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What are approaches to identify the meaning of columns in a dataframe based on similarity to known column instances

In my domain we can perform upon to 12 tests on a substance, and record results for each of the tests at different pressures e.g. between 10 and 20 steps between 0 and 6000 psi. for each substance ...
user1199100's user avatar
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Is this classifier better than a random guess?

I'm working with the SAMHSA Mental Health Client-Level Dataset. I'm trying to train classifiers to predict the disorder given the rest of the columns. There are 14 binary disorder columns (bipolar, ...
Jackson Walters's user avatar
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Academic name of dataset preparation method with hierarchical-learned labels? - E.g., cold→half-cooked→cooked

What's the name of the dataset preparation method indicating hierarchical ontologies? Assume photos of cold, half-cooked, and fully-cooked chickens. Annotate with temperature data. E.g., at current ...
Samuel Marks's user avatar
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How can I labelling a sequence of network traffic to one single classification?

I want to labelling network traffic (several .pcap-files) to different classifications. But this network traffic are not just one entry, there are sequence of entries (~50). So how is it possible, to ...
user155518's user avatar
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What is a good approach for classifying pairs of mutually dependent populations?

Imagine you have several pairs of populations - 1a and 1b, 2a and 2b, ... , na and nb. 'a' denotes a normal population and 'b' - an affected population. Populations 'a' and 'b' are mutually dependent ...
Hayes's user avatar
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Movement in cohorts

I am working on a user sales data which gets updated week over week. Based on the sales done in each week, the user is categorized in segment A, B or C. This means size of each segment could change ...
Sham's user avatar
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Which model to use for multitarget classification with strong class imbalance and many categorical variables?

I have a small dataset 79 observations in 21 variables. Almost all the variables are categorical variables in the format yes/no or 1/2/3. I would like to predict jointly three of these variables ...
Alberto De Benedittis's user avatar
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How do I Classify text data with multiple sub labels? [closed]

If I have data that was like this How can I train keywords and try to classify them into these labels what was the best algorithm to try this and labels are not limited to 4 might increase and some ...
User1086's user avatar
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The paradox of Imbalanced binary classification ¿To do something or to do nothing?

Context: Suppose we are interested in deploy a machine learning model to solve a problem of binary classification; furthermore, assume that the dataset $\mathcal{D}$ for the training of our model ...
Ramiro Hum-Sah's user avatar
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Multi-label Classifier underperforms individual classifiers

I originally trained multiple individual binary classifiers for each label of an image. Then, I realized I can train a single multilabel model for this task. I used binary_cross_entropy loss for this ...
DankMasterDan's user avatar
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Transform multi-class problem to multi-label problem

I found this question but I need an answer to the other direction. Example: Let's say we want to predict if a person with a certain profile wants to buy product A and/or B. So we have 2 binary classes ...
LineBreak's user avatar
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Some questions about supervised learning, model evaluation and preprocessing [closed]

I've been trying to employ some basic techniques of supervised learning on a dataset that I have and I have several questions about the overall procedure (i.e. data preprocessing, model evaluation etc)...
ChrisNick92's user avatar
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Two-level (large category and small category) label classification problem

At present, there is an app classification task, the input is the function description of the app, and the two labels are the major category to which the app belongs and the small categories under the ...
Paul Ji's user avatar
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What is the difference between LabelBinarizer and MultiLabelBinarizer?

I am trying to understand the difference between the two label encoding techniques for output variable. I have read things but still can't get a clear picture as what makes them different. Also can we ...
10sha25's user avatar
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OneVsRest Classification why do the probabilites sum to 1?

I am using OneVsRest Classifier in sklearn. So a multilabel model, 4 models for each class (i have 4 classes). When i called the predict_proba method i therefore get an array with 4 columns each one ...
Maths12's user avatar
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