Hasso Plattner Foundation

Hasso Plattner Foundation

Gemeinnützige Organisationen

Potsdam, Brandenburg 5.469 Follower:innen

We contribute to education, environmental protection, and culture.


The Hasso Plattner Foundation is an independent non-profit institution, established as a foundation under German civil law. The Foundation aims to accelerate the adoption of digital technologies, support environmental science and conservation, and foster connections through art and culture. The main focus areas are: Science & Education With future-oriented education and research initiatives young talent is fostered and trained to become leaders. A key focus is on developing innovation, skills, and entrepreneurship. Art & Culture In addition to supporting its own museums, the Museum Barberini and DAS MINSK Kunsthaus in Potsdam, the Hasso Plattner Foundation is engaged in the field of provenance research and focuses on cultural heritage preservation. Social & Conservation To preserve our planet for future generations, the Foundation supports environmental conservation and educational projects. www.plattnerfoundation.org Instagram: @hassoplattnerfoundation Twitter: @H_P_Foundation Facebook: @hassoplattnerfoundation See our open positions: https://plattnerfoundation.org/career/

Gemeinnützige Organisationen
51–200 Beschäftigte
Potsdam, Brandenburg


Beschäftigte von Hasso Plattner Foundation


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    🎉 Congratulations on your 25th anniversary, Hasso Plattner Institute! 🎉 We know that the "real" founding date is not until October, but we congratulate you now - after all, this week is also your legendary summer festival, where the anniversary will be celebrated. 🥳 25 years! What have you achieved: founding the campus with the start of the first Bachelor's degree program, Master's degree program since 2003, establishing the HPI School of Design Thinking (now the Hasso Plattner Institute's HPI d–school), founding the joint Digital Engineering Faculty together with the University of Potsdam and much more. We at Data4Life look back fondly on some very successful joint projects - and look forward to more of them in the future! 🎓💡 Translation: Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum 25. Jubiläum, HPI! 🎉 Wir wissen, dass das "echte" Gründungsdatum erst im Oktober ist, aber wir gratulieren schon jetzt - schließlich ist diese Woche auch Euer legendäres Sommerfest, an dem das Jubiläum mit gefeiert wird. 🥳 25 Jahre! Was habt Ihr Alles erreicht: Campus-Gründung mit Start des ersten Bachelor-Studiengangs, Master-Studiengang seit 2003, Aufbau der HPI School of Design Thinking (heute d-school des Hasso-Plattner-Instituts), Gründung der gemeinsamen Digital Engineering Fakultät zusammen mit der Universität Potsdam und vieles mehr. Wir von Data4Life schauen gern auf einige sehr erfolgreiche gemeinsame Projekte zurück - und freuen uns auf mehr davon in der Zukunft! 🎓💡 #HPI #Anniversary #Data4Life #HPI25 Hasso Plattner Foundation Antonia Winne Tamara Slosarek Attila Wohlbrandt @thomas harris UNINOVA @univie Uniklinik RWTH Aachen Kristina Kirsten Lin Zhou Bernhard Renard PD Dr. Cornelius Remschmidt, MD MPH Bert Arnrich Thomas Fuchs Lothar H. Wieler Moritz Matthey, Ph.D. Mount Sinai Health System Christoph Lippert Stefan Konigorski Hanna Drimalla Matthias Kirchler Claudia Schurmann @joann halpert Eddye Golden Riccardo Miotto

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    The WPI continues to work with Hasso Plattner Institute faculty and students in captioning and processing a veritable trove of digital assets.⁠ Our virtual presentation in collaboration with HPI in March showcased the potential and limitations of AI models, and has initiated a larger discussion about the uses of AI technology in digital archival management.⁠ ⁠ Watch the webinar here! https://bit.ly/4cwMrkJ⁠ ⁠ WPI and HPI are two initiatives supported by the Hasso Plattner Foundation - the Foundation’s mission is to educate and inspire generations. Through its projects, the Foundation aims to accelerate the adoption of digital technologies, support environmental science and conservation, and foster connections through art and culture.⁠ Image: HPI/K. Herschelmann⁠

