Fraunhofer ITWM

Fraunhofer ITWM


Kaiserslautern, Rheinland-Pfalz 7.622 Follower:innen

Unser Fokus liegt auf der Mathematik als Innovationstreiber in Forschung und Industrie.


Our goal is to further establish mathematics as a key technology, give innovative impetus and implement it in practice together with industry partners. Not only large companies, but also more and more small and medium-sized enterprises use simulations in the most diverse areas and thus profit in terms of innovation and quality assurance of products and processes. The spectrum of the institute’s customers extends across all industries – from automotive and mechanical engineering to the textile industry, microelectronics, computer industry and finance. The basic modules of our projects are consulting, support in the application of high-performance computer technology and the deployment of tailor-made software solutions. Computer simulations are an indispensable tool in the design and optimization of products and production processes, services, communication processes and work processes. Real models are replaced by virtual models. Mathematics plays a fundamental role in the creation of this virtual world. The transverse character of mathematics makes it a “generic technology”; as a basis for bridging into the simulation world, however, it also becomes the key technology for computer simulations which have found their way into nearly all areas of economic life. Increasingly more companies utilize simulation for cost reduction. It is specifically these companies that we support with consultation and computing power. They profit in the market through the use of simulation as identification for innovation and quality assurance of their products. Along with the implementation of this technology in application projects and its further development in research projects, the close collaboration with the Department of Mathematics at the University of Kaiserslautern is also a point of emphasis of the Fraunhofer ITWM. The classical disciplines of applied mathematics such as numerics, optimization, stochastics and statistics as well as differential equations are cornerstones.

501–1.000 Beschäftigte
Kaiserslautern, Rheinland-Pfalz
mathematics, simulation, analysis, research, optimization, high performance computing und visualization


  • Primär

    Fraunhofer-Platz 1

    Kaiserslautern, Rheinland-Pfalz 67663, DE


Beschäftigte von Fraunhofer ITWM


  • Unternehmensseite von Fraunhofer ITWM anzeigen, Grafik

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    Six weeks of summer vacation! ☀️ Since last Friday, it's been pure fun, sun and free time! For working parents, however, they can't always be bridged with vacation. 🤔 A good work-life balance is particularly important for us during this time. 🥳 That's why we focus on this at our institute: 🕰️ Flexible working hours: Our employees can adapt their working hours to the needs of their families. 🏡 Home office options: This allows our employees to be productive from home. 👶 Bringing children: If childcare is not possible, our employees can bring their children to the office! There's plenty for them to discover here! 🌐 More about our benefits: We wish you happy vacations! 💚

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  • Fraunhofer ITWM hat dies direkt geteilt

    Unternehmensseite von Fraunhofer IESE anzeigen, Grafik

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    #REMINDER: Packt eure Freunde ein und kommt heute unbedingt vorbei zum Grill-#Event des #Fraunhofer-Zentrums Kaiserslautern (Fraunhofer ITWM und Fraunhofer IESE) in Kooperation mit der bonding-studierendeninitiative e. V. (Start: 17 Uhr). Wir stehen für euch in den Startlöchern und haben den Grill schon vorgeheizt! 😊🎉 #Karriere #ChillAndGrill #VeränderungStartetMitUns #ChangeStartsWithUs #bonding

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  • Unternehmensseite von Fraunhofer ITWM anzeigen, Grafik

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    Our new annual report has been published! 😍🎉 This year's focus is »Health« 😷🩺, because mathematics can improve health: Among other things, we have initiated major advances in radiotherapy ☢️, played a key role in planning vaccine production 💉 against COVID-19 or recently contributed to the development of an app to assess one's own mental resilience 😌. 🙌 We also report on our research activities in the fields of energy, quantum computing, mobility, process engineering and digitalization. 💪 Find out more about working at our institute – enjoy reading! ✨ 👉 [Currently only available in German, the English version is coming soon]

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  • Unternehmensseite von Fraunhofer ITWM anzeigen, Grafik

