studio asisi

studio asisi

Künstler und Autoren

Studio for spatial art. We create the world’s largest 360° panorama experiences. Real virtuality. Immersive art.


Studio for immersive art. We create the world’s largest 360° panorama experiences, art installations, digital art...

Künstler und Autoren
11–50 Beschäftigte
Panorama, Kunst, Architektur, Ausstellung, art installations, immersive art, exhibition concepts und spatial art


Beschäftigte von studio asisi


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    🟨 COLOMBIA’S GOLD IS ITS PEOPLE 🟨 On 5th July, we and Yadegar Asisi opened the doors of the Asisi Panorama Berlin at Checkpoint Charlie and hosted a special temporary exhibition. Organised in collaboration with the Colombian Embassy and the Colombia Nos Une programme of the Colombian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the exhibition shows works by Colombian artists living in Germany. The golden canvases painted with portraits reflect life in diaspora and homeland, symbolise Colombia‘s current identity in its unity and diversity and are part of a project to prepare a panorama in Colombia. Inspired by his trip to Colombia, Yadegar Asisi created the first portrait in this collection under the motto: "The gold of Colombia is its people." The golden canvases, previously shown in an antiwar exhibition in Leipzig, are part of an initial project idea in Colombia, which also includes the potential conversion of a former bullfighting arena into an exhibition venue with a panorama and golden surfaces. After the presentation in Berlin, the works will be exhibited in Colombia. 🇨🇴 🇩🇪 Because Colombia and Germany share a commitment to preserve a common identity by recognising and honouring their cultural diversity, it was a pleasure to welcome so many guests from so varied backgrounds, and to share a moment together punctuated by inspiring speeches (Yadegar Asisi, Yadir Salazar Mejia, Cem Özdemir), local culinary specialities, and music (it's fair to say that the group Doctor Krápula gave the panorama another vibe!). We would like to thank the Colombian Embassy in Berlin, in particular Ambassador Yadir Salazar Mejia and her team, the Colombia Nos Une programme of the Colombian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and especially the participating artists for their valuable support and contributions to this project. ➡️ The exhibition will be on show for a two week period at asisi Panorama Berlin (6.7. - 21.7.24).  More information on our website: die-mauer.deMathias Thiel, Sebastian Kuhl, Ginny Lehmann, Andres Muñoz Claros, Carolina del pilar, Gina Rosas Moncada, Joan Imitola, Jonathan Visual, Xueh Magrini Troll, and many more...

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  • Unternehmensseite von studio asisi anzeigen, Grafik

    1.185 Follower:innen

    We have news from Constance. Anyone who has been following us for a while will already know. We have been working for several years on a special project that will summarize the time of the Council of Constance (1414-1418) in a single panorama. The first and only papal election on German soil brought half of Europe together in this tranquil town on Lake Constance. The digital art work is already in the final stages and will be finalized in the coming months. The rotunda construction began at the end of 2023, and after a lengthy foundation phase, parts of the floor slab are now already visible. The renowned architectural firm Sauerbruch Hutton from Berlin was responsible for the urban planning and building design. Excerpt from the project description: “With an exceptional height of 50 metres, this project forms a new landmark upon approaching the city of Constance. Responding to its location in a traffic-oriented urban landscape, in which the building is mainly experienced in motion, the design uses the principle of kinetic polychromy. The building sets itself visually in motion.” We are delighted with the construction progress and can hardly wait for the first timber components to grow upwards, as the building’s supporting structure is mainly made of timber trusses. This is also a first for us - never before has a panorama building been constructed in this way. Conventional steel or concrete structures were primarily avoided here for reasons of sustainability. Another unique feature of this rotunda is that, in addition to the exhibition space on the first floor and the 30-meter-high panorama, it is crowned by a gallery level and an open rooftop restaurant that offers an incredible view of Lake Constance and the Alps. We are happy and eager to present this new panorama in Constance in 2025, which we hope will reflect the richness of the city and convey its history. Further news from the construction and Panorama production will follow regularly. --- Parkhotel Pforzheim Tritthardt + Richter Büro für Leichtbau Ingenieurbüro, schlaich bergermann partner, Lina Lahiri, Jürgen Bartenschlag, Madeleine Appelros, Mathias Thiel, Ginny Lehmann, Jörg Tritthardt, Alexander Zech (...)

