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“ Do not kill and do not cause others to kill ”

The Abbot of Daihonzan-Eiheiji

My understanding is that the founder, Zen Master Dōgen, named this temple “Eiheiji” (“The Temple of Eternal Peace”), because he had a conviction that eternal peace is realized wherever it is practiced, following the teachings of Shakyamuni Buddha.

The world of Shakyamuni Buddha’s enlightenment shows us that all things are united and harmonized.

In any era, the cause of disturbing the world’s unity and harmony is human’s self-centered attachment, blindness, prejudice, self-interest, and desire.

Since World War II, the world has attempted to walk together following the ideals of harmony and cooperation.

However, once a leader who is dominated by self-centered interest and desire appears, the world will be chained again. It is an unforgivable act to forcibly try to take possession of another country with violence. It is unforgivable that there is a country which is now doing this.

Buddha's teaching is clear and concise:

  All tremble at the rod.
  All fear death.
  Comparing others with oneself,
  one should neither strike nor cause to strike.

≪The Dhammpapada≫ The rod or punishment, Chapter10-1
Translated by Narada Thera

It is my sincere hope that everyone considers others as themselves, and never causes painful and tragic conflicts.

A temple alive
with real Zen monastic practice

Eiheiji, "The Temple of Eternal Peace", is one of the two head temples of Soto Zen. It is located deep in the mountains, near the northwest coast of Japan, not far from Fukui City. This temple was founded by Zen Master Dōgen in 1244. He was offered land and other help for this by Yoshishige Hatano, a samurai who was one of his most devoted lay followers. Dōgen thus founded Eiheiji, where he devoted himself to training his followers in the perfection of Zen practice in every action of daily life. Dōgen Zenji's authentic Zen has been scrupulously observed and passed down by his successors. Still today, at Eiheiji over one hundred monks devote themselves wholeheartedly to his practice of shikantaza ("single-minded sitting").
In order to protect our traditional monastic practice and environment, we ask all visitors to follow our rules.

All visitors, even those who come only for sightseeing, are received and are expected to behave with respect as participants in religious activities.

  1. Please wear neat, modest clothing, suitable for a place of religious practice.
  2. Be quiet all times, especially in the zazen, lecture, and ceremony halls.
  3. When walking, either indoors or outdoors, always keep to the left.
  4. Do not touch the bells, drums, other instruments or altar furnishings.
  5. Smoking is prohibited except in areas specifically posted for smoking.
  6. Photographing the priests and monks is prohibited.
  7. Visitors who are intoxicated or who cause a nuisance will not be permitted to enter the temple, nor to remain in the entrance hall of the temple.
  8. Do not step into the gardens, but remain on the wooden corridor.

We hope your trip to Eiheiji will be a memorable experience for you.
Thank you for your consideration.


September 1st, 2020 
[Notice] We had been resume the visit to the main temple buildings of Eiheiji from June 1, 2020: find details.
September 1st, 2020 
At Eiheiji Temple, we have newly built a “Hand-washing facilities” at the entrance of the visitors. Please use for washing of your hands before visiting: find details.
Mar 28th, 2020 
[Updated] Notice of the cancellation of Overnight Stay Program (Sanro & Sanzen) and all Zen practice activities in view of the New Corona-Virus infection: find details.
[Important] All visitors cannot enter inside the buildings from April 1st, 2020 until the end of the coronavirus infection: find details.
Mar 18th, 2020 
Notice of the cancellation of Overnight Stay Program (Sanro & Sanzen) and all Zen practice activities in view of the New Corona-Virus infection: find details.
Feb 19th, 2020 
Notice of the cancellation of Overnight Stay Program (Sanro & Sanzen) and all Zen practice activities in view of the New Corona-Virus infection: find details.
Nov 18, 2019 
Applications for IZW program 2020: see the schedule.
Aug 28, 2019 
We have stopped accepting any more applications for IZW 3rd 2019 because there is no more place available.
July 1, 2019 
One-night stay Sanzen program for those who want to practice zazen more intensively has started. Please see the details.
May 27, 2019 
Accepting applications of IZW 2nd program 2019 has finished, because the number of applicants has reached the limit.
Apr 10, 2019 
Any reservations for Sanro Program until the end of August 2019 are not able to accept caused by no vacancy. Please see the details.
Feb 8, 2019 
Accepting applications of IZW Beginner’s program 2019 has finished, because the number of applicants has reached the limit.
Nov 15, 2018 
Applications for IZW program 2019: see the schedule.
Oct 1, 2018 
Accepting applications of 2nd IZW Sesshin program 2018 has finished, because the number of applicants has reached the limit.
May 21, 2018 
An English version of the website is now available.

Zen Village

Zen Village Stay
A redevelopment project is now in progress in front of Eiheiji. A new hotel marks a collaboration between the three parties of Daihonzan Eiheiji, Fukui Prefecture and Eiheiji Town.



Eiheiji is not just a tourist spot. Since 1244 and down to this very day, its halls have been filled with the sincere atmosphere of Zen practitioners unceasingly carrying out the Buddha’s teachings as they were transmitted by Zen Master Dōgen. You too can stay and practice zazen here, through the programs we provide.



A Zen monastery has often been likened to a forest, where the monks practice like trees and grasses growing together in peace and harmony. At Eiheiji, we devote ourselves to an ongoing wholehearted effort in accordance with the teachings of Zen Master Dōgen, the founder of Eiheiji.



Opening Hours

8:30 - 16:30

** Open all year round EXCEPT January 1st.
** The hours may vary according to the monastic schedule.

Admission Fees

- Adult: 700 yen
- Elementary and junior high school students: 300 yen
- Seven years old or under: free

** If you need assistance because of a physical disability, please ask at the reception desk.


Vermillion-Red Seal

Goshuin is a traditional document certifying that you have visited a temple or shrine. It is written in Japanese calligraphy and stamped. You can choose either a prepared goshuin certificate, or have it written in a notebook (also available for purchase here).

Opening Hours

8:30 - 16:30

If you would like to have your goshuin written in a notebook, please note that it will take a while to be prepared (about 30 minutes). So please order your goshuin before taking a look around the temple. If you finish your tour after our opening hours (after 16:30), your notebook will be returned to the main reception counter.
- Prepared goshuin certificate: 300 yen *1
- Handwritten in your notebook: 300 yen *2
- Goshuin notebook: 1,500 yen

*1 Ready on payment
*2 Ready in about 30 minutes

See More Information

5-15 Shihi Eiheiji-cho Yoshida-gun Fukui-ken 910-1228, Japan
Tel : 0776-63-3188
/ Fax : 0776-63-3631

© 2018-2019 Daihonzan EIHEIJI. All Rights Reserved.