evolutionID GmbH

evolutionID GmbH

IT-Dienstleistungen und IT-Beratung

München, Bayern 4.018 Follower:innen

revolutionize your IDentity


evolutionID GmbH

IT-Dienstleistungen und IT-Beratung
11–50 Beschäftigte
München, Bayern
Kapitalgesellschaft (AG, GmbH, UG etc.)
ID Management, Workflow Management, Prozessoptimierung, Unternehmensberatung, Bilderfassung, RFID, Datenmigration, Ausweisdrucker, Digitale Identität, Smartcard, NFC, Systemtechnik und Ausweiserstellung



Beschäftigte von evolutionID GmbH


  • Unternehmensseite von evolutionID GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

    4.018 Follower:innen

    Vielen Dank für Ihren Besuch auf der SicherheitsEXPO 2024! Wir bedanken uns ganz herzlich bei allen Besuchern und Teilnehmern der SicherheitsEXPO 2024 für die interessanten Gespräche und spannenden Projekte rund um die Verwaltung von Identitäten und das Berechtigungsmanagement. Es war eine großartige Gelegenheit, unsere innovativen Lösungen vorzustellen und wertvolle Einblicke in die aktuellen Herausforderungen und Trends der Branche zu gewinnen. Ihr Interesse und Ihre Anregungen motivieren uns, weiterhin Spitzenleistungen zu erbringen und die Zukunft der Identitätsverwaltung mitzugestalten. Wir freuen uns darauf, die begonnenen Gespräche fortzusetzen und gemeinsam erfolgreiche Projekte zu realisieren! Ihr evolutionID Team #IDmanagement #identities #RFID #IDcards #security

  • evolutionID GmbH hat dies direkt geteilt

    Unternehmensseite von evolutionID GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

    4.018 Follower:innen

    Introduction of a uniform ID card management system across multiple locations in China at thyssenkrupp Fawer Spring Co. Ltd A significant innovation has been introduced at thyssenkrupp Fawer Spring Co. Ltd: uniform ID card production at several locations in China. This innovation simplifies and accelerates the management of digital identities for employees and visitors. The efficiency of ID card production has also been noticeably improved. By standardizing the process for creating personal data and implementing a user-friendly, graphical interface, identities can now be managed conveniently. With just one click, an image can be captured or uploaded, and the ID card can be both encoded and printed in one step. This not only saves time, but also resources and significantly increases acceptance. After ID card production, the personal and ID card data is automatically distributed to other systems, such as the access system. The person is immediately provided with initial access authorizations, which allows immediate access to the necessary areas. The commissioning of this system at three locations was impressively quick:  Training and test operation were completed within just four working days. Another advantage of the new ID card is its international usability. Employees can now also use the ID card on international business trips, as the data is managed centrally by various IDfunction instances. This ensures seamless integration and use at locations spread across the world. The system of global usability is now being rolled out further so that in the future all locations with IDfunction ID card production can achieve mutual usability. This expansion enables employees to use their ID cards across locations and worldwide, further increasing the efficiency and flexibility of the workforce. The introduction of uniform ID card production marks an important step towards greater efficiency and user-friendliness at thyssenkrupp Fawer Spring Co. Ltd. Employees benefit from the easy handling and quick availability of their ID cards, while the company saves time and money through the optimized ID card management system processes. Learn more about IDfunction: https://lnkd.in/dHzmEJmF #IDmanagement #identities #RFID #IDcards #IDcardProduction

    • Introduction of a uniform ID card management system across multiple locations in China at thyssenkrupp Fawer Spring Co. Ltd
  • Unternehmensseite von evolutionID GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

    4.018 Follower:innen

    Introduction of a uniform ID card management system across multiple locations in China at thyssenkrupp Fawer Spring Co. Ltd A significant innovation has been introduced at thyssenkrupp Fawer Spring Co. Ltd: uniform ID card production at several locations in China. This innovation simplifies and accelerates the management of digital identities for employees and visitors. The efficiency of ID card production has also been noticeably improved. By standardizing the process for creating personal data and implementing a user-friendly, graphical interface, identities can now be managed conveniently. With just one click, an image can be captured or uploaded, and the ID card can be both encoded and printed in one step. This not only saves time, but also resources and significantly increases acceptance. After ID card production, the personal and ID card data is automatically distributed to other systems, such as the access system. The person is immediately provided with initial access authorizations, which allows immediate access to the necessary areas. The commissioning of this system at three locations was impressively quick:  Training and test operation were completed within just four working days. Another advantage of the new ID card is its international usability. Employees can now also use the ID card on international business trips, as the data is managed centrally by various IDfunction instances. This ensures seamless integration and use at locations spread across the world. The system of global usability is now being rolled out further so that in the future all locations with IDfunction ID card production can achieve mutual usability. This expansion enables employees to use their ID cards across locations and worldwide, further increasing the efficiency and flexibility of the workforce. The introduction of uniform ID card production marks an important step towards greater efficiency and user-friendliness at thyssenkrupp Fawer Spring Co. Ltd. Employees benefit from the easy handling and quick availability of their ID cards, while the company saves time and money through the optimized ID card management system processes. Learn more about IDfunction: https://lnkd.in/dHzmEJmF #IDmanagement #identities #RFID #IDcards #IDcardProduction