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    🥳 This year, the Hasso Plattner Institute (HPI) will be celebrating its 25th anniversary, the perfect opportunity to share more about our collaboration with HPI on the gorilla ID AI Algorithm! 🦍 SPAC Conservation Research program and HPI are excited to take Gorilla Identification to the next level. 📝 “Gorilla Tracker”, our innovative tool for recognizing individual gorillas through images or videos by enhancing the accuracy and efficiency of gorilla re-identification will allow us to refine our identification models and facilitate more effective conservation strategies 👍 We’ll also release our findings and methodologies to contribute to broader scientific community, and HPI students will gain unique insights and skills that prepare them for future challenges in conservation 📹 Take a look at one of our recently captured Gorilla Moments with this video 💚 We wish HPI a very happy 25th anniversary and are looking forward to many more years of collaboration and innovation!

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    25 Jahre HPI: Wie zwei Studentinnen junge Frauen zum IT-Studium ermutigen 💪 "Frauen und Mathe? Nee. Frauen und Technik? Noch viel weniger." 🙄❌ Kaum eine andere Fächerkombination ist mit so vielen Vorurteilen belegt wie der MINT-Bereich. Dazu zählt auch die #Informatik. Die beiden IT-Systems Engineering Studentinnen Charlotte Balcke und Charlotte Uhlmann sind fest entschlossen, mit diesen Klischees aufzuräumen. Im HPI-Programm #empowerHER empfangen sie Schülerinnen auf dem Campus, besuchen Schulen, betreuen Girls'Days und Girls Camps und werden nicht müde, der Generation von morgen von ihrem Weg in die IT zu erzählen. Sie schaffen einen vertrauensvollen Raum, in dem es nicht nur um den Weg ins #Studium geht, sondern auch um den Abbau von #Vorurteilen, mit denen die Informatik behaftet ist. 🚀 Die Angebote kommen an: Erst vor wenigen Wochen gaben beim girls@BWINF Camp mehrere Mädchen an, sich durch die Teilnahme am Programm ein Informatik-Studium vorstellen zu können. Denn Informatik ist nicht nur technisch, sondern auch kreativ. Sie ist entscheidend für zahlreiche Innovationen und kann aktiv eine bessere Zukunft gestalten – und genau für diese #Zukunft setzen sich Charlotte Balcke und Charlotte Uhlmann ein! Wir sind begeistert und sehr dankbar, was die beiden Studentinnen auf die Beine stellen und mit welchem Engagement sie sich für die #empowerHER Initiative einsetzen. Denn das ist, was junge Schülerinnen inspiriert: Persönliche Geschichten, #Vorbilder und der direkte Austausch. 🚀 Zur empowerHER Initiative: https://lnkd.in/egpNvhrt 👉 Mehr Highlights aus 25 Jahren HPI gibt es auf Social Media unter dem Hashtag #HPI25 und unter https://lnkd.in/ePwK9Ca5

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    THE WILDENSTEIN PLATTNER INSTITUTE, one of the Foundation’s Art & Culture initiatives, has recently published an update to "Gauguin: Catalogue Raisonné of the Paintings 1889–1903," which now includes works from the artist's time in Brittany. This dynamic digital resource offers a comprehensive study of Paul Gauguin’s painted works between 1888-1903 and incorporates extensive materials from the WPI‘s digital archives. The new release was completed using the Navigating.art platform, another initiative supported by the Foundation 🖼️💻 For more on the WPI’s approach to digital publishing, we recommend “The WPI’s Digital Corpus: A New Model for Publishing Catalogues Raisonnés”; for a broader and more historical view of catalogues raisonnés and their role in shaping the legacy of an artist’s œuvre, “What is a Catalogue and Why is it Useful?” is a wonderful place to start. The digital iteration of catalogue raisonné improves accessibility, transparency, and enhanced searchability among many other innovations. It is also a deeply collaborative effort between art historians and technologists. If you were to ask two experts to describe this collaboration, one from the realm of art history and one from the digital world, you might expect a fascinating conversation. And you would be right, as the latest episode of “Previously Unknown” podcast proves. "Gauguin: Catalogue Raisonné of the Paintings 1889–1903" is an incredible resource. It is also a vivid example of the possibilities at the intersection of digital publishing and art historical scholarship. At the Hasso Plattner Foundation, we are privileged to experience and support both, through our initiatives in #science and #art. We hope you enjoy these resources as much as we do: 🔗 https://ow.ly/5Ry550SyuHl 🔗 https://ow.ly/meii50SyuHm 🔗 https://ow.ly/CkpH50SyuHk 🔗 https://ow.ly/V6sz50SyuHj #HassoPlattnerFoundation #art #culture #arteducation #WPI #navigatingart #catalogueraisonné #provenance #digital ---- Image credits: Paul Gauguin, "Autoportrait avec halo," First half of December 1889, oil on wood, 79.2 x 51.3 cm. Dated and signed lower left: 1889. / P Go. pg03x4 / W323. Image courtesy of the National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.

