


Dettingen/Erms, Baden-Württemberg 40.213 Follower:innen

Experience mobility – Drive the future.


As an independent and globally positioned supplier, the ElringKlinger Group is a powerful and reliable partner to the automotive industry. Be it car or commercial vehicle, be it optimized combustion engine, hybrid technology, or electric motor – we offer innovative solutions for all types of drive system in passenger cars and commercial vehicles. In doing so, we are making a committed contribution to sustainable mobility. Our lightweighting concepts help to reduce the overall weight of vehicles. As a result, vehicles powered by diesel or gasoline engines consume less fuel and emit less CO2, while electric trucks and cars benefit from an extended range. Developing cutting-edge battery and fuel cell technology as well as electric drive units, we were among the frontrunners when it came to positioning ourselves as a specialist in the field of e-mobility. At the same time, we are committed to evolving our sealing technology for a wide range of applications. Our shielding systems are designed to ensure high-end temperature and acoustics management throughout the vehicle. Dynamic precision parts developed by ElringKlinger can be used in all types of drive system. Additionally, the Group's portfolio includes engineering services, tooling technology, and products made of high-performance plastics, which are also marketed to industries beyond the automotive sector. Battery and fuel cell systems engineered by ElringKlinger are also used in non-automotive applications. These efforts are supported by a dedicated workforce of around 10,000 people at 45 ElringKlinger Group locations around the globe. Data Protection Notice: https://www.elringklinger.de/en/data-protection-notice

10.001+ Beschäftigte
Dettingen/Erms, Baden-Württemberg
Kapitalgesellschaft (AG, GmbH, UG etc.)
Autmobilzulieferindustrie, Entwicklungspartner, Serienlieferant, Leichtbaulösungen, Elektromobilität, Komponenten für Lithium-Ionen-Batterien, Brennstoffzellen-Stacks, Brennstoffzellen-Systeme, Kunststoff-Leichtbaumodule, Dichtungstechnik, Werkzeug- und Formenbau, Batteriemodule und Electric Drive Units


Beschäftigte von ElringKlinger


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    The issues driving the world are the issues driving ElringKlinger: the advancement of mobility and sustainability in all its dimensions. Conservation of resources, climate change mitigation, safety, convenience, and efficiency are at the top of the agenda.🔝 We were quick off the mark in charting the right course for the future and are committed to evolving every aspect of our core competencies as we move forward. This also applies in particular to those business units whose origins lie in the field of conventional mobility. As a system partner to our customers, we always look at the big picture and are keen to play an active role in the process of transformation within the automotive industry – and beyond.🚗 🔎 We would now like to take a closer look at how the #change toward electromobility and new drive concepts is unfolding or has unfolded.👇 1️⃣ The Metal Sealing Systems & Drivetrain Components unit (formerly Cylinder-head and Specialty Gaskets) offers customized sealing systems for a wide range of applications. Both materials and design are tailored perfectly to the specific requirements; additional functions can also be integrated. The advantages: fewer individual parts, less assembly work, weight reduction, cost streamlining, and optimized functionality. We are also able to unleash these strengths when it comes to e-mobility applications. 2️⃣ Within the Metal Forming & Assembly Technology unit (previously Shielding Technology), our ElroShield™ thermal and acoustic shielding systems are still in demand. Having said that, more than 50% of the total nomination volume in the 2023 financial year was actually attributable to components for battery-powered electric vehicles. 3️⃣ Lightweight construction, one of the key technologies within the automotive industry, has a long tradition at ElringKlinger: Today, we supply customized structural components made of solid plastic, in combination with metal or in composite-hybrid design for a wide range of primarily drive-independent applications throughout the vehicle, such as cockpit cross-car beams, front-end carriers, door modules, underbody shields, or engine mounts. 4️⃣ Our subsidiary ElringKlinger Kunststofftechnik GmbH (EKT) specializes in gaskets, engineered parts, assemblies, and modules made of high-performance plastics, which are used in a wide range of industries, including medical technology, mechanical engineering, chemical and process technology, and the automotive industry. EKT is also taking advantage of the opportunities presented by the technological transition toward electromobility. Read our full article and find out more about the products, their development and our technologies: https://lnkd.in/eqXi_mWE #elringklinger #transformationpioneers #drivethefuture #mobility #transformation

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    A closer look: ▶️SHAPE30 - our strategy for transformation🚀 🚗 Product Transformation The process of transforming and evolving our product portfolio is already in full swing; we were quick to embrace the various megatrends and prepare for the far-reaching changes they would involve. When developing innovative products, the focus is on delivering added value for our customers. We are committed to expanding our customer base across all sectors – both for existing products and for new projects. To this end, we have drawn up an all-embracing strategic approach in which the tactical elements relating to product groups, markets, and plants are intertwined. 🔜 Our target for 2030 is to generate more than 50% of our revenue in product areas beyond the combustion engine. This relates not only to the automotive industry but also to revenue in other sectors. As always, you can find more information about our strategy and our products on our homepage: https://lnkd.in/eWQV9gqN #elringklinger #mobility #drivethefuture #transformationpioneer #shape30

