Deep Media Technologies GmbH

Deep Media Technologies GmbH


Hamburg, Hamburg 1.903 Follower:innen

Join us on our journey to the next generation of digital marketing by combining media with innovative technology!


Deep Media Technologies is a next generation independent digital media service provider combining media with innovative technology solutions and individual algorithms. We think and manage digital media cross-platform and cross-channel. Thanks to our channel expertise, our technology and data science background, we are able to activate data and leverage our clients' results - both in awareness and performance campaigns.

51–200 Beschäftigte
Hamburg, Hamburg


Beschäftigte von Deep Media Technologies GmbH


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    🚀 We are pleased to announce that we have moved into our new office space in the Artery Business Center in #Vilnius, Lithuania! ✨ This modern space is the perfect place for our growing team of specialist engineers and media managers due to its central location and modern office layout. To us, it is important to create an open workspace to facilitate our team of expert engineers and media managers in the development of cutting-edge tech products and the implementation of marketing campaigns. 🍃 We also place a high value in conducting our business sustainably and it’s great to see a reflection of that in the Artery Business centre, including a BREEAM certification and several car charging stations. With its central location and proximity to green areas, the office can be reached easily and lunch breaks can be spent outside in the Lithuanian sun. 💙 We already celebrated the move with a nice get-together – drinking cocktails and having snacks while playing board and VR games. To more fun days we will get to spend together in the new office! #deepmedia #digitalmarketing #newoffice #vilnius 

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  • Unternehmensseite von Deep Media Technologies GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

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    🚀 We are thrilled to announce that we have been awarded as a “Fair Company” by the Handelsblatt and the Institut für Beschäftigung und Employability IBE! 💙 At Deep Media, fairness isn't just a principle; it's ingrained in everything we do – from promoting diversity and social engagement to working on sustainability topics. Being awarded as a #FairCompany means that we particularly meet the expectations and values of career starters and young professionals, offering a fair and attractive working environment. Let us present some examples to you! 🌍 Work organization, leadership and corporate culture: We offer a collaborative environment with transparent communication and a leadership style that encourages innovation. Our leaders are approachable and open to feedback, fostering a culture of mutual respect and continuous improvement. 📚 Personal development, compensation and career paths: We provide continuous learning opportunities, for example via our own online learning platform, the Deep Media Academy. Our comprehensive compensation packages are designed to be competitive and fair, reflecting our commitment to rewarding talent. We also offer clear and achievable career paths, supporting our employees' growth within the company. 🌈 Diversity and equal opportunities: We are committed to fostering an inclusive workplace where diversity is celebrated. Our policies and initiatives are designed to support equal opportunities for all, regardless of background, gender, ethnicity, or other personal attributes. We believe that a diverse team is a strong team, bringing a wealth of perspectives and ideas to the table. 🧘♀️ Work-life balance: We understand the importance of balancing professional and personal life. Our flexible working hours and remote work options provide the freedom to manage personal commitments without compromising professional responsibilities. Additionally, we offer regular mindfulness sessions and coaching to support the mental and physical well-being of our employees. 🌱 Social responsibility and sustainability: We take our social and environmental responsibilities seriously. From reducing our carbon footprint to engaging in community service, we strive to make a positive impact on society and the planet. Our sustainability initiatives include eco-friendly office practices, supporting green projects, and encouraging our team to participate in volunteer activities, like our yearly Social Days. 💙 We are very proud to be part of the #FairCompany initiative! In the future, we aim to leverage this recognition to further enhance our commitment to fairness and distinction. 🔗 Feel free to check out our profile on Handelsblatt and our open job listings to find out more! #faircompany #handelsblatt #fairness #diversity #sustainability #youngprofessionals #career

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  • Unternehmensseite von Deep Media Technologies GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

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    ✨ Did you know that the position of an action button on a landing page can make a significant impact on lead generation and sales? We recently conducted a case study in the transportation industry that highlights the potential of landing page optimisation. Let us share some insights with you! 🚆 We reviewed four of our client’s landing pages which were supposed to be included in a Lead Gen campaign on Meta and optimised two out of those four. A key update we suggested was to move the "Call-to-Action" (CTA) button closer to the top of the page since this is especially essential for mobile users to caption their attention right away. Previously, the CTA button was placed in a smaller font and more at the bottom of the page, making it less noticeable. 💥 The results were remarkable: We noticed a CVR uplift of 78% for landing page #1 and an increase in CVR of 98% for landing page #2. Hence, optimising landing pages is a crucial step in driving conversions and maximizing your marketing efforts: By strategically placing your CTA button and making it more prominent, you can capture the attention of potential customers and encourage them to take action. 💙 Feel free to share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below! #LandingPageOptimization #LeadGeneration #ConversionBoost #MarketingStrategy #MetaAdvertising #TransportationIndustry #DigitalMarketing #CTAButton #MobileOptimization #MaximizeConversions #MarketingInsights

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  • Unternehmensseite von Deep Media Technologies GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

