

Technologie, Information und Internet

Düsseldorf, North Rhine-Westphalia 1.820 Follower:innen

Marketing Performance Platform powered by unique data collection and best-of-breed algorithms.


Exactag transforms how marketers measure, evaluate, and optimize their marketing spend. Our SaaS platform is an all-in-one solution that helps brands and advertisers define the optimal marketing mix with a unified measurement approach. Exactag empowers marketers to confidently manage their marketing efforts by uniquely combining rigorous data collection, sophisticated algorithms, and complete transparency — a rare offering in the market. Advertisers keep 100% control of their data about the success of digital and non-digital advertising channels and commission payout optimization via real-time attribution. Our answer to the increasing heterogeneity of data sources is a best-of-breed approach for modeling. We apply specialized algorithms to different data types to get the maximum insights and impact for your marketing. By adopting our approach, marketers can achieve the seamless integration of marketing attribution and marketing mix model they want.

Technologie, Information und Internet
51–200 Beschäftigte
Düsseldorf, North Rhine-Westphalia
multichannel attribution, budget allocation, marketing attribution, marketing ROI, media-mix modeling, marketing attribution, marketing performance optimization, MMM, MTA, ROI optimization, marketing performance measurement, cross-channel measurement, data integration, cookieless measurement und future-proof measurment



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    Theodorstraße 178

    Düsseldorf, North Rhine-Westphalia 40472, DE


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    Sommerfest at Exactag ☀️🚣♀️🥂 Last week, we swapped our screens for paddles and hit the Ruhr for a canoe adventure. We started our tour in Bochum-Dahlhausen, in the midst of beautiful nature. We paddled, raced, crossed an adventurous water slide and laughed so much until our sides hurt. When we reached Essen-Kupferdreh, we all had a blast, though we were feeling pretty tired after 5hours of paddling. We wrapped up the day with a tasty barbecue, just relaxed, and enjoyed the summer evening together. It was wonderful to connect, have fun, and share some laughs with the team. It was the perfect day to unwind. A refreshing change from our usual routine. #team #havingfun #sommerfest2024 #excursion #marketingperformance

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    Our collaboration with RTB House has boosted campaign performance for numerous national and international brands over the past years. Today, we’re pleased to announce a significant enhancement to our services. The Exactag platform now automatically imports campaign data, costs, and ad impressions from RTB House. This feature eliminates the need for campaign managers to feed two systems separately or export and import files between tools. This makes processes faster and more reliable. By integrating this data into our sophisticated modeling, we provide brands and our RTB House colleagues with detailed insights for optimal performance. 👉 Want to see how our Attribution Push can streamline your workload and reduce your marketing costs? Connect with us to discover how doing less can help you achieve more. #automation #attribution #performancemarketing #measurement #pushattribution #marketingefficiency

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    It's great to see so many industry professionals come together with the goal of sharing valuable insights at this week's Bundesverband Digitale Wirtschaft (BVDW) e.V. event. The high level of participation underscores the vital role of cooperation in shaping the future of the digital economy. Stephan Koch, our CPO, emphasized the crucial need for neutral measurement in both provisioning and performance measurement. He pointed out that #selfattribution of walled gardens increases the pressure and explained how the transition to GA4 further enhances the need for neutral and unbiased measurement. He outlined three essential action steps to address these challenges: * Neutrality: neutral, unbiased measurement is the cornerstone of trust and progress in our industry. * Best-of-Breed: Depending on your purpose (provisioning vs. optimization) and the type of data you're working with (AdImpressions vs. Click, Consent vs. No-Consent), it's crucial to use the most suitable methods tailored to each specific need. * Transparency: Transparency in tracking, data foundations, and methodologies is essential. Those who avoid this risk falling behind. In the coming weeks, prioritizing these principles will be key to staying ahead in the competitive digital landscape. If you couldn't attend and want to learn more about achieving neutral measurement and the challenges involved in using GA4, feel free to reach out and book a virtual session with one of our experts: https://lnkd.in/e2rWh5Ud #BVDW #marketingperformance #performancemeasurement #transparency #GA4 #affiliatemarketing

