British Chamber of Commerce in Germany e.V. (BCCG)

British Chamber of Commerce in Germany e.V. (BCCG)

Außenhandel und internationale Entwicklung

Berlin, BE 4.533 Follower:innen

Building bridges for Europe's future.


The BCCG - the largest British Chamber of Commerce in Europe - is a privately-funded, non-profit-making membership network organisation. It was founded 1919 in Cologne and 1921 in Hamburg, closed in the early 1930s, and re-established in 1960 in Bonn/Cologne. The British Ambassador to Germany, H.E. Jill Gallard CMG, and the Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to the United Kingdom, H.E. Miguel Berger, are the patrons of the BCCG. Twelve honorary BCCG Regional Committees support the BCCG and Young BCCG members in Germany and the UK. BCCG and its large British-German entrepreneural and institutional network are first port of call for companies and professionals seeking advice in British-German business and trade. For its services to members and other interested parties, the chamber actively uses this network. The chambers' extensive database of members as well as British firms and affiliates doing business in Germany are key for these services. Members of the BCCG comprise about 900 professionals and companies, of which approximately 11% enjoy the special membership status "Sponsoring Membership". In addition to that, a number of members (up to the age of 40) have joined our Young BCCG programme. Our network consists of about 6000 personal addressees and we also maintain contact with our members in all European British Chambers also with the Council of British Chambers of Commerce in Europe (COBCOE), the Chamber's umbrella organisation. The BCCG co-operates closely with UK Trade & Investment, the British Government Organisation supporting both companies in the UK trading internationally and overseas enterprises seeking to locate in the UK.

Außenhandel und internationale Entwicklung
2–10 Beschäftigte
Berlin, BE
International Trade, Membership Support, British German Business Membership Organisation, British German Trade, Events, Government Relations, Business Missions, Insights, Professional Development, Stakeholder Engagement und Shared Values


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    Heidestraße 58

    Besuchereingang: Heidestraße 59

    Berlin, BE 10557, DE


Beschäftigte von British Chamber of Commerce in Germany e.V. (BCCG)


  • Webinar der Young BCCG zur UK-Wahl am 22. Juli ab 18:30 Uhr 🗳 📊 💻 Großbritannien hat am 4. Juli 2024 ein neues Unterhaus gewählt. Nach 14 Jahren stellt Labour wieder die Mehrheit und Sir Keir Starmer hat als Premierminister gemeinsam mit seinem neuen Kabinett die Arbeit aufgenommen. Was bedeutet dies für die zukünftige Rolle Großbritanniens in Europa und der Welt? Wir wollen gemeinsam mit Dr. Nicolai von Ondarza, Leiter der Forschungsgruppe EU/Europa bei der Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), über den Wahlausgang, die innenpolitische Dimension dieses Wahlergebnisses und die außenpolitischen Konsequenzen sprechen. Nicht zuletzt wählte der neue britische Außenminister David Lammy Deutschland als Ziel für seine erste Auslandsreise. Schaltet Euch gerne dazu und diskutiert mit uns gemeinsam Eure Fragen und Perspektiven auf die neue britische Regierung und ihr Verhältnis zur EU! Nutzt zur Registrierung den Link unten in den Kommentaren 👇

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  • Vielen Dank, Elke Benning-Rohnke, für die Expertise und den interessanten & informativen Impulsvortrag im Rahmen unserer SHeconomy Virtual Talks Reihe letzten Freitag sowie den Einblick in viele persönliche Erfahrungen. Eine großartiges Rolemodel für female Leadership und eine inspirierende Persönlichkeit für Frauen mit beruflichen Ambitionen und Karrierezielen! Der Talk war viel zu schnell vorbei. Vielen Dank hier auch an unsere vielen Teilnehmer für die Offenheit in der Diskussion und den fruchtbaren und positiven Austausch. Wir haben festgestellt, gerade bei den Themen, vor welchen typischen Hindernissen Frauen in ihrem Berufsleben stehen und mit welchen Herausforderungen sie auf ihrem Karriereweg konfrontiert werden, gibt es weiterhin sehr großen Redebedarf. Danke auch an PHILIP MORRIS GMBH (PMG), die dieses Format und den Raum für viele tolle und inspirierende Frauen ermöglichen. #FemaleEmpowerment  #WomeninLeadership #SHeconomy

