

Wellness und Fitness

Munich, Bavaria 16.084 Follower:innen

The leading provider of AI-based fitness coaching. Helping people lead a happier, healthier lifestyle - for life.


Freeletics was founded with the vision to challenge and inspire everyone to become the greatest version of themselves, both mentally and physically. Today, we are the leading provider of AI-based fitness and lifestyle coaching. Whatever your short or long-term goals, we'll get you there by giving you the best tools in the world to make fitness a part of your lifestyle - for the rest of your life. We are Freeletics. Join us on our incredible journey to the greatest version of ourselves and our users. ------------------------------------- You want to be part of our amazing team made up of over 30 nationalities? You have an unparalleled drive to succeed and love to be challenged? You want to make real impact and help people lead happier, healthier lives? Then check our open positions and become the greatest version of yourself at Freeletics: ------------------------------------- Keep an eye on life at Freeletics 👀

Wellness und Fitness
51–200 Beschäftigte
Munich, Bavaria


Beschäftigte von Freeletics


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    AI-driven fitness app Freeletics is putting a personal trainer in people’s pockets. Its new Coach+ Pilot leverages generative AI to recreate the IRL personal training experience — supporting every step of the training journey, from onboarding to post-workout. With personalized coaching dialogues and 1T+ workout combinations, it takes a data-based, human-like approach to keep users motivated and prevent plateaus. Founded in 2013, Freeletics is the number one fitness app in Europe, with 57+ million users in over 175 countries.

    Freeletics Unveils a New Era in Digital Fitness With the Launch of Coach+

    Freeletics Unveils a New Era in Digital Fitness With the Launch of Coach+

  • Unternehmensseite von Freeletics anzeigen, Grafik

    16.084 Follower:innen

    After spending years building it, today, the Freeletics Coach really just GETS you. But there’s something to be said for having a live Coach to answer your questions, offer tips, share knowledge, and give you some motivation when you just don’t feel like working out. We get it — navigating fitness on your own can be tough. And guess what? We’ve taken note. 👀 So, meet Coach+ ⚡️ Coach+ is like your own personal training guru, providing insights on exercises, nutrition, injuries, and more. Get custom motivational messages, reminders to keep you on track, and even set the tone for how Coach+ talks to you. You’ll soon be able to add the new Coach+ pilot feature to your training arsenal directly in the Freeletics app📱 It will offer instant answers to any wellness, nutrition, or fitness question, providing guidance on: ➡️ Exercise technique ➡️ Improving performance ➡️ Training adaptations While we roll out the new pilot feature to more and more users, you can find out all the details on the Freeletics Blog. #fittech #genAI #conversationalAI

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  • Unternehmensseite von Freeletics anzeigen, Grafik

    16.084 Follower:innen

    Our social media team is tired, our notifications are going off, but today, finally, we're BACK baby! 💥 Freeletics on Apple Watch is officially released ⌚️⌚️⌚️ For months, the team has been haunted by comments asking for the feature, so it's our great pleasure to say your wish is our command 🎁 You can read up on the new feature on our Blog, or update your app and add it to your watch now. #applewatch #socialmedia

  • Unternehmensseite von Freeletics anzeigen, Grafik

    16.084 Follower:innen

    Can we bring it back? 🤔 Since 2022, our users have been united by one common desire - for us to bring Apple Watch functionality with Freeletics back! ⌚ We’ve received hundreds of comments, from the hilarious to the harassing, the sublime to the ridiculous. So we decided to propose an offer to our Free Athletes 😯 If we reach 5000 Comments on our pinned Instagram post, where some of our employees read out the best Apple Watch related comments that we have had recently, then we’ll bring the Apple Watch functionality with Freeletics back for good 🚀 Go comment your most creative comment on that pinned Instagram post, and help us bring Apple Watch BACK!

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    16.084 Follower:innen

    Kudos to Robert! After being part of our team for only two weeks, we want to congratulate him for being a speaker at the App Industry in Berlin for the App Growth Summit (AGS) 🚀 The AGS stands as one of the premier events in the marketing landscape, showcasing cutting-edge strategies and insights tailored specifically for the app industry. 📲 Having participated in this prestigious summit for the past two years, Robert is excited to once again be a part of this dynamic gathering. In 2022, he engaged in a thought-provoking panel discussion, followed by a compelling talk on Copywriting in the app ecosystem last year. This year, he's taking it up a notch with an immersive workshop on AI for CRM and Content Management 🤖 Check out the agenda and make sure to mark your calendars for our workshop session starting on May 16 at 2:05 PM CEST 📅 👉Here you can find the link to the App Growth Summit Berlin 2024 event page - Robert is super excited to connect, inspire, and innovate with you at AGS Berlin 2024, are you joining? #mobileCRM #retention #engagement #promptengineering #AGSBER2024 #mobileapps

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  • Unternehmensseite von Freeletics anzeigen, Grafik

