EUPD Research ESG

EUPD Research ESG


Bonn, Nordrhein-Westfalen 1.223 Follower:innen



Our mission is clear: To advance sustainability and promote responsible business practices by serving as a knowledge hub and a catalyst for positive change. We are committed to addressing critical issues and facilitating dialogues around ESG, enabling individuals and organizations to take purposeful steps towards a more sustainable future.

11–50 Beschäftigte
Bonn, Nordrhein-Westfalen
Kapitalgesellschaft (AG, GmbH, UG etc.)
ESG und Corporate responsibility


Beschäftigte von EUPD Research ESG


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    Starting the Week with Annika 💡On the Importance of Highlighting ESG Excellence Let's start the week together with insights from our ESG Team! Our Head of ESG Operations, Annika Rohde starts us off with her thoughts on why it is important to highlight and honor successful ESG measures. It sends a signal to the industry that creating and implementing a comprehensive, transparent ESG and sustainability strategy for your company is possible and comes with a set of advantages. 🍃 Environmental sustainability is not only an issue that should concern everyone on this planet, but the areas of social and governance are also becoming increasingly important - especially in terms of compliance with new regulations and meeting the expectations of public stakeholders such as new employees or customers. Creating a transparent framework leads to trust in these strategies. According to Annika, rewarding excellence in this area serves as an encouragement to others: 🎤 "It's important to highlight corporate sustainability management because it inspires other companies to increase transparency in their ESG activities and extend the reach of sustainability initiatives. Let's create a sustainable future together!" #SustainabilityManagement #ESG #CorproateSustainability #Sustainability #Transparency

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    Teamwork on the road to sustainability - Different roles & their challenges 🤝 IT Department Once an ESG strategy is in its development stages, IT departments take on a vital role and can contribute greatly to its success. Technology can be leveraged for creating helpful tools and frameworks, which comes with its own set of tasks and challenges: 🔍 Their role One of the main jobs for IT departments is the provision and upkeep of ESG data collection and analysis. A comprehensive framework for ESG reporting is central for data security and integrity. It ensures that the data is readily available for the transparency of ESG measures. This includes developing and implementing software solution to automate the mentioned ESG data collection processes. 🔍 Their challenges  The creation of a framework like this leads to a range of challenges for IT departments. Ensuring that the collected ESG data is secure and and its storage adheres to regulations is one of those. Another one is integrating the new ESG software into the existing IT infrastructure and processes of an organization. Additionally, new IT structures and the data centers needed for a digitalized ESG reporting consume more energy, which is challenging when one of the goals of ESG is a sustainable way of doing business. This means smartly managing resources and avoiding unnecessary E-waste. 👉 Are you a member of your company's IT department and looking for an objective assessment of your ESG strategy in relation to your specific role in its implementation? Then follow us here and contact our ESG experts Jens Mürke or Annika Rohde. If you send us your ESG report, we will be happy to conduct a GAP analysis in which you will receive our assessment of the current status of your objectives, overall strategy and its communication. #ESG #Organization #CSR #Sustainability #IT

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    ESG in Europe 🇪🇺 Awareness, Compliance and Regulations Amidst rising awareness and subsequently shifting public pressure, as well as regulatory changes, the European ESG landscape is evolving at a rapid pace.   📈One of the driving factors is investor demand. According to a 2023 survey by FTSE Russell, An LSEG Business, 80% of international asset owners are currently evaluating the implementation of ESG/Sustainability considerations in investment strategies. Comparatively, 73% of European investors stated to view climate/carbon as a sustainability issue that takes priority, while only 53% of investors in the USA did the same. 🔎From the regulatory side, the EU is leading the way in introducing ESG guidelines and regulations. Important frameworks and legislature include the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), which focuses on transparency as a tool towards broad ESG implementation. It includes the extensive disclosure of data on ESG factors - carbon emissions, waste managements, DEI, governance and more. 👥This trend toward transparent, overreaching ESG integration into business practices also stems from the fact that public perception and pressure is increasing. This makes ESG a publicity issue as well. Stakeholders like consumers and employees are looking for more sustainable and socially aware practices, including more accountability and transparency: According to a 2023 EU study, a majority of young people consider defined social (75%) or environmental (73%) goals to be important when looking for potential employers. All in all, the European ESG landscape is varied and influenced by a variety of factors. Taking this into account, the ESG-Summit, happening in the context of the European Sustainability Week in December, is expanding its scope to include organizations and companies from across Europe this year! Stay tuned for information in the coming weeks and visit our website: Get the full "7th Annual Sustainable Investment Asset Owner survey 2023" by LSEG: More on the EU survey "Social entrepreneurship and youth": #ESG #Europe #InvestmentTrends #Environment #Social #Governance #CSR #EU