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    🚀 At Deep Media, we are always eager to connect with talented individuals passionate about digital marketing. Last week, we participated in the “FOR YOUR CAREER” fair at the Leuphana Universität Lüneburg to directly meet and engage with enthusiastic students. With a diverse team of colleagues, we came together to support this event and share our perspectives and experiences in digital marketing. 🎓 It was an honour to share insights about our culture, job opportunities and digital marketing with curious Bachelor’s, Master’s and PhD students. We engaged with many talented individuals and are excited about the applications we already received and the future meetings to come. ✨ One of the highlights was witnessing the enthusiasm and curiosity of the students, which reaffirms our commitment to fostering new talent and innovative ideas. These experiences also provided us with valuable insights into the perspectives and aspirations of students and young professionals with regard to recruitment practices. 📚 We are very happy to collaborate with esteemed institutions like the Leuphana Universität Lüneburg. Being home to around 10,000 students, the university focuses on various, relevant areas such as management, technology, and sustainability. Recently, it was even awarded the German Sustainability Award, which is the national accolade for excellence in sustainability and is the largest of its kind in Europe! 💙 Hence, a big thank you goes to Leuphana Universität Lüneburg for giving us the opportunity to present Deep Media once again! Moreover, many thanks to everyone who participated in the Career Fair – we are eagerly looking forward to next year!   #deepmedia #digitalmarketing #career #careerfair #leuphana #lüneburg #recruiting #newtalent #sustainability

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  • Unternehmensseite von Deep Media Technologies GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

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    ⏱️ Ready, set, run! 👏🏼 We once again laced up our running shoes for the HafenCityRun, which recently took place in Hamburg and attracted more than 17,000 participants. Charity Partner of the HafenCityRun is “Hamburger Abendblatt hilft”, an association which aims to help citiziens in the Hamburg metropolitan area who are facing financial or health struggles. 🏃🏼 With a diverse squad of colleagues, hailing from different corners of the map, we came together to support this great cause and, of course, have some serious fun. Whether we were slowly jogging, walking, or picking up a good speed, one thing's for sure: we enjoyed this special way of spending time with one another and shared many laughs! ✨ Our highlight of the day certainly was crossing the finish line all together with a big smile on our faces. Moreover, the atmosphere on the track was great! We were accompanied by nice beats from a band and some drums playing. On top of that, water for the runners was distributed next to the track and the crowd was passionately cheering everyone on. 💙 We were happy to show that Deep Media not only holds high standards in digital marketing, but we also aim to support important causes and make meaningful strides together, both on the track and off. #deepmedia #digitalmarketing #hafencityrun24 #team 

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  • Unternehmensseite von Deep Media Technologies GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

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    🌍 For international diversity day, the 28th of May, our People & Culture Team prepared a keynote on diversity within and beyond recruiting. This event was a great opportunity to dive deep into the importance of diversity and how it impacts every aspect of our work environment. 🤝 The goal was to raise awareness for this vital topic, spark relevant discussions and showcase ongoing initiatives at Deep Media. By asking critical questions and fostering open dialogue, we strived to deepen our understanding and commitment to diversity. During the keynote, the People & Culture Team pointed out which measures are already taken: 💡 Bias-free recruiting: We continuously work on establishing processes to ensure our hiring practices are fair and inclusive, eliminating unconscious biases that may influence decision-making. 💡 Gender-neutral language: With the help of language trackers, we monitor and maintain the use of gender-neutral language across all our communications to foster an inclusive environment. 💡 New platforms: We are continuously expanding our reach by utilizing new platforms to connect with a diverse range of candidates, ensuring a broad spectrum of talent. 💡 Job ad disclaimer: Our job advertisements express our commitment to diversity and inclusion clearly, emphasizing that we value qualifications over any other characteristics. 💡 Networking: By participating in roundtables and discussions, we actively engage with others on diversity topics, sharing insights and learning from different perspectives. 💡 Certified expertise: Our People & Culture team holds certificates in diversity recruiting, ensuring that we are equipped with the latest knowledge and best practices to support our diversity goals. #deepmedia #digitalmarketing #diversityday #diversity #recruiting 

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  • Unternehmensseite von Deep Media Technologies GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