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    The next generation is actively shaping a sustainable future 📚🌱 Through the Sabine Plattner African Charities (SPAC) EduConservation project, we see firsthand how a pan-African education initiative can ignite a passion for conservation in young learners. Following the successful pilot phase in the Republic of Congo and Senegal and the development of the first Teacher’s Toolkit in Rwanda, EduConservation is now expanding its activities. Working hand-in-hand with teachers, EduConservation integrates conservation messages and environmental education into national curricula. The Teacher's Toolkits, developed with local experts, provide comprehensive resources for teaching activities. And early feedback from learners and teachers is promising, showing the immense value of environmental education. “The resources have changed the way we work. (…) they have improved our knowledge of education for sustainable development,” wrote a teacher after trialing EduConservation’s resources in Senegal. Follow the SPAC EduConservation page to learn more 🌍✨ #SabinePlattnerAfricanCharities #EduConservation #Education #Teachers #environmentalawareness #teachertraining Image credits: SPAC EduConservation 2024

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    So proud of our team at WPI for producing this innovative art historical resource. This is the future of catalogue raisonné publishing.

    Unternehmensseite von THE WILDENSTEIN PLATTNER INSTITUTE anzeigen, Grafik

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    The Wildenstein Plattner Institute is pleased to announce the latest update of the Paul Gauguin digital catalogue raisonné, featuring paintings from the artist’s time in Brittany and Paris (1889–1891). This new release, along with updates to the previously-published collection of artworks from Gauguin's two voyages in the South Pacific (1891–1903), now serves as a comprehensive study of Paul Gauguin’s painted works.⁠ ⁠ This update includes 105 works accompanied by provenance, exhibition and publication information, completely integrated with primary source material from WPI’s digital archives. ⁠ ⁠ You will also find several new essays, translated and adapted from renowned Gauguin scholar Sylvie Crussard’s forthcoming monograph, with an overview of the concepts, themes, and techniques that occupied Gauguin and his work in the years immediately preceding his arrival in Tahiti in 1891. ⁠ ⁠ Explore the Paul Gauguin digital catalogue raisonné here! https://bit.ly/3VKx5BT --------- Images Left: Paul Gauguin, Autoportrait avec halo,⁠ First half of December 1889,⁠ Oil on wood⁠, 79.2 x 51.3 cm⁠. Image courtesy of the National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.⁠ Right: Paul Gauguin, Ève exotique, 1890, Oil, gouache and mixed media on paper mounted on canvas, 42.8 x 25.1 cm. Image courtesy of the Palo Museum of Art. ⁠

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    This year, the Museum Barberini marks the 150th anniversary of Impressionism with a special program: 🔗 https://ow.ly/mwaV50SrtFV. Recently, the Foundation’s team visited the museum to see the extraordinary Hasso Plattner Collection, featuring 114 Impressionist and Post-Impressionist masterpieces by 23 artists. Join us in celebrating 150 years of Impressionism and discover Europe's largest Monet collection outside of Paris. We hope you feel as inspired as we do when you visit the Museum Barberini in #Potsdam 🖼️ The museum is one of the Foundation’s initiatives in Art & Culture. Find out more about our work here: 🔗https://ow.ly/5UGW50SrtFW ------ Credits: Hasso Plattner Collection #Art #Culture #Impressionism #MuseumBarberini #HassoPlattnerCollection #HassoPlattnerFoundation