    7.622 Follower:innen

    The coming days promise sunny weather ☀️ – the perfect opportunity to meet friends, have a barbecue and explore career opportunities at the same time! 🥳 That's exactly what we thought! 😉 Together with the bonding-studierendeninitiative e. V. and Fraunhofer IESE, we are organizing a barbecue evening for students for the first time 🎓 on campus at the Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau (RPTU), Unisport barbecue area. 💪 Free drinks and barbecue food will be provided while stocks last! 📅 Mark Monday, 15.07.2024, 5 p.m. in your calendar and find out about your career opportunities at Fraunhofer Kaiserslautern while enjoying delicious food! And as a highlight, there's even a little social media competition! Just take a great photo of the barbecue evening 🎁, link us and Fraunhofer IESE with the hashtag #FraunhoferKL on Insta, Facebook or LinkedIn and, with a little luck, win a cool prize! We look forward to seeing you! 💚🌐 More information at: Fraunhofer Karriere #ChangeStartsWithUs #Jobday

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  • Unternehmensseite von Fraunhofer ITWM anzeigen, Grafik

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    Another new #podcast recommendation from us today, but this time not a new episode of our »Streuspanne« podcast! 🌟 In the latest episode of the »DECARBON CAST« our expert Michael Bortz, deputy head of the »Optimization« division, is a guest of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Grützner from Universität Ulm and shares his exciting insights into the #energytransition and #mathematics. 🌿✨🌿✨ Listen in and find out how mathematical models help to make forecasts on #climatechange and how algorithms optimize the use and distribution of renewable energies such as solar, wind and hydropower. 🌞💨🌊 Our expert also explains how mathematics supports to stabilize the energy grid and find the best energy mix🔋⚡. For all young scientists, he talks about his own path into #science and why he finds applied mathematics and physics so exciting. 🌐 Listen in now! 👉 [Podcast only available in German]

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  • Unternehmensseite von Fraunhofer ITWM anzeigen, Grafik

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    Don't trust any #statistics that you haven't falsified yourself. Actually, we always cringe inwardly when someone throws this quote around. Unfortunately, that doesn't change the fact that statistics are occasionally faked. It would be great if statistics were able to detect fraud in #statistics. The snake 🐍 that can bite its own tail here is called Benford's Law. That's what the latest episode of our podcast #Streuspanne is all about. The law regulates the probabilities of occurrence of the first digit of numbers in a data set in a seemingly mystical way. Not only is this supposed to uncover economic fraud and election manipulation, no, it's even supposed to fuel the Bielefeld conspiracy? We talk about: ⏺ the fascinating theory of Benford's Law ⏺ how this law can help detect fraud ⏺ whether humans are good generators of randomness ⏺ what logarithm tables are  ⏺ the famous Bielefeld conspiracy – does the city really exist? Our #Streuspanne team Sascha Feth, Jochen Fiedler and Esther Packullat investigate this ominous law and clarify whether financial investigators are now out of a job, whether we are talking about a toothless tiger after all. If it bites itself in the tail, at least it won't hurt. Sounds exciting? It's definitely worth a listen! [Our Podcast is only available in German] If you like the episode, subscribe to the podcast, leave a rating, like and share! We look forward to your comments and creative statistics ideas! #Benfordslaw #Bielefeld #science #frauddetection

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  • Unternehmensseite von Fraunhofer ITWM anzeigen, Grafik

    7.622 Follower:innen

    Today we welcomed a group of trainees from BBS II Kaiserslautern! 🎉 The prospective third-year nursing specialists were here to learn more about digitalization in nursing. 💻 🩺 The program included a tour of our institute and presentations from the »Image Processing« and »Financial Mathematics« departments, with more information about our activities in the context of care and digitalization. 🥳 For example, the »ViKI pro« project, which deals with the use of AI in care processes and helps care professionals make decisions in their day-to-day work. 👩⚕️ 📈 Or the »PflegeForensik« project funded by the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung , in which we have developed an AI-based solution 🤖 to detect care fraud more quickly and efficiently. ✅ Modern algorithms for image and text recognition automatically check handwritten and digital documents. More information here: We were delighted with the visit – we'd love to see you again! 😊 💚 #Digitalization #Careforensics #Care #Caretraining #Research Yannick Becker Henrike Stephani

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  • Fraunhofer ITWM hat dies direkt geteilt

    Profil von Marcus Willems anzeigen, Grafik

    Geschäftsfeldentwickler »Lebensversicherungen und Altersvorsorge« der Abteilung Finanzmathematik am Fraunhofer ITWM, Kaiserslautern