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    ESG & DEI 🌈 The importance of promoting inclusivity and diversity The social aspect is a central building block of any ESG strategy. Employees are crucial for every company; measures to ensure a diverse and inclusive working environment should be a priority for everyone. DEI - Diversity, Equity and Inclusion - is the umbrella term for the support and promotion of women, minorities and other underrepresented groups at all levels of a company, including management positions. 🌎 Promoting a diverse, well-treated and equal workforce has proven to be one of the responsibilities of companies in the ESG and CSR context. In addition, providing support structures, inclusion measures and accessibility for people from all walks of life in terms of gender, sexuality, race, ethnicity, socio-economic background, disability and more leads to a more diverse pool of ideas and perspectives. This emphasises once again that sustainable, fair and equal business practices are interlinked and that all ESG areas go hand in hand! 🤝 📋 Wondering how well your company is positioned in terms of DEI and your overall ESG strategy? Then contact Jens Mürke or Annika Rohde for an objective assessment through a GAP analysis! #DEI #Diversity #Inclusion #Equity #ESG #CorporateResponsibility

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    Teamwork on the road to sustainability - Different roles & their challenges 🤝 HR As the entity that is tasked with the management of a company's workforce, HR departments play a pivotal role in its ESG strategy. By taking care of their various responsibilities and overcoming challenges, they have the potential to significantly contribute to the success of ESG and sustainability measures. 🔍 Their role HR departments are responsible for fostering and promoting diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) within a company - this includes hiring practices, policies and creating an appropriate workplace environment. Further, they are tasked with managing, developing and implementing ESG-related training and development programs for employees - in addition to ensuring the physical and mental well-being of their employees. 🔍 Their challenges When it comes to their role in a company's ESG strategy, HR departments are faced with several challenges. For example, they need to successfully promote a culture of sustainability and diversity among employees - sometimes in opposition to existing mindsets within an organization. Taken DEI measures need to be monitored and reported as well, which poses a challenges from a resource perspective. In general, HR departments might be faced with resource constraints - both for sustainability initiatives and limited time for balancing ESG and other HR responsibilities. From the other side, they might face hurdles connected to recruiting and binding talent that shares ESG values. Prospective employees that place importance on a company's ESG measures should informed and shown how ESG is integrated into the company culture. 👉 Are you a member of your company's HR department and looking for an objective assessment of your ESG strategy in relation to your specific role in its implementation? Then follow us here and contact our ESG experts Jens Mürke or Annika Rohde. If you send us your ESG report, we will be happy to conduct a GAP analysis in which you will receive our assessment of the current status of your objectives, overall strategy and its communication. #ESG #HR #Organization #CSR #Sustainability

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    🌱 Setting an Example in Corporate Sustainability A greener tomorrow starts with us - and that includes companies and their ESG policies. Introducing sustainability measures into all areas of ones business practice is a great way to improve impact and serves as a positive example and inspiration for others. We are always looking for more positive examples of incorporating the environmental aspect of ESG into all business areas. 🌎 Today, we want to present IBC SOLAR AG as one such example. Their successful commitment to a more sustainable way of doing business was highlighted at The smarter E Europe 2024 last week, where they received the Sustainable Exhibitor Award by STEP – Sustainable Trade Events Partnership for their efforts of creating a sustainable trade fair presence. Contributing factors for qualifying included that their entire booth has a circularity of 98% and parts of it were used for the third year. Congratulations to the IBC Solar Team, including Christina Pfeufer and Dr. Dirk Haft - Jens Mürke was happy to present you your award! #Sustainability #ESG #CorporateSustainability #TheSmarterE #SustainableExhibitorAward