    • (c) Maik Vivas
    • (c) Sauerbruch + Hutton
    • (c) Maik Vivas
    • (c) Maik Vivas
    • (c) Sauerbruch + Hutton
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    Unternehmensseite von MUTEC anzeigen, Grafik

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    Der Mai ist wahrhaftig der Museumsmonat 📅 Viele relevante Veranstaltungen im Museumsbereich finden traditionell im Mai statt, darunter die Museumsnacht in Halle und Leipzig am 4. Mai. Pünktlich zur "Blauen Stunde" warteten spannende Programmpunkte und überrasschende Mitmachaktionen. Mit 19.000 Besucher*innen sowie 85 beteiligten Museen, Galerien und Sammlungen war die 14. Museumsnacht erneut ein großartiges Kulturereignis. Die MUTEC war natürlich auch dabei und besuchte das Panometer Leipzig - ein ehemaliger Gasspeicher, der seit 2003 die größten Panoramen der Welt präsentiert und Millionen von Besuchern mit 32m hohen Rundbildern von Yadegar Asisi / studio asisi beeindruckt 🖼 Die aktuelle Ausstellung “DIE KATHEDRALE VON MONET - Freiheit des Malens” lässt die Besucher*innen in ein Ölgemälde eintauchen und sich in Frankreich vor knapp 150 Jahren wiederfinden. Yadegar Asisi komibiniert mit dem 3.500 Quadratmeter großen impressionistischen Kunstwerk klassische Maltechniken mit modernen Technologien, begleitet von Musik und Lichtspiel. Ist das vielleicht die Zukunft einer Kunstausstellung? Einen Besuch ist es auf jeden Fall wert! #museumsnachthalleleipzig #panometer #studioasisi #yadegarasisi #diekathedralevonmonet

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  • Unternehmensseite von studio asisi anzeigen, Grafik

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    The journey is almost over, after the long work by Yadegar Asisi on the oil painting, the second opening of the 30 meter high 360° installation in Leipzig after France, the digital collection CANVAS LEGACIES is now almost complete…

  • Unternehmensseite von studio asisi anzeigen, Grafik

    1.185 Follower:innen

    CANVAS LEGACIES First digital art collection by Yadegar Asisi / studio asisi 🗺 We have been creating panoramas for 20 years. The largest photorealistic 360° installations in the world. Over 30 meters high and 100 meters long. Installed cylindrically, the images become rooms that you can enter, which in turn reveal an endless space. Hundreds of visitors see and experience exactly the same thing, united by the moment, but above all by the emotional group experience. 🎨 Our panorama project THE CATHEDRAL OF MONET is based on the first panorama painted exclusively in oil on canvas by Yadegar Asisi. It seems irrational that our first digital art collection was developed from this purely analog painted image. Here are some basic thoughts on this and why we have just started on the path to digital art and will continue to develop it. 🖼 How do we look at paintings? We approach from a distance and get closer and closer. Ultimately, we want to see how the brushstrokes are guided, we want to "feel" the thick application of paint with our eyes. We want to feel the time the artist has spent on it. We are fascinated by how an object viewed from a distance becomes an almost informal collection of a few brushstrokes if you get close enough. 👁 The natural barrier that our eyes present when looking at an object can only be broken with technological effort. The visible expands into infinity as we cross this boundary. Everything that light and color could ever do is contained in every single brushstroke. This is precisely our approach to the purely digital collection. 🌠 With CANVAS LEGACIES, we are pushing forward towards infinity. Into the complexity and the informal world of color, pigments and canvas structure. Using focus stacking, we got so close to the main protagonists, some famous Impressionists and Post-Impressionists who are part of the painting, that independent works were created. It was important to us that we only worked with light in order to preserve the original colors; other techniques were deliberately avoided. 💫 We are looking at something that we cannot actually see and yet we make it visible. The origin is the uncontrollable fusion of an infinite number of color pigments - the physical world. However, we can only explore it digitally. What we see here is neither analog nor purely digital, it is neither one nor the other. This state has aspects of both worlds, its classification remains undecided. Exactly 150 years ago today (April 15, 1874), the first exhibition of what later became known as the Impressionists opened. Seven impressionists / post-impressionists, who are positioned in the few light-flooded areas in the panorama painting, are translated into 6 digital works. They stand for a departure from academic dogma, they are the liberators of painting. This collection of 6 digital artworks, minted in the form of NFTs on the Ethereum blockchain, is dedicated to them. Minting window open until April 30.