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    What do performance pressure, time pressure and a high workload have in common? 🤔 They are the three main reasons for exhaustion in the workplace in Germany according to Statista (2022) 😓 As we are already in May - also known as Mental Health Awareness Month - we owe it to ourselves to reevaluate what is important to each of us individually and to address topics that are directly or indirectly affecting our mental health and our quality of life in general.   Our working environment is definitely one of the first places where we can make changes and see the positive impacts transcending into our personal life. Here are a couple of concepts we implemented at Freeletics in order to try to make the transition from the daily business into the daily life easier: Flexible working hours⏰ We understand that everyone has different rhythms and responsibilities. Offering flexible hours allows our team to maintain a healthy work-life balance. Hybrid or full remote working within Germany 🏝️ We embrace modern work styles, giving our team the freedom to choose where they work best, whether it's from home or in our super stylish office environment in Munich. Nilo.Health Platform 🧠 Mental health matters, which is why we provide access to resources and support through platforms like Nilo.Health, ensuring our team members have the tools they need to prioritize their well-being. 4 day work week 🏡 We believe in working smarter, not longer. Our 4-day work week initiative ensures our team has dedicated time to recharge and pursue personal interests. Individualized Benefits 🎁 Recognizing that everyone's needs are different, we offer customized benefits to support our team members. Childcare Allowance for parents 👶 Childcare is expensive. This is why we provide childcare allowances to support our working parents. Workation 🌐 Sometimes a change of scenery is all it takes to spark creativity and reduce stress. We allow our team members to work remotely from inspiring locations for a few weeks per year. Pet friendly office 🐾 Pets bring joy and comfort, so why leave them at home? Our pet-friendly office creates a welcoming environment where furry friends are part of the team. Compensation rounds 💰 Salary increases not only show appreciation for employees, but also boost motivation, making the time spent working worthwhile. What do you like most in our initiatives? Do you miss something? 

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  • Unternehmensseite von Freeletics anzeigen, Grafik

    16.084 Follower:innen

    Whether it’s closing rings or making a sad owl happy, sometimes a little digital nudge can go a long way when it comes to sticking to your habits 📱 But no need to feel bad if you need that extra boost to stick to it - motivation is a fickle beast. Even the most elite of athletes hit a motivational lull every now and then. So to help you plan ahead and stick to your habit goals, we’ve just launched our new ✨Coach Day reminders.✨ Coach Day reminders are notifications sent on your planned Coach days. A gentle nudge to get you out on the mat, they can inspire, motivate, and help remind you of your “why” when working up a sweat is the last thing you want to do. Think of it as a little pep talk from your personal trainer 🏋️ It may seem small, but trust us, it can make a world of difference in how you think about your upcoming workout. Plus, it’s also a great way to remind yourself how good it feels to get that workout done and see your Consistency score go up 📈👀 Find out all the details on the Freeletics Blog. #fitness #habits #fitnessapp

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  • Unternehmensseite von Freeletics anzeigen, Grafik

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    We cannot predict the future (yet), but mark our words, Tina’s got a bright one! 🚀 We are so grateful to have people like Tina, people who develop in different directions and embrace the changes that come their way! #lifeatfreeletics #noexcuses

    Profil von Tina Bailo anzeigen, Grafik

    People Enthusiast • Passion for DE&I

    Life's a journey and I'd like to share some bits and pieces of mine. Starting out with how I went from Talent Seeker to Culture Shaper. ☺️ My transition from Recruiter to HR Manager has been a journey of growth and transformation. What started as a focus on talent acquisition has evolved into shaping the entire employee experience, embracing challenges, and broadening my skill set along the way. Embracing this transition has taught me the importance of stepping out of my comfort zone, seizing opportunities for learning, and embracing change with courage. Every challenge has been a chance to expand my perspective and evolve as a leader for which I'm very thankful, Freeletics! 🙌 I'm passionate about empowering people and fostering a culture of growth and support. I'd love to hear about your own experiences and insights on navigating career transitions and embracing new challenges - let's discuss! #HR #CareerTransition #Growth #LifeatFreeletics

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  • Unternehmensseite von Freeletics anzeigen, Grafik

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    One of the perks of having the option of the 4 day work week at Freeletics, is having an additional day to pursue our own passions. It’s completely up to us how we use our time; whether it’s another job, a day of volunteering, or just a calm day in nature, we are in charge of the time we have. Our COO Christian Weber, decided to fulfill his lifelong dream, and used his one extra day to create his “Friday” startup! By working consistently on this project on his one extra day, over the course of almost two years, he managed to establish a company called Becomyng, and a child nutrition app called GrowwW! It was important for Christian to be able to simultaneously conduct his role at Freeletics whilst creating his own business, as he always wanted to have an employer who would support him in his own entrepreneurial endeavors in the first place. We hope to see even more stories like this in the future from our employees! In case you'd like to check the GrowwW app out, you can find the link to the app store in the comment section.

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    16.084 Follower:innen

    Did you know that April is stress awareness month? High amounts of stress have a negative influence on our mental health, our wellbeing and our daily life in general. A continuously high level of distress has a direct impact on our hormones and our sleep cycle. When it comes to finding a solution, one of the main things that individuals are missing is time. Time to reset, time to engage with ourselves again, and time to do the things that make us happy. Finding that extra time around our working schedule is always a challenge, which is why companies across Europe are changing their working models; and so is Freeletics. April also marks 2 years since having introduced the 4 day work week at Freeletics. What initially started as a pilot project turned out to be a great success! After a demanding labor law organizational process we finally found a model which worked for us and set up an innovative and, to our knowledge, unique concept, that hasn’t existed in the current labor market until now. Since spring 2023, we have had the option to choose twice a year whether we’d like to work in the 4 day or the 5 day work week for the next six months. Why is that you ask? Everyone’s needs and life situations are different and we want to offer our employees a maximum level of flexibility, while ensuring that the organizational needs are met. Some enjoy their Fridays off permanently and work their 32 hours from Monday to Thursday, others switch back and forth between the 4 and 5 day work week as the option to switch is given twice a year, while a few also work in the 40 hours per week from Monday to Friday. So what’s the deal? For 20% less work, our 32 hour, 4 day work week employees give up 15% of their salary - whilst retaining all the benefits and vacation days that the 5 day work week offers. Since implementing this change, our employee satisfaction tool - Workleap Officevibe - results have shown that the overall mood in the workplace is better when the employees have the right to design their own work life. What was the key to making it work? Trust. The teams and departments worked together and found solutions that made working in different working models possible and sustainable. We are happy that we managed to find a model that works for everyone! 

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