    • Introduction of a uniform ID card management system across multiple locations in China at thyssenkrupp Fawer Spring Co. Ltd
  • Unternehmensseite von evolutionID GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

    4.018 Follower:innen

    It's almost time: Only 7 days left and the Security EXPO 2024 opens for you! Welcome to Munich and to #evolutionid at booth G13! Let us show you the latest developments in onboarding, dataregistration, badgeproduction and identity management with #idfunction! Ali Gülüm, Markus Wittke, Thomas Ehm are looking forward to welcome you. Simply write to us at sales@evolutionid.com for a free ticket. We'll send them as long as there are still some left! So hurry up as the early bird catches the worm! #evolutionid #badges #digitalidentity #ausweiskarten #zutrittskontrolle #ausweisdruck

    Unternehmensseite von evolutionID GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

    4.018 Follower:innen

    Munich Security Fair 2024 - Discover innovations at evolutionID! Visit evolutionID GmbH at the security trade fair "SicherheitsExpo" in Munich on June 26th and 27th, 2024! Discover the latest security technologies in access control, ID management and more. We welcome the Bavarian State Minister of the Interior, Joachim Herrmann, as patron. Be there and find out how evolutionID can support you and your company! SAVE THE DATE! Visit us in Hall 2 | Booth G13 » More information on our website: https://lnkd.in/d2nPt99j #SicherheitsExpo #evolutionID #RFID #IDmanagement

    • Munich Security Fair 2024 - Discover innovations at evolutionID!

Visit evolutionID GmbH at the security trade fair in Munich on June 26th and 27th, 2024! Discover the latest security technologies in access control, ID management and more. We welcome the Bavarian State Minister of the Interior, Joachim Herrmann, as patron. Be there and find out how evolutionID can support you and your company!
  • Unternehmensseite von evolutionID GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

    4.018 Follower:innen

    In an era in which digitization is progressing, there are still outdated, not safe corporate cards that still have to be programmed individually on each door. Not to forget the numerous keys that are floating around everywhere. But that doesn’t have to be the case, because the use of multifunctional, RFID-based corporate cards represents an efficient and secure solution for various security applications in the company. It is not uncommon for different access control systems to be established in companies over time, with the help of which access to a site, a building and on different floors. This grown structure often extends across several locations, with different systems and technologies use in different locations. In extreme cases, this means that employees need several ID cards, tokens or key cards to gain access. The administrative effort for the reliable monitoring and control of authorizations and the management of corporate cards is also also complicated. Technologies that are gradually declared to be abandoned are also used because they are outdated and unsafe. [...] Read the full article on our website: EN: https://lnkd.in/dcHpE-ms DE: https://lnkd.in/d5usJxUV FR: https://lnkd.in/d89AMBMY #IDmanagement #CorporateSecurity #RFID #IDcards #IDcardProduction

    • Secure corporate cards - Efficient and safe solutions - IDfunction
  • Unternehmensseite von evolutionID GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

    4.018 Follower:innen

    Munich Security Fair 2024 - Discover innovations at evolutionID! Visit evolutionID GmbH at the security trade fair "SicherheitsExpo" in Munich on June 26th and 27th, 2024! Discover the latest security technologies in access control, ID management and more. We welcome the Bavarian State Minister of the Interior, Joachim Herrmann, as patron. Be there and find out how evolutionID can support you and your company! SAVE THE DATE! Visit us in Hall 2 | Booth G13 » More information on our website: https://lnkd.in/d2nPt99j #SicherheitsExpo #evolutionID #RFID #IDmanagement

    • Munich Security Fair 2024 - Discover innovations at evolutionID!

Visit evolutionID GmbH at the security trade fair in Munich on June 26th and 27th, 2024! Discover the latest security technologies in access control, ID management and more. We welcome the Bavarian State Minister of the Interior, Joachim Herrmann, as patron. Be there and find out how evolutionID can support you and your company!
  • Unternehmensseite von evolutionID GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

    4.018 Follower:innen

    Streamlined Solutions, Rapid Response: Expert Support from evolutionID for EURONICS Deutschland eG The Challenge: When a Windows update impaired the compatibility of EURONICS Deutschland eG's card production systems, the company was faced with a serious problem. The software and hardware for ID card production no longer worked as usual, jeopardising the security and efficiency of the company's operations. The existing supplier did not respond, so an alternative solution had to be found. The rapid response: In this critical situation, evolutionID, a specialist in identification technologies, proved its expertise and responsiveness. Within a short space of time, the evolutionID team analysed the old system on site and took immediate action to not only restore the ID card production process, but also to optimise it with its own IDfunction ID card production system. The solution: By transferring the existing badge structure to their advanced IDfunction badge production and setting up a new database, evolutionID was able to provide a quick and effective solution. With just two on-site appointments, the ID card production system at EURONICS Deutschland eG was fully converted and operational. The result: This deployment shows how crucial fast action and technical expertise are in today's business world. EURONICS Deutschland eG not only benefited from the restoration of operations, but also from an improved and future-proof card creation solution. The high level of satisfaction of both parties underlines the success of the project and the importance of a reliable partnership in times of need. You have a new challenge for us? We look forward to hearing from you! More Details about IDfunction on our Website: https://lnkd.in/dHzmEJmF #IDmanagement #identities #security #RFID #IDfunction #euronics

