of modern architecture and environmental responsibility and we are proud to be involved! 🌟⚽ #SantiagoBernabéu #Innovation #Sustainability #Hermes #ChampionsLeague

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