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I am posting this here as this question is currently higher in Google search results than others. In my case LocalDB couldn't be started from IIS. I followed the this SO comment's suggestionthis SO comment's suggestion to modify C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\config\applicationHost.config to add setProfileEnvironment="true" to the App Pool as described in Using LocalDB with Full IIS, Part 1: User Profile. I actually changed the applicationPoolDefaults's processModel's setProfileEnvironment attribute to true and it worked as well which might be better so you don't need to remember to do it for every new App Pool.

I am posting this here as this question is currently higher in Google search results than others. In my case LocalDB couldn't be started from IIS. I followed the this SO comment's suggestion to modify C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\config\applicationHost.config to add setProfileEnvironment="true" to the App Pool as described in Using LocalDB with Full IIS, Part 1: User Profile. I actually changed the applicationPoolDefaults's processModel's setProfileEnvironment attribute to true and it worked as well which might be better so you don't need to remember to do it for every new App Pool.

I am posting this here as this question is currently higher in Google search results than others. In my case LocalDB couldn't be started from IIS. I followed the this SO comment's suggestion to modify C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\config\applicationHost.config to add setProfileEnvironment="true" to the App Pool as described in Using LocalDB with Full IIS, Part 1: User Profile. I actually changed the applicationPoolDefaults's processModel's setProfileEnvironment attribute to true and it worked as well which might be better so you don't need to remember to do it for every new App Pool.

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I am posting this here as this question is currently higher in Google search results than others. In my case LocalDB couldn't be started from IIS. I followed the this SO comment's suggestion to modify C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\config\applicationHost.config to add setProfileEnvironment="true" to the App Pool as described in Using LocalDB with Full IIS, Part 1: User Profile. I actually changed the applicationPoolDefaults's processModel's setProfileEnvironment attribute to true and it worked as well which might be better so you don't need to remember to do it for every new App Pool.