    Liebes LinkedIn-Netzwerk,   die #Pfadgenerator-Software #ALMSIM ist das hinter der Klassifizierung der geförderten Altersvorsorgeprodukte liegende Software-Tool, das vom Fraunhofer ITWM vertrieben wird.   ALMSIM ist mittlerweile für Anwender so modifiziert worden, dass es als WebApp leicht zugänglich ist und somit z. B. auch für eigene Untersuchungen im Rahmen der #Value-#for-#Money-Diskussion, Berechnung von #PRIIPs-Szenarien oder zur Untersuchung von strukturierten Produkten genutzt werden kann.   Wir werden deshalb am 18.07.2024 von 13:30-15:00 eine Infoveranstaltung (online und kostenfrei) zum ALMSIM-Pfadgenerator anbieten.   Weitere Informationen und den Link zur Anmeldung finden Sie hier:

    Profil von Marcus Willems anzeigen, Grafik

    Geschäftsfeldentwickler »Lebensversicherungen und Altersvorsorge« der Abteilung Finanzmathematik am Fraunhofer ITWM, Kaiserslautern

    Nachdem wir den #ALMSIM®-#Pfadgenerator erstmals auf der DAV Jahrestagung der Deutsche Aktuarvereinigung e.V. in Berlin vorgestellt haben, möchten wir nun in größerer Runde darüber informieren. Wir freuen uns, Sie zu unserer kostenfreien Online-Informationsveranstaltung über den ALMSIM®-Pfadgenerator einzuladen! Was erwartet Sie? 🌟 Einführung in Leistungs- und Modellierungsumfang 🔍 Anwendungsmöglichkeiten, Lieferung und Systemanforderungen 💻 Live-Vorführung der Weboberfläche 📈 Simulation von Szenarien im PIA-Basismodell zur internen Weiterverwendung 🚀 Vorstellung von Ideen zur Weiterentwicklung Der ALMSIM®-Pfadgenerator ermöglicht #Simulationen von #Kapitalmarktszenarien und #Altersvorsorgeverträgen und hilft Ihnen, neueste gesetzliche und aufsichtsrechtliche Vorgaben umzusetzen. Er bietet: - Eine einfach zu bedienende Weboberfläche mit modularem Aufbau - Das Anlegen einer Vielzahl von Assets und die individuelle Einstellung aller Simulationsparameter des PIA-Basismodells - Eine leicht zugängliche und schlanke Version von etablierten ökonomischen #Szenariogeneratoren 📅 Datum: 18.07.2024 🕒 Uhrzeit: 13:30 - 15:00 Uhr 💻 Ort: Online 🔗 Mehr Informationen und Anmeldung: Verpassen Sie nicht diese Gelegenheit, mehr über den ALMSIM®-Pfadgenerator zu erfahren und Ihre Fragen direkt an unsere Experten zu richten. Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Teilnahme!

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  • Unternehmensseite von Fraunhofer ITWM anzeigen, Grafik

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    Are you looking for an exciting challenge and want to help shape the future of technical systems and production processes? Then become part of our team!⚙️ Our »Optimization« divsion is looking for a student assistant to support the development of innovative software solutions. 💻 Join us as we drive forward the next generation of technologies! Whether front-end or back-end development, operation or further development of our build and test infrastructure – with us you can fully contribute your skills and interests.   You should have a current degree in computer science 🎓, advanced knowledge of object-orientated or functional programming languages and enjoy working in a team. In return, we offer you the space to realize your own ideas 💡, the opportunity for professional training and further education and the possibility of long-term collaboration beyond your studies 🤝. Have we piqued your interest? Apply online now! We look forward to getting to know you! 🔗 You can find all further information in our job advertisement. ➡️ [The job description is only available in German.] #jobday #changestartwithus Fraunhofer Karriere

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  • Unternehmensseite von Fraunhofer ITWM anzeigen, Grafik

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    Criminal networks cause around 14 billion euros in damage to the German healthcare system every year! 🤯💶 In our project »Criminal networks: combating billing fraud and corruption in the healthcare sector«, funded by the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, we are therefore researching how to identify anomalies in these fraud networks in a traceable manner. 🧐 With the help of AI 🤖and algorithms 💻, we are developing a tool for detecting billing fraud and corruption. 💪 Take a look through our slides to find out more about our project and how we are relieving the burden on the social system. 🎥 Want to know more about this topic? 🌐 Then click here:

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