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    🔎 Have you ever wondered about the performance differences between Meta and LinkedIn when it comes to generating leads? With Lead Ads, users can submit their contact information via pre-filled lead forms, without having to leave the platform. To learn more about this intriguing format, we recently conducted tests for two clients and discovered some fascinating insights! 🏢 Our first client is in the financial industry. We implemented lead forms on both Meta and LinkedIn, and to our surprise, Meta outperformed LinkedIn by a significant margin. The cost per lead (CPL) on LinkedIn was by 75% higher than on Meta. Not only that, but the client also noted that the quality of leads from Meta was superior. As a result, we made the strategic decision to pause the LinkedIn campaign and shift the budget towards Meta. 🎓 The second example stems from the online education sector. Once again, we leveraged lead forms on both platforms to collect information on potential students interested in our client's educational programs. The CPL on LinkedIn was 33% higher on average than our findings on Meta. These findings further reinforced the effectiveness of Meta as a cost-efficient platform for lead generation. 📚 Based on our observations, we highly recommend testing both Meta and LinkedIn to determine which platform works best for your specific goals and products. Both Meta and LinkedIn provide robust audience targeting options, allowing you to reach the right people with your message. However, don't dismiss the post-evaluation of leads: The ratio of converted leads is highly important to figure out where to invest further. In our case, the Meta leads were more cost efficient with a lower CPL and a higher lead quality. 💡 Feel free to share your thoughts and experiences with lead generation on Meta and LinkedIn in the comments below! #deepmedia #digitalmarketing #LeadGeneration #MetaAdvertising #LinkedInMarketing #LeadForms #CostPerLead #DigitalMarketingInsights #RealEstateFinance #DistanceLearning #MarketingStrategy #DataDrivenDecisions #EngageAndLearn

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  • Unternehmensseite von Deep Media Technologies GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

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    📣 We are thrilled to share the impressive outcomes of our recent collaboration with comdirect – eine Marke der Commerzbank AG in executing a #fullfunnelcampaign! This campaign aimed to establish comdirect as a prominent player in the financial industry within its target group. 💥 To achieve this, we created a comprehensive approach that encompassed #socialadvertising, #video, #displayAds, #CTV, and an attention-grabbing #3DDOOH strategy. Working closely with our partner met[ads], we leveraged their expertise in 3D modelling, animation as well as rendering, to ensure optimal visual impact across various screens. ✨ The highlight of this campaign was the adaptation of the creative concept in 3D ads, which achieved an increase in ad recall of more than 300%. This captivating format left a lasting impression on viewers, further solidifying comdirect's position within the target audience's 'relevant set' for financial matters. 📈 Our targeting efforts played a crucial role in the campaign's success: By utilizing geographical behavioural data, we were able to reach a significant share of our intended audience. Approximately 60% of the users reached by the campaign through the 700 screens belonged to our predefined target group. Those results surpass the performance of traditional OOH campaigns by an impressive amount of 215%! 📍 Our strategic selection of highly frequented areas for DOOH screens, combined with the activation based on live location data modelling, allowed us to maximize the campaign's impact. The attention scores generated, exceeded the benchmark by outstanding 90%, indicating the effectiveness of our approach in capturing the audience’s attention. #DeepMedia #digitalmarketing #digitaloutofhome #campaignresults

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  • Unternehmensseite von Deep Media Technologies GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

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    🗣️ Last week, we hosted an OMR side event in Hamburg. Clients, colleagues and a network of forward-thinkers got together to discuss the latest trends and strategies in the field of digital marketing. Aiming to allow for meaningful conversations, we decided to offer a “Wine & Dine”. Away from the busyness of the OMR, this exclusive setting allowed to discuss relevant topics in depth with leading industry experts. ✨ The evening was filled with inspiring and enlightening conversations. We truly enjoyed getting together in person with clients, we mostly see online. Just as Scott Galloway was emphasizing in his OMR keynote this year – the best moments are created offline! 🌱 As a special highlight, the event started off with a keynote by Dr. Sebastian Stricker, Co-Founder of ShareTheMeal and share. Based on his experiences as a social entrepreneur he derived three key learnings. Firstly, purpose will always be a competitive advantage. This leads to his second takeaway that purpose leads to a better match of consumer needs, improved collaboration with partners and an increased motivation within the team. Lastly, to create purpose you need to define a social problem you want to solve. In doing so, your approach should be transparent enough to allow for authenticity and you should reflect on a reasonable boundary for the company’s profits since it still serves a social cause. Thank you, Sebastian, for these thought-provoking insights! 🙏🏻 Moreover, we want to thank everyone who joined us for this special event and contributed to making this evening truly memorable! #deepmedia #digitalmarketing #OMR24 #wineanddine #share #sideevent #trends

  • Unternehmensseite von Deep Media Technologies GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

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    “At Deep Media, I have the opportunity to collaborate with remarkable individuals, both on the client side and among my colleagues. I am constantly expanding my knowledge and skills, and I appreciate the team's high level of dedication, motivation, and collective commitment to personal and professional growth.” Meet Maria! Maria is leading one of our Client Services departments, where she… 🚀 …develops strong partnerships with our clients, 💡 …explores new, innovative opportunities for them and 🔁 …facilitates the collaboration and knowledge transfer within our team.   In her free time, you’re likely to find Maria… 🎺 …playing the trombone, preferably with her brass band colleagues or during carnival, ✨ …spending quality time with her friends or ⛵ …travelling with an ambition to improve her boating and sailing skills. If you're interested in innovative media concepts or topics like brass music and sailing, feel free to reach out to Maria. #deepmedia #digitalmarketing #meetheteam #clientservices

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