Please Update Picturefill

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The following is a guest post by Mat Marquis. Mat has a important PSA for us regarding responsive images.

I don’t want to bury the lede: if you’re using a version of Picturefill from prior to 2.3.1, please update right away—update your /lib files, file an issue on your project, or run a quick npm update picturefill and let your mind be set at ease. There haven’t been any breaking changes in any version of Picturefill 2, so you shouldn’t run into any issues updating.

Nothing is on fire, here. Picturefill can’t have any critical security issues; nobody is going to cybercrack your megahertz as a result of a Picturefill bug, or however it is hacking works on television. What this issue could mean for your project is broken images, and what it could mean for web standards—well, that has the potential to be a bigger issue.

The Issue

Using older versions of Picturefill, you may get broken images in both the WebKit Nightly and the Microsoft Edge preview. This is what we in the responsive images industry call “having a bad problem.”

A small but important part of the responsive images specification is the addition of a currentSrc property on img, allowing us to get the currently displayed source via JavaScript. With the plain ol’ img of years past, we could always assume that the value of an src attribute was the source being shown—it was the only option for an image source, after all. Now that we have tons of new options for serving images in more responsible and context-appropriate ways, that src attribute may not contain the source currently being shown to the user—hence currentSrc.

Picturefill polyfills this by writing the current source to a custom currentSrc property, and browsers without native responsive image support won’t mind this. However, the native currentSrc implementation in browsers is read-only. The crux of the problem is that Picturefill makes use of the JavaScript use strict declaration, which means that Picturefill is highly vocal about potential errors. The last things we want when we’re trying to create a 100% spec-compliant polyfill that works everywhere are silent errors. When Picturefill tries to do something browsers don’t want it to, we don’t want the browser to make an exception for us. We want to know about the issue—and fix it—right away. In this case the browser objected to Picturefill attempting to write to a read-only property.

Picturefill relied on a test for picture element support to decide whether it should run at all—a holdover from its very first versions. When the WebKit and Edge previews rolled out support for srcset and sizes without picture, Picturefill’s test for the picture element failed, so it attempted to polyfill natively supported features. This included attempting to write to currentSrc, which resulted in a strict mode exception. Exceptions cause JavaScript to stop running, so Picturefill stopped—as a result, no images using srcset were displayed.

Our mistake—my mistake, honestly—was getting spoiled by being so tuned-in to native implementations. For a long time we had the luxury of a clear split in terms of responsive image support: either a browser only supported basic srcset (only the 1x, 2x “device pixel ratio” syntax) or it supported picture, full srcset, sizes, the whole works. Because there was such a predictable divide in browser support, this had always worked fine—and when things work fine, you don’t think much about them. Nobody notices when hinges don’t squeak.

The Bigger Issue

That’s bad, but easy enough to fix code-wise. It’s software; these things happen. That doesn’t mean these kinds of issues are anything resembling “okay,” but bugs do happen. The bigger problem is the potential scope of the issue.

Picturefill came along before picture, srcset, or sizes were a collective twinkle in a browser developer’s eye, and we used it as a prototype to inform the responsive images specification since the very first rough draft. After becoming one of the first real polyfills for all these syntaxes, Picturefill caught on in a huge way—a massive number of websites are using it. That makes this a serious issue, and not just in terms of missing images: if this issue should make it into stable browsers instead of just nightlies and preview builds, it would impact a huge number of websites.

For that reason, Microsoft Edge has temporarily removed currentSrc support; the first stable version will ship srcset and sizes without currentSrc. WebKit may well do the same. If the issue persists, though, we can’t know when that very necessary feature will be turned back on—if at all. Vendors can’t risk having hundreds—thousands—of websites breaking in their browsers. Until we update Picturefill, we can’t use currentSrc in WebKit or Edge—and if they scrap it entirely, the other browsers may do the same.

Seriously, Please Update Picturefill

Responsive images came about because of all of us. Not the RICG, not any one person, not any “core” group of influential web standards decision-makers—these are a feature that we designers and developers fought for, paid for, and made real.

The end-game for a new web standard is long, though. Now that we’ve started getting the responsive images we’ve been after for so long, it’s on us to keep it all moving in the right direction—and in this case, that means we need to do a little maintenance. That might be as easy as typing npm update picturefill or as complex as copying-and-pasting the contents of a file—but it’s a few minutes of work in either case. All of Team Responsive Images is here to help out if any problems should arise, too—you can bet we’re keeping a very close eye out for issues related to updating to 2.3.1, because all of our work depends on Picturefill staying out of the native implementations’ way. If you do run into any problems updating—though I don’t imagine you will—don’t hesitate to email me directly. The Picturefill team—and the entire RICG, if that’s what it takes—will help you get it solved.

Author’s Note: Thanks to Alex Jegtnes and Sarah Forst for editing.