  • Unternehmensseite von studio asisi anzeigen, Grafik

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    Once again a sensational result. Many thanks for the consistently excellent cooperation. Chapeau, Moss! 👏 #panorama #immersiveart #art #immersive #YadegarAsisi studio asisi Tritthardt + Richter Büro für Leichtbau Ingenieurbüro #PanometerLeipzig #Panometer #Leipzig #Moss

    Unternehmensseite von Moss anzeigen, Grafik

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    Our team in Germany successfully completed our 10th project with Berlin-based artist Yadegar Asisi at the Leipzig Panometer. A work of art that transports viewers to 19th century Rouen, the exhibition, The Cathedral of Monet, featured a monumental panorama fabricated by our experts. The art was unveiled in front of 200 guests, including individuals from the German Federal government and cultural organizations. The full piece consists of 27 fabric sections measuring 101 ft (31 m); a week of printing and three weeks of sewing were required to execute the project. Our entire German team was needed to lift the weight of the 2,200 lb (1.000 kg) Dekotex fabric into the transportation box when it left our Lennestadt facility. Every installation with studio asisi is always special, but we were especially honored to take part in this stunning exhibit! #TeamAsisi #MossGermany #GlobalCapability

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    Profil von Mathias Thiel anzeigen, Grafik

    Managing & Creative Director studio asisi Berlin concept / staging / curator / [digital] art collector

    THE CATHEDRAL OF MONET by Yadegar Asisi / studio asisi The exhibition THE CATHEDRAL OF MONET has been open in Leipzig since March 16. This is the first time I have curated an exhibition that focuses on the paintings of Yadegar Asisi. But what is painting today? On the one hand, exactly 150 years ago, painting freed itself from the dogma of the academic definition of art, from institutional guidelines and clients; on the other hand, it was faced with a gigantic technological advance - photography. Why paint anymore? But from a distance, from a panic, something developed that increasingly became an entire genre. I believe that photography is only now, almost 200 years later, experiencing a freedom that painting has always had but which has been confined by institutions over the centuries to an increasingly narrow space. Today, photography is freed from the camera, the location and even the light by AI models. We can create photographs without pressing a shutter button, the light we use for this has been captured for centuries (Roope Rainisto), its effects documented and is now perfectly implemented by AI to create photographs for us, call it what you want. Analog painting, analog photography and their digital equivalents are moving towards each other, we cling to pigeonholes but it seems to be overpowering, everything is converging and creating infinite freedom in image reproduction. This momentum is absolutely comparable to the time of the Impressionists. Their first exhibition took place exactly 150 years ago, visitors probably only came to be amused, there were hardly any sales. The history of art has always been characterized by rejection. I think it has to be like this. Artists are the people who take us into areas that we don't understand, that seem irrational to us and lie outside our understanding of the world. They open these doors for us that only they can open; we need longer than they do to get involved. Yadegar Asisi's solo show at the Panometer Leipzig also bears witness to this. Painting has constantly entered into new relationships over the past century. These relationships have led to feedback. Technological leaps never take anything away from us, they always add something. The new that arises from this leads to artists leaving certain genres or young generations only engaging with this new aspect. It's as simple as that. Yadegar Asisi is one of those artists who have always implemented these new aspects in their work, so his qualifications and portfolio have grown to such an extent that it is almost impossible to identify a clear genre. In a way, the exhibited works reflect the progression of technological influence on painting. Everything is allowed, it has always been like this. Embrace it, you won't stop it. THE CATHEDRAL OF MONET is a tribute to a generation of artists who first took this path, it is a metaphor, its bright white facade the leviathan, the white whale. photos by Tom Schulze