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    Revealing Election Insights: Panel discussion ignites lively debate!   Yesterday’s discussion, hosted by BCCG’s London and Southern England Committee, in partnership with GSK Stockmann and Sovereign Strategy, regarding EU-UK relations was remarkable. Following the Welcome Remarks by Chairman of the London Regional Committee, York-Alexander von Massenbach, the event provided insightful discussions on recent European elections and the future of EU-UK relations. HE Miguel Berger delivered the Keynote Speech. His insights added significant depth to the discussion on the crucial matters shaping the future of Europe. The huge success of the event is most and foremost because of the panel speakers, Professor Sarah Hall, Deputy Director and Senior Fellow at The UK in a Changing Europe; Stella Creasy MP, Member of UK Parliament; David McAllister, Member of the European Parliament; Elmar Brok, former Member of the European Parliament for almost 40 years and Alan Donnelly, Executive Chairman at Sovereign Strategy and former leader to the European Parliamentary Labour Party for two years.   Thank you for sharing your invaluable thoughts with us!   #UK #PanelDiscussion #Elections photos: Chamitha Bandara

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  • Unternehmensseite von British Chamber of Commerce in Germany e.V. (BCCG) anzeigen, Grafik

    4.533 Follower:innen

    Last Friday, 5 July, we co-hosted our General Election breakfast briefing at the House of Lords, together with our colleagues from the British Chamber of Commerce in the Netherlands (NBCC). The event was attended by well over 100 members from both our Chambers, who thoroughly enjoyed this special occasion. Thank you to our Board Member and Chairman for Scotland Alexander Altmann, who guided the presenters through the briefing. Unser UK-Wahlevent im House of Lords am letzten Freitag, 5. Juli, war ein großer Erfolg. Zusammen mit der Britischen Handelskammer in den Niederlanden (NBCC) empfingen wir über 100 Mitgliedsunternehmen, die spannende Vorträge unserer Experten im Nachgang zur Wahl hören konnten. Wir danken unserem Vorstandsmitglied und Chairman für Schottland Alexander Altmann für die Moderation der Veranstaltung. Heute findet um 10:00 Uhr MESZ, ebenfalls zum Thema UK-Wahl, unser Webinar „Richtungswahl in Großbritannien – Expertenanalyse der britischen Parlamentswahlen vom 4. Juli 2024“ u.a. mit Dr. Jens Zimmermann, MdB, online via Teams statt. Wenn ihr kurzentschlossen noch daran teilnehmen möchtet, findet ihr den Registrierungslink in unseren Kommentaren. 👇 Registriert euch noch schnell und ihr erhaltet gleich den Einwahllink zum Webinar. #politics #ukelection #experttalk

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  • You and your colleagues are cordially invited by BCCG’s London and Southern England Committee, in partnership with GSK Stockmann & Sovereign Strategy to our exclusive panel discussion: Understanding the impact of the EU elections – What is the future of the EU and UK’s relationship? Please join us for what is sure to be an insightful and thought-provoking discussion on the future of UK and EU relationship, on Wednesday, 10 July 2024, 15:30 - 18:30 h BST, at Intuit HQ – 5th Floor, Cardinal Place, 80 Victoria St, London SW1E 5JL. With Keynote Speech from our Patron H.E. Miguel Berger, Welcome Remarks by York-Alexander von Massenbach, Chairman of the UK London Regional Committee and a member of the Board of BCCG & Joel Gladwin, Senior Manager, International Corporate Affairs at Intuit. A Panel Discussion with: David McAllister MEP, Member of the European Parliament and Chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee, Elmar Brok, Former Member of the European Parliament, Professor Sarah Hall, Deputy Director, UK in a Changing Europe, Stella Creasy MP, Member of UK Parliament, Labour and Co-operative Party. And Closing Remarks by Alan Donnelly, Executive Chairman, Sovereign Strategy. Find further information and the webinar registration link in our commentaries below. 👇

