Survey Language Options

You can customize the text and language used in your survey to change it to a language other than English, or just to change the English text that is used by default.

To do so, edit your survey and click on Edit Language in the tabbed navigation. Click on Edit language pack.

This page allows you to edit the language strings. You can use existing language settings as a basis for your new language. It can be a custom language setting you already created or one of the default Crowdsignal settings for different languages.

Edit your new phrases as you see fit:


At the end of the page you must enter a name for your language setting. If there’s one there already, then you’re editing a custom language. Updating the name of the language settings will rename the language settings. It will not create new language settings.

Any surveys using the changed language settings will be rebuilt. Reload any pages containing embedded surveys to see the changes.

Now, click on the blue Save Settings button for your changes to take effect:

Here’s the new survey language pack in action, as seen by a direct link to the survey:

Language packs will override any language setting you have for the survey or your account.

Note: If you leave an item blank, the default will be used.

Default Phrases You Can Modify

There are a host of default English phrases that you can customize to the language of your choice:

Phrase: Continue
This phrase is shown when a user returns to a survey.

Phrase: Start Survey
This phrase is shown when a user first starts a survey.

Phrase: Survey Completed
This phrase is shown when a user finishes a survey.

Phrase: Please review your answers for this page, there was a problem with one or more of them.
This phrase is shown when there is a problem with data entered.

Phrase: This question is mandatory.
This phrase is shown when the question is mandatory.

Phrase: You must enter a valid email address here.
This phrase is shown when an email address is invalid.

Phrase: You must enter a valid URL here.
This phrase is shown when a URL is invalid.

Phrase: You must enter a valid data here.
This phrase is shown when a date is invalid.

Phrase: Close Survey
This phrase is shown when closing a survey.

Phrase: Q
This is shown before a question number (i.e. Q1).

Phrase: Other
This phrase is shown when a question has an “other” response.

Phrase: Password Protected
This is shown when a survey is password protected.

Phrase: Please enter your password to unlock this survey
Instructions on how to enter a password.

Phrase: Access Blocked
Title shown when a user does not pass the whitelist restrictions.

Phrase: You do not have access to this survey. Please contact the survey owner for more details.
Details shown when a user does not pass the whitelist restrictions.

Phrase: Finish Survey
This phrase is shown on the final page of a survey.

Phrase: Page [current] of [total]
Shows a respondent’s progress in a survey, with [current] and [total] replaced with page numbers.

Phrase: Survey has already been completed
Shown when a participant tries to start a single-response survey they have already completed.

Phrase: Please submit a file less than [size].
Shown when a file is submitted that is too large. [size] is replaced with the maximum size.

Phrase: Please enter a valid phone number
Shown when a phone number is invalid.

Phrase: Please enter a valid number
Shown when a value is not a number.

Phrase: Please enter a number within range
Shown when a number value is not within range.

Phrase: Survey Closed
Shown when a survey is closed.

Phrase: This survey is now closed. Please check with the person or website that sent you here for more info.
Details about why a survey is closed and what to do.