    • Expert Support from evolutionID for EURONICS Deutschland eG
  • Unternehmensseite von evolutionID GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

    4.018 Follower:innen

    evolutionID revolutionizes ID card production at the University of Luxembourg The University of Luxembourg is setting new standards in ID card production with the innovative “IDfunction with IDimage” project. The cooperation with the company evolutionID enables an efficient, modern process that makes daily routines run smoothly at six different production sites. UNIVERSITY OF LUXEMBOURG IN FOCUS: At the beginning of the project we take a quick look at the renowned University of Luxembourg. With its international orientation and commitment to excellence in research and teaching, the university is the ideal partner for innovative solutions. EVOLUTIONID AS THE KEY TO SUCCESS: The University of Luxembourg is starting a collaboration with evolutionID, a company that specializes in modern digital identity solutions. By introducing automated processes, flexible user authorizations and AI-supported image capture, evolutionID with IDfunction is revolutionizing ID card production at the University of Luxembourg. AUTOMATED DATA IMPORT AND FLEXIBLE USER PERMISSIONS: A central aspect of the project was the integration of an automated data import from the Matrix access system. evolutionID has pragmatically expanded this process to enable flexible user authorization based on master data. This seamless, real-time data transfer between the two systems ensures smooth daily operations and efficient management of user permissions. AI-POWERED IMAGE CAPTURE AND DESIGN CUSTOMIZATION: A highlight of the project is the AI-supported image capture IDimage. People are photographed at six different production sites, with the images automatically being embedded into the ID card design in the desired format. The image background is neutralized with just one click, which not only increases efficiency but also contributes to a uniform appearance of the ID cards. ID-CARD PRODUCTION IN RECORD TIME: ID card production is surprisingly easy for users. The imported and enriched data automatically creates the ID profile to be used. A final look at the ID card preview and one click are enough to print the ID card including coding in about ten seconds – an impressive work process that combines all the steps in one. CONCLUSION: The evolutionID project at the University of Luxembourg sets new standards in ID card production. Through the intelligent integration of technologies and collaboration with the evolutionID team, the university not only eases the administrative effort, but also creates a modern, efficient process that meets the requirements of modern ID card production. You have a new challenge for us? We look forward to hearing from you! More Details about IDfunction on our Website: https://lnkd.in/dHzmEJmF #security #RFID #IDmanagement

    • evolutionID revolutionizes ID card production at the University of Luxembourg
  • Unternehmensseite von evolutionID GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

    4.018 Follower:innen

    evolutionID revolutionizes ID card production at the University of Luxembourg The University of Luxembourg is setting new standards in ID card production with the innovative “IDfunction with IDimage” project. The cooperation with the company evolutionID enables an efficient, modern process that makes daily routines run smoothly at six different production sites. ⦿ University of Luxembourg in focus: At the beginning of the project we take a quick look at the renowned University of Luxembourg. With its international orientation and commitment to excellence in research and teaching, the university is the ideal partner for innovative solutions. ⦿ evolutionID as the key to success: The University of Luxembourg is starting a collaboration with evolutionID, a company that specializes in modern digital identity solutions. By introducing automated processes, flexible user authorizations and AI-supported image capture, evolutionID with IDfunction is revolutionizing ID card production at the University of Luxembourg. ⦿ Automated data import and flexible user permissions: A central aspect of the project was the integration of an automated data import from the Matrix access system. evolutionID has pragmatically expanded this process to enable flexible user authorization based on master data. This seamless, real-time data transfer between the two systems ensures smooth daily operations and efficient management of user permissions. ⦿ AI-powered image capture and design customization: A highlight of the project is the AI-supported image capture IDimage. People are photographed at six different production sites, with the images automatically being embedded into the ID card design in the desired format. The image background is neutralized with just one click, which not only increases efficiency but also contributes to a uniform appearance of the ID cards. ⦿ ID card production in record time: ID card production is surprisingly easy for users. The imported and enriched data automatically creates the ID profile to be used. A final look at the ID card preview and one click are enough to print the ID card including coding in about ten seconds – an impressive work process that combines all the steps in one. ⦿ Conclusion: The evolutionID project at the University of Luxembourg sets new standards in ID card production. Through the intelligent integration of technologies and collaboration with the evolutionID team, the university not only eases the administrative effort, but also creates a modern, efficient process that meets the requirements of modern ID card production. You have a new challenge for us? We look forward to hearing from you! More Details about IDfunction on our Website: https://lnkd.in/ejBfhwxy #security #RFID #IDmanagement

    • evolutionID revolutionizes ID card production at the University of Luxembourg

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