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    4.533 Follower:innen

    Today, one day after the UK elections, Michael Schmidt and Mark Roberts continued the initiative with the Parliamentary Group UK-NRW in Parliament, with a contribution on Trade Barriers and the current state of and challenges to the bilateral trading position. Clearly HM Consul General Nick Russell was waiting for government appointment's and policy but was nonetheless most helpful in fielding election questions as well as commenting on the valuable joint work with BCCG being undertaken in NRW and at national level. This is fundamental work for BCCG and we are grateful to the Chairman of the parliamentary Group Henning Höne and his group for providing the opportunity for such valuable face to face dialogue. The subjects will be followed up during the remainder of 2024 and through 2025.    Michael Schmidt commented: I was pleased to contribute a position contribution on Friday morning as votes were still being counted in the UK! The current governments here and in the UK still face this challenging list of barriers with more challenges to come, but we now assume with renewed energy. Orchestrated by Mark Roberts, and with gratitude to Henning Höne, this was another opportunity to further our part in the valuable work necessary by so many agencies and I view this work as one of our leading priorities for the months to come.    Mark Roberts commented: This crucial subject is only delivered and solved in cooperation with policy makers, government diplomats and agencies working closely with industry and commerce at all levels. It is great to see the progress being made and the chance to remove some of the uncertainty and bureaucracy hampering corporates from increased bilateral trade. There are issues in both countries but many can be solved if they are made transparent and the complexity as well as inflexibility reduced to a minimum by both countries. Foto: Carolin Rosendahl

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  • Ein Tag nach den Wahlen in Großbritannien hat der Vorsitzende der Deutsch-Britischen Parlamentariergruppe Dr. Jens Zimmermann zum Gespräch ins Jakob-Kaiser-Haus eingeladen. Gemeinsam mit der britischen Botschafterin Jill Gallard CMG CVO, Dr. Franziska Hagedorn, Referatsleiterin für Großbritannien im Auswärtiges Amt (Federal Foreign Office) Germany, und Mitgliedern der Deutsch-Britischen Parlamentariergruppe trafen wir uns zu einem sehr produktiven Austausch, bei dem wir die jüngsten Wahlergebnisse in Großbritannien und deren potenzielle Auswirkungen auf die Beziehungen zwischen Deutschland und dem Vereinigten Königreich eingehend diskutierten. Die Bedeutung des kontinuierlichen Dialogs und der engen Zusammenarbeit, um gemeinsam weiter Ziele zu erreichen, ist unbestritten. Wir sind sicher, dass die deutsch-britischen Beziehungen auch in Zukunft von gegenseitigem Respekt und einer konstruktiven Zusammenarbeit geprägt sein werden. Wir freuen uns auf die Fortsetzung des Dialogs mit der neuen britischen Regierung und die weitere Stärkung der deutsch-britischen Freundschaft! #politics #freundship #BuildingBridges  

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  • Wir gratulieren dem zukünftigen britischen Premierminister Keir Starmer. Es liegen große Aufgaben vor der neuen Regierung. Wir freuen uns auf die Zusammenarbeit. #UK #freundship #BuildingBridges

    Profil von Keir Starmer anzeigen, Grafik
    Keir Starmer Keir Starmer ist Influencer:in

    Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. Labour MP for Holborn and St Pancras and Leader of the Labour Party. Former Director of Public Prosecutions.

    Today, Britain’s future is on the ballot.

    • A photograph of Keir and Vic Starmer walking to their polling station to vote
  • Through our BCCG Foundation, we were able to organise and support an internship this summer in cooperation with Careers Service, University of Oxford. aylin gurleyen is a British student of Experimental Psychology at Oxford University and is currently in Berlin for an internship at Stgilesmedical London & Berlin. Stgilesmedical has offices in Berlin and London and supports various medical institutions with communication services and networking events. One of their successful projects are short films for medical professionals and Aylin is currently involved in the production of new medical films and podcasts during her time in Berlin. It's always great to see that we can contribute to the connection between Germany and the UK in such a direct way. Our thanks therefore goes to everyone who supports our Foundation and we wish Aylin and Steven Walker from Stgilesmedical the very best for their work together! #BuildingBridges #BCCGFoundation #network

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