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    🚀 Verstärkung gesucht als Entwicklungsingenieur (m/w/d) Schwerpunkt Prozesstechnik! 🚀 🔋 Bereich: Battery Technology & E-Mobility 📍 Standort: Neuffen 𝐈𝐡𝐫𝐞 𝐀𝐮𝐟𝐠𝐚𝐛𝐞𝐧: 🔋 Entwicklung innovativer Batteriekomponenten 🏭 Koordination der Prozessentwicklung vom Labormaßstab bis zur Serienproduktion 📑 Bewertung von Patenten und Screening neuer Batterietechnologien 🤝 Unterstützung bei Kundenprojekten und Mitarbeit in Arbeitskreisen 𝐖𝐚𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐫 𝐛𝐢𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐧: ✨ Attraktive Vergütung gemäß Metall-Tarif mit 35-Stunden-Woche ✨ Hybrides und flexibles Arbeiten ✨ Umfangreiche Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten ✨ Company & Team Events ✨ Vielfältige Gesundheits- und Sportangebote Jetzt bewerben 👉 https://lnkd.in/gMXhhwRX #ElringKlinger #BatteryTechnology #EMobility #JoinUs

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    Ein Blick hinter die Kulissen: Limburger Bürger und Landrat zu Besuch im Werk Runkel 👋🔎🏭 Auf seiner Sommer-Tour wirft Landrat Michael Köberle zusammen mit 50 interessierten Bürgerinnen und Bürgern einen Blick hinter die Kulissen interessanter Betriebe der Region Limburg-Weilburg. 😎☀ Vergangene Woche stattete die Gruppe unserem Werk in Runkel einen Besuch ab. Werkleiter Mark Fellmann stellte den Besucherinnen und Besuchern ElringKlinger als Unternehmen vor. Bei einer Führung bekam die Gruppe Einblicke in die Produktion von Fahrzeugteilen für die Automobilindustrie. 🚗 Im vergangenen Jahr hat das Werk in Runkel im dreischichtigen Fünf-Tages-Betrieb fast 100 Millionen Euro Umsatz auf einer Produktionsfläche von 17.200 Quadratmetern erwirtschaftet. 🤓 Im Werk sind 375 Personen beschäftigt. 💪 Natürlich sind wir auch immer an qualifiziertem und motiviertem Mitarbeiternachwuchs interessiert! 👍 Beispielsweise bieten wir Ausbildungsplätze zum Werkzeugmechaniker, Industriemechaniker und Elektriker für Betriebstechnik an. 👩🏭👨🏭 #elringklinger #behindthescenes #besuch #runkel

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    Profil von Matthias Wurst anzeigen, Grafik

    Quality and Sustainability Manager at ElringKlinger

    Heute startet ein neues Projekt. Gemeinsam mit ein paar Kolleginnen und Kollegen will ich in Form eines regelmäßigen Newsletters Einblicke in die Transformationsarbeit bei ElringKlinger geben. Schaut gern in den ersten Beitrag über unsere bevorstehenden Aufgaben und bleibt am Ball für die nächsten nun regelmäßig geplanten Veröffentlichungen. Danke an Tim Reeth und Martina Rebstock für die gemeinsame Vorbereitung. Let's go!

    Wege bereiten.

    Wege bereiten.

    Matthias Wurst auf LinkedIn

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    Throw🔙 on the The Battery Show Europe 2024 at Messe Stuttgart from June 18-20! The event was very well attended. A big thank you to everyone who visited our booth. Our highlights were: 🌟Performance Battery Module: For high-performance applications. 🌟 Cell Contacting System: Optimized for large-format cylindrical lithium-ion cells (46-x). 🌟ElroSafe™ Underbody Shielding: Enhancing battery system protection. For more technical insights 👉 https://sohub.io/t7lj This show is crucial for us to present our innovations in the battery sector and to network with industry leaders. We look forward to future collaborations! ⚡ #TheBatteryShow #EVTechExpo #ElringKlinger

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  • Unternehmensseite von ElringKlinger anzeigen, Grafik

