


Lübeck, Schleswig-Holstein 1.532 Follower:innen

Die Experten für TBM Tunnelbau


Energie, Enthusiasmus und Leidenschaft, damit nennen wir nur ein paar Dinge, die uns täglich antreiben die Welt des Tunnelbaus immer wieder zu erkunden, zu verstehen und die uns veranlassen das meiste aus jedem Tunnelbauprojekt herausholen zu wollen. Mit langjähriger Erfahrung in der Tunnelbaubranche als planendes, beratendes und auf TBM gesteuerten Vortrieb spezialisiertes Ingenieurbüro schauen wir, BabEng, positiv in die Zukunft. Mit unserem Team teilen wir die Philosophie des einvernehmlichen Respektes und die Herausforderung am Erfolg des Unternehmens zu wachsen – von Machbarkeitsstudien zu Entwurf und Planung, von Bauanfang bis Fertigstellung. Das Arbeiten mit Teams aus den unterschiedlichsten Sprachkulturen und Ländern hat dabei unsere Fähigkeit gestärkt schnell interkulturelle Einstellungen und Methoden des jeweiligen Landes zu adaptieren. Unsere langjährige Erfahrung und unser gesammeltes Wissen zu nutzen, dabei ein Auge auf die neuesten Technologien zu haben, ist was wir lieben und worin wir am besten sind. Das wollen wir nutzen, um alle involvierten Personen zu unterstützen. Das ist unsere Mission.

11–50 Beschäftigte
Lübeck, Schleswig-Holstein
Underground Construction, Compressed Air Works, Engineering and Consulting, Data Management, TBM Trouble Shooting, QA/QC, Face Pressure Calculations, Construction Management Services, Independent Expertise und Software Development


Beschäftigte von BabEng


  • Unternehmensseite von BabEng anzeigen, Grafik

    1.532 Follower:innen

    Let’s meet at booth 1115 at the NAT 2024! On the 23rd June, the North American Tunneling Conference is happening in Nashville and we will be there! The NAT is bringing the brightest and most innovative minds in the tunneling and underground construction industry together. If you want to catch up or want to know more about how we can help you on your project, visit us at our booth! We are looking forward to seeing you!

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  • Unternehmensseite von BabEng anzeigen, Grafik

    1.532 Follower:innen

    We have been re-certified on the Safety Culture Ladder! At BabEng, we value and strive for the highest safety standards. Through continuous training and workshops, we ensure that all our employees are always familiar in the latest safety protocols. It is with great pleasure that we can announce our successful recertification on the Safety Culture Ladder. This certification assesses the safety consciousness and practices of our employees and leadership. The emphasis on corporate culture, attitudes, and behaviours toward safety plays an important role in the evaluation. Investing in safety today lays the foundation for a safe future where every team member looks out for one another, reports hazards, and contributes to a safer workplace for everyone. Stay safe, stay responsible, and let us continue to elevate the safety standards in the tunneling industry to new heights!

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  • Unternehmensseite von BabEng anzeigen, Grafik

    1.532 Follower:innen

    Another tunneling project reached its successful conclusion! The second drive of HOFOR’s Kalvebod Brygge Skybrudstunnel, an over 700 m long pipe jack in Copenhagen, started in early January and finished a week ago after four months of excavation. This was the second part of a technically challenging alignment crossing Det Ny Teater, all railway lines of the Copenhagen main station, highly contaminated soil, areas of dense urban development, the O2 main road and finally the Copenhagen Metro. As part of the Joint Venture with NIRAS, JACOBS and GEO, BabEng had the chance to contribute to the project from start to finish line. So did our two engineers Insa Jungmann and Frieda Lange, who planned the tunnel from the first draft throughout the detailed design and the tender phase. During construction, the BabEng team was expanded on-site assisting with construction management and compressed air interventions in highly contaminated ground necessitating full protective gear and air venting wells. Especially memorable for us was discussing and finding solutions with HOFOR for the challenges arising throughout the project.

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  • Unternehmensseite von BabEng anzeigen, Grafik

    1.532 Follower:innen

    Sehen wir uns bei dem 17. Nürnberger Informations- und Erfahrungsaustausch zum Rohrvortrieb? Erfahrt alles über unsere erstklassigen Ingenieurleistungen: Ob Rohrvortrieb oder XXL Tunnel, diskutiert mit uns neueste Methoden und innovative Lösungen. Lasst euch von unserem Team zeigen, wie wir mit unserer Software TPC helfen sicherere und effizientere Tunnelprojekte realisieren. Wir freuen uns darauf, euch wiederzusehen und euch kennenzulernen!

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  • Unternehmensseite von BabEng anzeigen, Grafik

    1.532 Follower:innen

    Recently BabEng conducted a cutterhead inspection, which once again shows how important an intervention is, directly after passing through a sealing block, to thoroughly clean the tools and openings. Before the cleaning work began, the cutterhead was so profoundly clogged, that the steel structure was barely visible. Even after 3 days of intense cleaning under compressed air, some of the smaller cutterhead openings are still entirely closed off and the tool gap, as well as the scrapers are clogged with concrete remains, mixed and rehardened with excavated material. This inspection has sparked a discussion at BabEng, whether the commonly used material for sealing blocks is the appropriate one, or if we should be looking for a better suited alternative.

  • Unternehmensseite von BabEng anzeigen, Grafik

    1.532 Follower:innen

    Happy International Women's Day!   Today, as we celebrate the achievements and contributions of women worldwide, we want to take a moment to highlight the incredible women who are making waves in the tunnelling industry and within our team!   At BabEng, we couldn't be happier to have a remarkable proportion of talented women in our engineering department. Together, we're building more than just tunnels; we're constructing a future in which the skills and passions of each individual are valued and encouraged.   #WomenInConstruction #WomenInTunnelling #IWD2024 #IWD #InspireInclusion

  • Unternehmensseite von BabEng anzeigen, Grafik

    1.532 Follower:innen

    Join us in congratulating one of our newest employees on an incredible achievement! Diego Nicolás Petraroia has successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis on “Hybrid lining segments for mechanized tunneling” and passed the doctoral examination. Your dedication, hard work, and brilliance have truly paid off.    Here's to a well-deserved achievement and the beginning of an exciting new chapter! 

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