    Profil von André Koegler 👨🏼‍🦰🫱🏽‍🫲🏻👨🚀 anzeigen, Grafik

    👉 Great partnerships grow your business 👉 Experte für Affiliate und Partner Marketing seit >20 Jahren 👉 Strategische Partnerschaften bei impact.com 👉 Vorsitzender der Fokusgruppe Affiliate Marketing im BVDW

    Rekorde gebrochen! 75 Teilnehmer und 4,5 Stunden geballtes Know-How bei der Fokusgruppe Affiliate Marketing im BVDW! Gestern war es soweit: Die Fokusgruppe Affiliate Marketing im Bundesverband Digitale Wirtschaft (BVDW) e.V. hat alle Rekorde gebrochen! Mit 75 Teilnehmern und 4,5 Stunden geballtem Know-How haben wir gemeinsam die Zukunft des Affiliate Marketings diskutiert. 10 spannende Vorträge und Präsentationen sowie eine umfangreiche Diskussionsrunde boten tiefe Einblicke in aktuelle Trends und innovative Ansätze. Die Themen der Sitzung waren vielfältig und boten für jeden etwas: 🔥 Tracking Revolution: Die Zukunft des Trackings 🔥 Auswirkungen der SEO-Änderungen auf das Affiliate Marketing 🔥 Beyond-Affiliate-Publisher-Modell von etvas 🔥 Einsatz von Google Analytics 4 im Affiliate Marketing 🔥 KI im Affiliate Marketing: Potenziale und Herausforderungen Vielen Dank an unsere Referenten für ihre hervorragenden Beiträge: Sören Timm und Niclas Faltus von Etvas für eure Präsentation zum revolutionären Beyond-Affiliate-Publisher-Modell, Markus Wigbels von der easy Marketing GmbH und Georg Wolf von BOARDIO für euren Einblick in die Zukunft des Trackings, Katharina Jäger vom Bundesverband Digitale Wirtschaft (BVDW) e.V. für Deine Vorstellung des Ressorts AI im Verband, Stephan Koch von Exactag für Deine Analyse der Fallstricke von Google Analytics 4, Christian B. Schmidt von der SEO Agentur Digitaleffects GmbH und Torsten Latussek von COUPONS.DE für euren Einblick in die Auswirkungen der SEO-Änderungen auf das Affiliate Marketing, sowie meinen Kollegen aus dem Vorsitz, Andreas Andreas Sasnovskis von Webgains, Ingo Kamps von den Münchner Online Rebels GmbH, Markus Wigbels von der easy Marketing GmbH und Valentina Piol von Artefact für die Präsentation unserer Arbeit. Und nicht zu vergessen, vielen Dank unserer lieben Referentin Ina Franke für die tolle Orga! Die Fokusgruppe Affiliate Marketing im BVDW ist eine Plattform für Unternehmen, die sich aktiv für die Weiterentwicklung des Affiliate Marketings einsetzen möchten. Durch den Austausch von Wissen und Erfahrungen sowie die gemeinsame Erarbeitung von Lösungen profitieren alle Mitglieder der Fokusgruppe, in der sich aktuell knapp 40 Unternehmen (stetig wachsend) aktiv engagieren. Die Arbeit der Fokusgruppe ist in Arbeitsgruppen verteilt und für Mitglieder des BVDW zugänglich. Die Ergebnisse und Erkenntnisse der Fokusgruppe werden jedoch in öffentlichen Sitzungen präsentiert und mit der gesamten Branche geteilt. Ihr seid noch kein Mitglied des BVDW und möchtet euch in der Fokusgruppe Affiliate Marketing engagieren? Dann nehmt Kontakt mit uns auf! Weitere Informationen zur Fokusgruppe Affiliate Marketing: https://lnkd.in/edN6taPG #AffiliateMarketing #BVDW #Fokusgruppe #DigitalMarketing #OnlineMarketing #Tracking #SEO #KI #Analytics