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    Twin Transformation 🤝 ESG and Digitalization The modern business landscape continues to transform, and digitalization is at the forefront of that development. ESG is one of the branches that is posed to transform with and alongside a more digitized world - the need for both digitization and rising requirements for extensive ESG reporting go hand in hand. For German companies - medium-sized as well as large ones- new national and EU guidelines such as the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) pose a significant administrative challenge when it comes to their sustainability management. Digitalization presents a helpful tool on this road to ESG excellence. 📈 Reaching ESG goals is not an easy task - and, according to Univ.-Prof. Dr. Louis Velthuis from the Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, digitizing and automating data is key to streamlining and optimizing ESG reporting. Creating digital structures that organize data input can lead to more efficiency and transparency - providing internal and external stakeholders with valuable insights into compliance and effectiveness of their ESG measures. As a result, digitalization fosters greater accountability and supports sustainable business practices. Results of a recent study on the topic of digitalization in German medium-sized companies by GHK Management Consulting GmbH reflect this transformation: While 96% of the participants that are required to report their ESG measures don't have a fully automated ESG reporting, 82% stated that they plan to do so in the future. ✅ If you are taking the journey toward digitizing your operational control and automating your ESG reporting, then start with a GAP analysis to learn where you are on the Road to Excellence! Apply now for the ESG Transparency Award: Request a copy of the full German-language study here: #ESG #Reporting #Digitalization #Germany

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    🌏♻ Focussing on ESG at The smarter E / 𝗛𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝗔𝟮 / 𝗕𝗼𝗼𝘁𝗵 𝗔𝟮.𝟭𝟳𝟭 We are having a great time discussing the latest trends and developments in the ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) sector with you! These conversations offer us highly valuable insights into the future of sustainability and its effects on the solar sector. Meet us for open discussions and learn more about how we can create a more sustainable future together. Let us exchange innovative ideas and best practices, to advance ESG together! 🤝 Contact Jens Mürke, Annika Rohde and Arun Sharma for meetings at the smarte E!📲 #Connecting #ESG #Sustainability #GreenFuture #CorporateSustainability #Events

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    Unternehmensseite von STEP – Sustainable Trade Events Partnership anzeigen, Grafik

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    Winners of the Sustainable Exhibitor Award 🏆 The smarter E Europe 2024 is in full swing, and we started strong with our personal highlight - going around the exhibition floor to present the winners of the Sustainable Exhibitor Award with their awards! We are very proud to introduce the participants that have taken care to ensure their presence at this trade fair is environmentally friendly. Integrating sustainability at trade fairs into your CSR strategy is an important but often overlooked aspect, and these companies have taken the necessary steps. Winners include: Meyer Burger SATINAL SpA DAS SOLAR IBC SOLAR AG GLS Gemeinschaftsbank eG SkyVisor GP JOULE Gruppe Sungrow Europe Bundesverband Neue Energiewirtschaft e.V. (bne) Shenzhen Megarevo Technology Co.,Ltd EET - Efficient Energy Technology GmbH FoxESS Co, Ltd Tecloman Energy Storage BST Power (Shenzhen) Limited ESS, Inc. Synoelec Deutschland GmbH RENOPI (Shenzhen) New Energy Technology Co., Ltd iNOVAT Energy Storage Solutions Wright Energy Storage Technologies AORIMA 🤝 Congratulations everyone, we commend you for your commitment to more sustainable trade fairs and look forward to following you on your further journey - step by step! 💡 Stay tuned for which trade fair we will visit next and learn more about the Sustainable Exhibitor Award: #SustainableExhbitorAward #CSR #Sustainability #CorporateSustainability

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