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    Starke Partnerschaften für mehr digitale Souveränität: SAP Chief People Officer Gina Vargiu-Breuer zu Besuch am HPI 🤝 Unsere Mission am HPI ist es, einen Beitrag zur digitalen Souveränität Europas zu leisten. Praxisnähe und ein früher Austausch mit Partnern aus Wirtschaft, Forschung und Industrie sind daher ein wesentlicher Bestandteil der Ausbildung unseres IT-Nachwuchses. Wie wichtig internationale Partnerschaften und Netzwerke dabei sind, haben Studierende und Forschende bei einem Besuch von Gina Vargiu-Breuer, Chief People Officer, Arbeitsdirektorin und Vorstandsmitglied der SAP gezeigt. Anhand ihrer Forschungsprojekte gaben sie Einblicke, wie vielfältig das HPI im Bereich #Partnerships aufgestellt ist: ◾ Cedric Rische und Mathilda Heise vom HackHPI Klub und Jeanne Aue vom Connect Klub präsentierten die HPI Studierendenklubs nach amerikanischem Vorbild. In den vielfältigen Klubs kommen HPI-Studierende schon während ihres Bachelorstudiums in den Austausch mit externen Partnern. Als Klubmitglieder unterstützen sie etwa bei der Organisation von Events wie der HPI Connect Messe oder werben Sponsoren und Partner für Hackathons. ◾ HPI-Bachelorstudent Ben Meyer-Meisel stellte das Bachelorprojekt "GorillaTracker" vor, das sich für den Schutz vom Aussterben bedrohter Gorillas in Afrika einsetzt. In Kooperation mit Sabine Plattner African Charities (SPAC) entwickeln Studierende am Lehrstuhl "Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Systems" von Prof. Gerard de Melo eine #KI, die dabei helfen soll, einzelne Gorillas zu identifizieren. ◾ Die beiden #PhD Studierenden Charlotte Brandebusemeyer und Nicolas Alder gaben Einblicke in ihre Forschungsprojekte: Nicolas erforscht am Fachgebiet "Artificial Intelligence and Sustainability" von Prof. Ralf Herbrich, wie sich Energie in Rechenzentren einsparen lässt. Charlotte analysiert am Fachgebiet "#DigitalHealth - Connected Healthcare" von Prof. Bert Arnrich in Kooperation mit SAP das Wohlbefinden und die kognitive Belastung von Software-Entwickler:innen mit Hilfe von Sensoren. ◾ Flavia Bleuel, Head of HPI d-school / Professional Development (früher: HPI Academy) gaben einen Überblick über die Angebote der HPI d–school und deren Kooperationen mit externen Partnern. Anschließend beantwortete Vargiu-Breuer in einem Fireside Talk Fragen zu ihrem persönlichen Karriereweg und Start bei #SAP. Außerdem gab sie den Studierenden wertvolle Tipps für ihre eigene berufliche Zukunft mit auf den Weg. Vielen Dank für den Besuch! Hasso Plattner Foundation Marcus Kölling Ralf Herbrich Tobias Friedrich Nadine Schroeder

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  • Unternehmensseite von Hasso Plattner Foundation anzeigen, Grafik

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    🎨 40th Work by Claude Monet in the #HassoPlattnerCollection Starting today, the Museum Barberini is proud to present a new work by Claude Monet in the Hasso Plattner Collection, which has now grown to 114 works! The Hasso Plattner Foundation acquired the painting "Antibes Seen from the Salis Gardens" from 1888 on May 15, 2024 - exactly 150 years after the closing of the first joint exhibition of the Impressionists. Monet’s painting "The Fort of Antibes", also painted on the Riviera, has already been on display since 2020, as a permanent loan from the Hasso Plattner Foundation to the #MuseumBarberini. The new acquisition now allows a direct comparison with a work that adds a view through shaded trees to the same motif. With this work, the Museum Barberini welcomes the 40th painting by Claude Monet to the Hasso Plattner Collection and the third acquisition in the year in which we celebrate the 150th anniversary of Impressionism 🖼️ #museumbarberini #hassoplattnercollection #claudemonet #monet #hassoplattnerfoundation #150impressionism Claude Monet, "Antibes Seen from the Salis Gardens", 1888, Sammlung Hasso Plattner Collection 📸 Credits: Museum Barberini © Michael Bahlo

    • 40th Work by Claude Monet in the Hasso Plattner Collection
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