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    What a day! Yesterday, the Exactag and Signifikant teams joined forces to share our insights at the Swiss MarTech Summit. We dived into "Between Hype and Reality: The Future of Marketing Performance Measurement," exploring how the ever-evolving digital marketing scene is shaping performance metrics. Scott Brinker kicked off the day with an insightful overview of the broader MarTech landscape, perfectly setting the stage for Esther Cahn and Stephan Koch to delve into the nitty-gritty of managing the hype around new marketing technologies and measurement approaches. 🔎 Here’s what stood out throughout the day: * AI and Gen AI: These aren't just trendy topics—they're revolutionizing how we act in marketing and apply MarTech. * Seeking Real Solutions: Marketers seek use cases and tools that really work. Initial frustrations with overpromised solutions have become palpable, highlighting the need for what actually delivers. * Need for Clarity: Transparency and expertise are urgently needed in data, algorithms, and legal discussions. Too often, these conversations are uninformed and too high-level, missing the chance to discuss reliable and meaningful measurement and change management strategies beyond the buzzwords. Huge thanks to the ZHAW School of Management and Law for organizing an event that brought together so many experienced pros. It was the perfect blend of sharing and learning. #SwissMartechSummit2024 #PerformanceMeasurement #marketingmixmodeling #DigitalMarketing #martech #marketingautomation #attribution #mmm

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    Many of you might have already met Jannik Horsmann, our new Head of Account Management, as he's already been with us for some weeks, working diligently behind the scenes. Now, we're excited to welcome him and spotlight his role and contributions officially. He joined our Hamburger Office, offering another point of contact in the north, ready to meet clients in person. You may have even seen him in action at the recent OMR Festival, where he was busy connecting with partners and clients, focused on finding ways to further improve the performance management for our clients. Jannik has extensive experience in Programmatic Advertising, working with both national and international brands. He brings a great mix of expertise and enthusiasm to our team. We're lucky to have him on board—can't wait for you to meet him! Welcome aboard, Jannik! 🎉

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    Tired of polarizing and shallow debates over the best methods for marketing performance measurement? Is “triangulation” really the ultimate solution? Or is it just another layer of complexity? As the market shifts and new methods emerge, how do you pick the right one? Which methods are truly sustainable? What's mere hype? Join us on May 28 at the Swiss MarTech Summit 2024 where we cut through the noise and explore the current hypes and the evolution of various methods. The presentation 'Between Hype and Reality: The Future of Marketing Performance Measurement' will be led by our CEOs, Jörn Grunert from Exactag and Esther Cahn from Signifikant Solutions. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to move past the hype and discover actionable insights that could optimize your ROI by 30%. For those ready to challenge the status quo and boost their marketing performance, get your ticket here Institut für Marketing Managementhttps://lnkd.in/dAkypiYV 

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    ⚠ A thought-provoking article on AdExchanger sheds light on how platforms like Google, Meta, and Amazon frequently claim credit for sales they minimally influenced, if at all. This issue is a significant challenge faced by marketers today. Read the full article to learn more about the pitfalls of self-attribution and why an unbiased perspective in marketing analytics is more crucial than ever. We are glad to say that our data collection and algorithms are unbiased and neutral. https://lnkd.in/dXyfmFWQ

    Walled Garden Platforms Are Drowning Marketers In Self-Attributed Sales | AdExchanger

    Walled Garden Platforms Are Drowning Marketers In Self-Attributed Sales | AdExchanger


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    The true impact of views, particularly for upper-funnel and awareness strategies, has been consistently underestimated. Exactag's latest innovation now demonstrates a compelling truth: - views are crucial - the right measurement approach helps brands to better evaluate and balance activities along the funnel In a pilot project with different advertisers, we tested a new approach that challenges traditional modeling approaches. One major result: With Exactag’s Full View Impact Modeler, we have seen Pinterest views boost attributed conversions by an astounding 67%, outperforming other platforms in driving higher conversion uplifts. This significant uplift challenges the old-school focus on clicks. It shows the great potential of modern performance measurement based on a combination of best-of-breed algorithms.   👉 For the complete summary, check out our pilot project with Pinterest:  https://lnkd.in/eKHyKuzh Want to learn more about View Attribution and cookieless tracking? Get in touch with Sven Fiehler. #performancemarketing #measurement #attribution #cookieless #mmm

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    In ADZINE - MARKETING. TECH. MEDIA. latest interview, our CPO Stephan Koch dives into the challenges of modern digital marketing measurement, complicated by regulations and big tech. He doesn't just outline the problems; he offers solutions to navigate beyond traditional silos. Read more 👇

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