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    Fulda bei Tag und Nacht: ElringKlinger bei Projekttreffen von "InThElekt" 🚗🚙🔌💪   Beim InThElekt-Projekttreffen, das vorletzte Woche bei der EDAG Group in Fulda stattfand, wurden Projektfortschritte den Projektpartnern* präsentiert und next Steps besprochen. 💬👣 Mit dabei war auch das ElringKlinger-Team um Matthias Biegerl. Das gesamte Projektteam bekam eine Führung durch das Testing-Center bei EDAG und Einblicke in das neu gebaute EMV-Zentrum für elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit. 👨🔬👩🔬 Am Abend zuvor lernten alle Anwesenden die Innenstadt Fuldas bei einer Nachtwächterführung besser kennen. 🌆🔦 Die ElringKlinger AG ist Verbundkoordinator des im vergangenen Jahr gestarteten Projektes „InThElekt“. Hier werden innovative Leichtbaustrukturen mit integrierten Elektronikkomponenten für E-Autos erforscht 🚘⚡🔎, um mit dem Einsatz gewichtssparender Materialen, Technologien und Bauweisen Global Warming Potentials signifikant zu reduzieren. 🍃🌍📉  InThElekt ist Teil des vom Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz geförderten Programms „Neue Fahrzeug- und Systemtechnologien“. *ℹ Insgesamt sind acht Partner und vier assoziierte Partner aus Industrie und Wissenschaft an dem Projekt beteiligt. Darunter sind die Berliner Nanotest und Design GmbH, ElringKlinger AG, EDAG Group, ENGEL Austria GmbH (assoziiert), Fraunhofer Institute for Microstructure of Materials and Systems IMWS, SimpaTec Simulation & Technology Consulting GmbH, Symate GmbH, Technische Universität Chemnitz sowie die Volkswagen Group (assoziiert). #elringklinger #lightweight #leichtbautechnologie #composites #elektroauto #battery #electrification #emobility

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    Elring awarded as “Star of High Potential” @ NEXUS Connecting Days China 2024 🏆   From June 20 to June 21, 2024, the “NEXUS Connecting Days China 2024” took place in Taicang, Jiangsu Province, China. ℹ NEXUS Automotive International SA is the leading automotive aftermarket global community. 🌏🚗 The event featured a plenary session that provided an overview of the Chinese automotive aftermarket and networking meetings. Over 150 participants from 80 companies attended the event. Our Elring colleagues were not only present at the event, but they were also awarded as “Star of High Potential” due to the continuously excellent performance of our brand “Elring – Das Original“ in China and the business growth with NEXUS. 😎🌟 Congratulations to the entire Elring team! 👏   #elringklinger #elring #aftermarket #collaboration #congrats

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  • Unternehmensseite von ElringKlinger anzeigen, Grafik

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    🚀 First Newcomer Day at ElringKlinger in Neuffen: a successful start! The time had come this week: we hosted the first Newcomer Day for our Battery Technology business unit at our Neuffen plant. ⚡ 🔌 🚗 🔋 28 new talents 🌟 have joined us in recent months and were warmly welcomed by our Vice Presidents and our HR representatives Susanne Willich and Petra Flüg. After an interactive game to break the ice, the participants learned a lot about our corporate purpose as well as our shared vision and mission expressed in our Group strategy SHAPE30. 🎯 A highlight of the event were the personal insights from Gunnar Deichmann and Jeanne Fauß, who presented our strategy for the business unit and answered all the questions from our new ElringKlinger team members. 💼🗨️ Thanks to a survey, our new colleagues gave us feedback about the induction phase and ElringKlinger as an employer. 📊 The result? Overwhelmingly positive! 😃 This motivates us even more to give newcomers a great entry-level experience today just as in the future. 💪 After some initial networking with delicious food 🍽️, we moved on to workshops in which our new colleagues shared their insights and worked together to develop suggestions for improvement. 🧠🔧 The day ended with another culinary round and good conversations. 💬 🍰 A huge thank you to everyone who took part. We are already looking forward to the next Newcomer Day in December 2024! 🗓️ #elringklinger #shapethefuture #transformationpioneer #newcomerday #batterytechnology

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  • Unternehmensseite von ElringKlinger anzeigen, Grafik

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    ElringKlinger to open new Battery Center in the USA 🏭🌎   Our present plants in the US are getting good company: We are going to open a new Group site in Easley in Pickens County in the northwest of the US state of South Carolina. 🏭 Thomas Jessulat, CEO of ElringKlinger AG, met the Governor of the US state, Henry McMaster, yesterday evening to discuss the current status of plans for the site. 💬🤝   🎤 "The new site is the next step for ElringKlinger in the implementation of its ▶ SHAPE30 transformation strategy. The American market generally offers great potential for e-mobility applications, and we have already received a first high-volume series nomination. When it comes to unlocking this potential, the US state of South Carolina is an optimal starting point for the establishment of the Group’s Battery Center Americas, as yesterday's talks with Governor McMaster once again underlined", commented CEO Thomas Jessulat.   We will initially manufacture cell contacting systems in Pickens County for a launching customer. In the first stage, the center will cover an area of 21,000 m² with additional expansion space. Over the coming years, the site will gradually be expanded to become our battery center for the American market. ⚡ 🔌 🚗 🔋 Operations at the new site are scheduled to commence in mid-2025. 💪📅   ℹ Pickens County, with Easley as its largest city, is centrally located on the axis between Atlanta, GA, and Charlotte, NC, in the northwest of the US state of South Carolina. 🌎📍 Automotive hubs are in the immediate vicinity. 🚗 Renowned universities such as the Clemson University ensure a high level of qualification in the regional labor market, especially in the technical field. 👩🏭👨🏭👨🎓👩🎓   For more information, please check our press release 👉 https://lnkd.in/egCQtrcr #elringklinger #emobility #battery #SHAPE30 #letsshape

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