Survey participant report

The participant report shows a list of those who responded to your survey. To access your participant report, hover over the title of your survey in your dashboard. Click on Results:

Then click on Participants:

You will be shown a table of respondents:


Click on the View Response link to see how the individual answered each survey question:

You’ll be able to see how the individual answered each question in your survey:

Click on the star next to View Response to highlight the response for later analysis. Note that if a participant chose not to answer a particular question, the message “The respondent skipped this question” will show beneath the question.

When you click on View Response, in addition to the individual answers, you’ll see a Participant Information box on the right-hand side of the page. You’ll see the participant’s location, Response ID, IP address, the time the participant started the survey and the time that the participant finished the survey.

Click on the Print button to print the individual response. Click on the Delete this Participant button to remove the participant’s responses from your survey results.