    • 360° panorama installation (30m high)
    • original painting by Yadegar Asisi, oil on canvas, 180 x 567 cm
    • First digital art collection by Yadegar Asisi / studio asisi: CANVAS LEGACIES.
    • First digital art collection by Yadegar Asisi / studio asisi: CANVAS LEGACIES.
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  • Unternehmensseite von studio asisi anzeigen, Grafik

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    DIE KATHEDRALE VON MONET Vernissage, 15.3.2024 - Recap Mit rund 250 Gästen haben wir am vergangenen Samstag die Eröffnung des Panoramas DIE KATHEDRALE VON MONET gefeiert. Nach der Premiere im französischen Rouen im Jahr 2020 ist das Projekt nun erstmals in Deutschland zu sehen. Wir danken den Rednern Cem Özdemir, Vicki Felthaus, Bazon Brock, Mario Bermel und all unseren Gästen, die diesen Abend unvergesslich gemacht haben. Es war großartig mit euch! THE CATHEDRAL OF MONET Vernissage, 15.3.2024 - Recap Last Saturday, we celebrated the opening of the panorama THE CATHEDRAL OF MONET with around 250 guests. After its premiere in Rouen, France, in 2020, the project can now be seen in Germany for the first time. We would like to thank the speakers Cem Özdemir, Vicki Felthaus, Bazon Brock, Mario Bermel and all our guests who made this evening unforgettable. We had a great time with you! studio asisi -------- Yadir Salazar Mejia, Peter Janssen, Johanna Janssen, Mathias Klinger, Frank Wipperfürth, Nils Rüstmann, Ingo Kersten, Norman Wiese, Nils Duerr, Steffi Busse, Kichiro Solo Osei K., Alexander Wiredu, Kai Imhof, Younes Mohammadi, Vishal Shah, Renata Kudlacek, Carsten Dietmann, norina quinte, Sibylle Wagner-Quinte, Christian Gute, Alexander Zech, Andreas Krebs, Lina Lahiri, Eric Babak, Stefan Hasenknopf ... u.v.m.

  • Unternehmensseite von studio asisi anzeigen, Grafik

    1.185 Follower:innen

    Celebrating a milestone of studio asisi: 𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐝𝐮𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐕𝐀𝐒 𝐋𝐄𝐆𝐀𝐂𝐈𝐄𝐒 𝐛𝐲 𝐘𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐫 𝐀𝐬𝐢𝐬𝐢 Today is a landmark day for studio asisi as we proudly unveil the CANVAS LEGACIES series, a testament to the fusion of traditional artistry and cutting-edge digital innovation. Launched in conjunction with the monumental panorama installation, THE CATHEDRAL OF MONET, in Leipzig, Germany, this event marks a pivotal chapter in our artistic and digital journey. 🎨 𝐀𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: CANVAS LEGACIES is an exclusive series of 6 digital artworks, each available in just 25 editions. Crafted by multidisciplinary artist Yadegar Asisi, these pieces represent a seamless blend of his signature oil painting techniques and the expansive vision of panoramic installations, now reimagined in the digital realm of NFTs. The series constitutes our first step in an experimential journey into blockchain-based digital art. 🚀 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐖𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐰 𝐎𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐬: Tonight at 7pm CET, we embark on a new era of digital artistry with the official opening of the minting window. This is your opportunity to own a piece of this unique collection, available globally via the Ethereum blockchain. 🔗 𝐄𝐱𝐩𝐥𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐈𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞: We invite you to delve deeper into the CANVAS LEGACIES project and discover the intricacies of this project. For all the essential details and to begin your minting journey, visit the official project page: Join us in celebrating this momentous occasion and be part of the iconic fusion that is CANVAS LEGACIES.

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